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東京壽司名店,店內裝修採用日本長野檜木,隱約傳出陣陣木香。食材每日從日本直送,並由壽司師傅在當地市場挑選。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2022-24), 米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2019-21)
12:00 - 13:30
18:30 - 22:15
12:00 - 13:30
18:30 - 22:15
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食評 (41)
等級3 2024-01-02
5378 瀏覽
有時飲食嘅樂趣,唔單只係喺舌尖嘅那一瞬間,而係整個旅程嘅感受🍣。Sushi Saito正正就係將每一啖飯滾,每一片魚生,都變成一段小旅程。特別鍾意呢啲咁精緻嘅料理😋,每樣嘢食前面都有一段故事,一啲準備工夫,真係值得細細品嚐。鮑魚同八爪魚,勁爽口,鮑肝醬那種膏滑,簡直係完美嘅夥伴。然後話說北海道毛蟹嘅滋味,真係無得輸,甜甜地,蟹味濃郁得來又唔膩口。稀罕之處就喺於呢個大拖羅,油脂分佈得啱啱好,入口即溶,真係幸福到爆炸!新鮮係基本,但將新鮮變得有滋有味,需要嘅係師傅嘅巧手同埋心思。難忘嘅還有小肌,清爽得嚟唔失彈牙嘅口感,攞魚味平衡得漂亮。鯖魚卷更加令人讚好,醬香味溫柔地封存咗海洋嘅鮮甜,每一啖都食得到師傅嘅用心👉🏻。總括來講,每一樣餸菜都有自己嘅性格,任何一個環節做得唔夠好,都唔會有呢個驚喜啖啖菜嘅進階享受。簡直就係一趟味覺嘅旅行,唔止食飽,仲要食得開心,食得滿足!👅💯🥢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-08-01
6714 瀏覽
saito一直是所谓的预约困难店,但是由于晚市分两轮的关系一直也没有特别想要来吃,这次有朋友订到了位置,便随缘来试一下。第一道是冻食的海胆茶碗蒸,口味一般。 之后的第一道酒肴鲣鱼,鱼材新鲜,好吃。之后的鲍鱼、八爪鱼、大蚬三拼里面,鲍鱼非常惊艳,不论是柔软度还是肝酱的调味,个人感觉不输志魂。八爪鱼煮的很棒,但是调味略甜。大蚬也是一样,食材和熟度都是很棒的,调味有点甜。(这个可能是个人口味,同行的朋友挺喜欢的)。之后是一个肝酱配饭,超级好吃。他家的醋饭偏咸硬,是我喜欢的口感。之后是伊式龙虾汤,龙虾鲜甜,汤是勾芡过的我不喜欢,这道好吃但是同类型我更喜欢zinc师傅的龙虾蒸蛋,那个才是yyds。之后的烤喉黑没毛病,肥美,烤的也恰到好处。然后进入寿司环节,分别有石雕鱼 深海池鱼 新子 赤身 中托罗 大托罗 车海老 马粪海胆以及海鳗鱼。寿司捏的很好,有空气感,舍利也是我喜欢的。所以大部分寿司都很好吃。稍微差一些的是大托罗有筋,海鳗鱼对我来说太太太甜,新子偏酸,不过总体还是非常满意的。 最后的太卷应该是特色里面一共有十五种食材,例如明太子,白虾,大虾,玉子,干瓢,吞拿鱼,鳗鱼等等。说实话我个人是不太喜欢,各种味道并不是很搭,不过同行的朋友们好像都挺喜欢的。最后的玉子,汤,蜜瓜正常吧。整体来说肯定是好吃的,几道我不满意的可能也更多是口味问题,但是性价比一如所料的低,加一后接近3800的价格,一个半小时就匆匆忙忙把我们打发了,晚饭吃的紧张感十足,并不能好好享受。食材方面也没有匹配的这个价格。ps网上说的我感觉是真的,其实没那么难定,就是要熟客,是日一共5位客人。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-07-11
5018 瀏覽
Last time I visited this famous sushi restaurant was already two and a half years ago. That occasion I had a nice experience but it was only lunch as it was quite impossible to book for dinner. A few months ago, I tried my luck and cannot believe I was able to secure a dinner reservation! Taking the early seating at 6pm, it was with great anticipation I arrived at 45/F of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong. We were served in a different room from the last visit, but the décor and arrangements were similar. The L-shaped hinoki counter was a treasure, made from wood that was 400 years old. With an elegant touch but nothing extravagant, we settled comfortably beside a Japanese visitor, who has been a regular customer of Chef Masashi Kubota for many years, starting when he was still serving in Malaysia.There was only one Dinner Omakase Menu ($3,480 each) and I also ordered a bottle of Taihei-Zan Junmai Daiginjo Tenko 20 太平山限定酒 純米大吟醸 天巧20 ($2,980). This special sake came from Akita, made using premium Yamada Nishiki rice, with polishing to 20%. The delicate, smooth mouthfeel and nice elegance fragrance matched very well with the food on the night. The first course was Mozuku 水雲 with Sakura-Ebi and Bafun-Uni. The sea moss had refreshing sourness, highly appetizing as a starter. The addition of the Sakura shrimp provided a nice bite and hints of savory, contrasting with the very creamy sea urchin with sweet and umami flavors. The tiny leaves of Japanese pepper brought another level of fragrance for great enjoyment. Very nice.The second course was Saba 鯖, with the chef wrapping the sliced mackerel in a piece of konbu, then put some freshly ground sesame, together with menegi and dried seaweed, on top. Drizzled with homemade sesame shoyu, with a bit of wasabi, the sourness of the kelp reduced the intense fish oil of mackerel, with its rich flavors perfectly harmonized with the sauce and other condiments. Fantastic.The third course comprised of Awabi 鮑, Tako 章魚 and Shako 蝦蛄. Starting with the abalone, it was one of the largest I had eaten in Hong Kong. The chef had prepared the liver paste for dipping, with the very tender texture and wonderful umami on each bite simply phenomenal. The octopus tentacle was also very tender, braised beautifully to infuse with sweetness of the sauce. The mantis shrimp was equally tasty, having intense umami flavors. All great but the abalone was certainly my favorite. The chef even provided some shari, or sushi rice, with additional liver paste on top, for us to savor to the full extent. The fourth course was Ankimo 鮟肝. The monkfish liver was very large in size. The sou chef then trimmed and cut out a slice on the plate, served with a broth, before dusting with some yuzu peels. The melt-in-mouth texture was amazing, with the broth helping to keep it moist and enhancing even further the umami note. The genius touch of yuzu shavings added wonders too. Amazing.The fifth course was the highlight of the whole meal in my opinion. The Ao-Unagi 青鰻 was wild blue eel, and with 99% of the eel being farmed nowadays, this dish was very special and obviously pricey. Grilling to a nice crisp on the skin, the flesh was moist and soft, and the chef did not apply the eel sauce so we could taste the authentic and original flavors, drawing a round of exclamation from me because of how good it was. The pickled cucumber on the side was a nice touch to freshen the palate as well. Interestingly, the Japanese sitting next to me, who had been talking with Chef Kubota all night, was very happy seeing how I also appreciated the dish and began talking to me from this point. Moving on to the sushi section. The first piece was Ishigakidai 石垣鯛. The spotted knifejaw had a firmer and tighter texture than the more commonly seen sea bream, but with a richer, fattier, and more delicious with its nice umami flavors. Very good.The second sushi was Shima-Aji 縞鯵. The striped jack was right in season, being signified as a summer fish best during June to August. The nice firm bite, with the fatty flavors gave me a pleasant and luxurious feeling on the swallow. Very good too.The third sushi was Aji 鯵. Seeing the chef peeling away the skin and then cutting in the middle, before adding a bit of scallion as condiment, already started my mouth watering. One of my favorite fish, the Japanese horse mackerel had more intense and sweet flavors, with the scallions amazingly fragrant with even with just a tiny bit. Fantastic.The fourth sushi was Akami 赤身. The lean tuna had been marinated in shoyu briefly, with the chef timing it to perfection, resulting in the flesh being just right on its saltiness, and the shoyu able to enhance the umami notes to another level. The silky soft texture simply was unstoppable. The fifth sushi was Chu-Toro 中とろ. The medium fatty tuna had wonderful fish oil seeping out from each bite, and this cut was my favorite part of the maguro, having the perfect balance in fat content, as generally I did not like the super fatty belly in terms of its texture. Another wonderful piece.The sixth sushi was Kama-Toro かまとろ, which was the flesh around the jaw and collar of the tuna, and typically one of the fattiest parts of the fish and the most prized, as there was only very limited meat available. It was very rich in fish oil and did not have the chewy tendon often found in the belly. No wonder it was such a treasured cut. The seventh sushi was Kuruma-Ebi 車海老. The sou chefs brought out the freshly cooked large tiger prawns, removing the shell while still steaming hot, before Chef Kubota removed the guts and kneaded the sushi. The bouncy texture and sweetness in taste was memorable, really fantastic. The eighth sushi was Aka-Uni 赤海胆. Another expensive and rarely available ingredient, the red sea urchin had a delicate and beautiful sweetness, with none of the bitterness often found in other types of sea urchin. Honestly this was one of the best sea urchins I had tasted in town. My neighbor and us could not keep giving praise to the chef for the great choice of ingredients. Phenomenal.The ninth sushi was Anago 穴子. The Kyushu conger eel was grilled to perfection with uniform brown sheen. On the bite, it had great texture, completely dissolving in the mouth, another piece that brought a sense of comfort and happiness for me. As one of the customers could not take wasabi, the chef had given her piece to the Japanese customer as compliment, but he ended up handing the piece to my wife instead. Thanking him with a cup of sake in return, we continued to have some good conversation.The Miso Soup came next, warming our stomach while the chef started to prepare his signature rolled sushi. The soup had a nice fragrance with the miso, rich in umami, but not overly salty. Comfortable and satisfying.The last piece was Futomaki 太巻. Seeing how the chef showing off his knife skills and thinly sliced the cucumber was breathtaking, and there were so many different ingredients added, including karasumi, mentaiko, kanpyu, tiger prawn, monkfish liver, abalone, tuna, mushroom, egg, conger eel, cucumber, and radish, which was mind-blowing. The rolled sushi was very delicious and filling, completing the wonderful assortment of sushi to our best satisfaction. But knowing there were Shinko 新子 ($400) available I could not resist the temptation to request. The young gizzard shad was fetching a high price in the market and being so tiny it was unbelievable how much effort it took to prepare each tail, with each sushi also requiring a few tails to make, so many restaurants decided not to offer as a result. I liked how Chef Kubota did not marinate them too long, so the sour note was milder, and this was the reason why I liked eating gizzard shad in sushi restaurant, as it often highlighted the different unique styles from the chefs.There were two types of Tamago 玉子, one having a very soft, almost gelatinous texture, with the egg mixed with a lot of seafood so there were rich umami notes. The other piece was using the more traditional means to pan-fry, with more intense egg flavors and a firmer texture. Both were very good.Finishing with a slice of sweet and juicy Melon, I found that comparing with my last visit, this was an even better experience, not only because of the premium ingredients we were able to try, but also the relaxing ambience through the conversations with the Japanese customer. However, the chef might not be interacting with us that much which was a pity. The bill on the night was $11,374 and it was certainly not cheap, and the whole dinner was a bit rush to finish within two hours. But still a great place that any sushi lover must at least try once in my opinion. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-02-15
5736 瀏覽
🇭🇰 鮨.齋藤 SUSHI SAITO📍 45th Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Finance St, Central🎖️米芝蓮一星餐廳 (9/10)一行八個人包場食dinner 😋店員好有禮貌招呼同埋詳細講解每一件食物,熟練的日本師傅手勢真係唔同級數。鮟鱇魚肝、螢光魷魚、鮑魚配特制鮑魚醬、鮑魚醬飯團、吞拿魚、右口魚壽司、海膽、太卷、淡雪士多啤梨、綠茶帶子玉子燒同埋鯛魚壽司🍣美食當前當然唔少得🥃 ,飲咗好多Sake 、白酒、香檳。大滿足的一個晚上🌃 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2022-08-11
9125 瀏覽
等了三個月,終於可以返來食dinner 啦。前幾天還說會打風,好擔心冇得食,一路打電話想問如果晚上8號風球怎樣安排,都係冇人聽,咁就照出門口啦,應該唔會晚上七點掛8號風球掛,好彩最後3號風球🤣刺身鮑魚燒魚同壽司都發揮一向的水準,最好彩今日有得食申子,真係可遇不可求,因為一年得一個月有得食,同埋好睇師傅有冇入,實在太開心了🍣 今晚又食勻,等三個月到抵,期待下一次再返嚟。同行另外兩Pair 都係情侶,我同朋友開咗支酒,唯有細聲講大聲笑,如果嘈到其他人,真係唔好意思😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)