醉滋味玻璃燒燒物,自家中式靚湯,特製咖喱及各種特式小炒,令你一試難忘. 露天平台,雅緻裝修,令美食更添滋味。 繼續閱讀
酒吧: 供應生啤,啤酒,日本酒,紅酒及白酒
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
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食評 (10)
等級2 2013-01-13
255 瀏覽
尋日同男友去左呢間餐廳食晚餐,完全唔得。平價食材,貴價兼唔飽。廚房唔夠人,而且煮得完全唔好食。我個餐$198+1,包括任飲1.5小時同以下既野:任飲:你叫完d員工都好耐先拎比你!除左青島同汽水,千祈唔好叫菠蘿汁同紅莓汁,因為只係糖水!主菜:一件羊架(無味兼好細件)配菜極小,得薯仔一件仔同少少菜,仲要唔好食既。任選12款玻璃燒:名就靚喇!但完全唔掂。食材平,而且食店好孤寒,五串沙嗲(肉同主菜件羊架一樣無味)、一串煙肉番茄仔(得兩粒同唔好食)、金菇肥牛X2(一樣好細件同無咩味)、多春魚(好細條)、冬菇同蕃薯(夠膽死比一小件)、菠蘿X2(竟然係苦的!)麵:蕃茄湯底/豬骨湯底或加錢$30-40要其他麵。我要左豬骨,黎到只係浄麺加兩條菜,湯底得個咸字!食到呢度已好想死。同男友快快手埋單。點知原來我仲有個甜品... 好啦,就食埋佢。原來係一杯連花奶都欠奉既細芒果味啫喱!呢間野真係一d誠意都無!絶無下次。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-08-15
135 瀏覽
被某飲食雜誌精美o既相吸引o左, 於是約埋朋友一齊o黎食。 Ordered o左個番茄阿拉斯加蟹肉凍湯冷麵 ($128), 但o黎o錯左, 搞到我等o左足足30分鐘先有得食, 仲要一句唔好意思到無! 味道方面, 只可以話淡而無味! 最後要用醋同辣椒醬o黎送碗麵, 好失望! 賣相方面, 同雜誌o既有出入。1) 蟹並唔係拆肉, 而且只係得3小隻蟹鉗, 一啖食o西, 並唔係相片入面o既4舊長蟹肉2) 番茄少o左一半 (相片中除o左一個完整o既番茄外, 仲有6片切o左o既番茄)講真, 成碗麵主要由麵﹑ 番茄同蟹肉組成﹐ 但竟然其中兩樣有出入, 有 d 過份o咼!!最後, 侍應唔識自動加水, 亦都唔識主動留意入面o既檯需唔需要服務, 搞到我同其他食客要企o係到或行出去﹐ 真係要改善一下!o甘o既價錢o係一間服務未到加o既餐廳食一碗唔足料o既麵, don't think I'll be back... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-03-06
74 瀏覽
Vermicelli and flat rice noodles are boring that’s why the noodles here attracted me.There are so many different types.The last time I had some decent noodles was at Happy Noodles in Happy Valley because they had Laksa and Tom Yum Kung soup base.Anyway I came here especially for the noodles with abalone and fish maw which cost $138.The udon with garoupa and the noodles with prawns both cost over $100 per bowl.The rest of the choices could be ordered at other restaurants so I chose the abalone and fish maw.However I felt the noodles were rather expensive because at Maur's Kitchen in wanchai you can order abalone or parma ham noodles for $88 excluding service charge.There are five types of noodles which can be seen in the picture below.I chose the bottom most one which is a flat noodle sheet cut in triangles.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fish maw and abalone noodlesFor a bowl of noodles costing $138 you could imagine the most important item is the Abalone, so I was expecting to see the abalone or the presentation as good as their product picture above.But all I could see was the vegetables on top.Anyway, I found the Abalone and fish maw in the end underneath the noodles.The noodles which were cut in triangles reminded me of wonton skins cut in half.But overall the noodles tasted great, and the soup was nice and gelatinous.The fish maw was nice, but it was slightly too fishy.The abalone was soft and fresh.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chili sauceThey make their own chili sauce and you can also buy jars of it to take home.The chili sauce tasted really nice.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★While I was waiting for the food I noticed so many abalone shellsFor improvements I think they should improve on the presentation before serving it, but then I did not see the noodles when it left the Chef's hands, the abalone and fish maw may have sunk beneath while it was being brought over to my table. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-02-16
45 瀏覽
馬拉松前夕,和老公仔到Gym 房向肌肉作最後的呼喚稍舒腳頭後,就來到預先買了團購劵的醉滋味此店的英文名,More than Noodles,是其創作概念其中以花膠鮑魚麵和東星班麵最引人著目店員服務態度有禮誠懇先端上青瓜薄脆,青瓜爽口味酸,十分醒胃原條海東星新鮮拆肉,新鮮煮製,肉質結實之餘富魚鮮香麵質較稔,掛湯力強,但較欠咬口湯底無加味精,用魚骨熬製的湯底呈奶白色,混合香濃豬骨湯還透出微微鮮蘑菇香,整體頗出色的湯底即叫即燒,包括雞翼,馬來沙爹串,餃子,冬菇,菠蘿利用德國三百八十度之高溫玻璃燒製,使食物更快熟以鎖住水份既能做到原汁原味,雞翼和沙爹串更是外脆內嫰,十分滋味北海道牛奶布甸剛吃過Milk Top的高質牛乳布甸,這裡的也不差質感幼滑,入口極富奶味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-01-27
33 瀏覽
这家店开了不久,卖的是fusion的贵价面,装修的比较现代,而且有酒吧区域。我们提前订了位子,结果发现完全没有必要,整个晚上包括我们只有两台客人,可能由于价格的原因。点了招牌的鲍鱼花胶面,和图片一样,确实有两只小鲍鱼,很新鲜。花胶也有很大几片。汤底很鲜美,是炖汤熬出来的,面选了上海面,很筋斗。出色的一碗面,虽然价格有些小贵(138),不过也算物有所值。 朋友点的咖喱牛腩面,牛腩超多,铺满了整碗面,咖喱味道超浓,闻着都很香。葱油饼一般。送的奶茶,茶很浓,奶另奉可以自己加。服务不错,很亲切。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)