食評 (16)
等級1 2011-11-03
105 瀏覽
見到佢開左好耐,,,今日終於食左啦是日有6隻味,,個店員介紹左,,原來係3隻酸3隻甜我個人比較中意食酸d ge所以揀左原味同埋藍莓之後去揀d topping有好多比我地揀,,佢係分,一邊生果,,一邊係零食種類都好多,,,d生果都幾新鮮,,旦我冇揀到(因為生果都幾重下,,,計重量的)到最後揀左d 餅碎,,棉花糖,,糯米池diy 完杯 yogurt 好開心d topping 同 d yogurt 好夾~~~d yogurt 唔會好似出面咁有好重奶味真係yogurt黎~~~~超中意呀 haha佢個藍莓就甜左少少比錢個時,,店員比左印仔卡我,,,,吸夠7個可以減$21,,,,,,唔錯=] 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-09-18
59 瀏覽
下班後去吃宵夜,終於使用了上次收到的五元現金劵。臨近關門時間,已沒有荔枝味可選,唯有斟了蜜瓜味,不算甜也不太酸,有淡淡的蜜瓜味,味道尚可。今次乳酪融化的速度慢了,亦沒有冰塊在內。生果很甜,質量不錯。價錢比預期貴,用了現金劵也要$31,不太抵食。我們在對面的許留山談天,所以見證了Cherry on Top收舖的情況。店員先將所有剩餘的乳酪倒進桶中,再洗機,感覺頗衛生。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-09-11
12 瀏覽
Sometimes when I walk past the flavours are boring, but today they had creme brulee so I stopped to try it.Athough it was probably due to creme brulee essence they used for the flavouring, it was quite nice and the taste of creme brulee was quite strong. The vanilla one kept its standards.But for any froyo flavour that isnt the original flavour, I do not have the expectation of real froyo taste.I just expect it to taste like cold milky soft serve with flavour.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $12 Service: OKYummy factor: OKEnglish menu: YES and pictures◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-08-20
17 瀏覽
I'm pretty tough on the recent slew of froyo shops that have opened especially because I don't believe that many of these shops have a reason to exist. Cherry on Top is one of them. Although I'm very critical, I still do give other shops credit such as Orangi-yo and YoMama's decent rating (just in case some people think I don't give nice reviews). So on to this one...Cherry on Top is a chain from California. I have a love for Yogurtland and Pinkberry which are both big chains in the U.S. and California is where they started so I'm familiar with Cherry On Top chain (in California) even before it came to Hong Kong. Now I'm not sure what happens to some of these chains when they mix their yogurt in HK, is the milk or yogurt fresh? I suspect they are using powder because it's not the same taste nor texture. Anyone else who's tasted in California care to comment? It's WAY better there.Oh, I almost forgot to take a photo before I finished it. And actually I got over $25 worth, but I was surprised it was SO expensive even though there's so little. Cherry on Top is similar to another yogurt shop here that likes to confuse customers by giving the price by ounce (oz) not by grams. So when I did my metric conversion, this place comes out more expensive. Back to the yogurt...So that's all that was in my cup after a couple spoon scoops. now you see why not only is this not worth it, but I found the yogurt icy, almost tasteLESS and melted pretty fast in some of the machines I tried. Again, there's a major issue with the staff not taking care of their machines. The yogurt came out watery in one. I tried the original tart, lychee and another one that was so unmemorable I don't actually remember it now (was it coconut?). toppings were not impressive, quite a small selection and unattractive looking. And there was an older man at cash register. perhaps around 40+? I assume he was the owner? Well, I was quite upset because I saw that the customer in front of me got a chop card. When it came to me, I got nothing. I kind of waited too, and they gave me nothing. That is really sad service, hope he's got someone else training his staff. there's no where to sit down so I stood nearby the shop for at least 5 - 10 minutes and there were no customers while I stood outside. i would say that the product, service and management need to improve before anyone starts coming regularly. And just one YoMama or Crumbs moving in nearby will pretty much close this shop down. Pretty sad considering Cherry On Top is one of the better shop in the US., can't say the same for Hong Kong. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-07-12
5 瀏覽
果日放假,去開將軍澳,發覺原來新開左一間賣yogurt的店本身鐘意食yogurt+未試過呢間,所以第一時間衝去試入面有成六種不同的yogurt口味可以揀我同個fd一人一杯~~我見到有益力多味咁特別,之前都無食過,所以就試下除左益力多,緊係仲有我最愛的藍莓<3而我個fd佢就揀原味~~~~揀完yogurt後,就去揀配料~~~佢地有好多不同配料揀lor,超正!!!!!!揀左Oreo餅碎+乳酪燒餅+糯米糍D糯米糍煙煙韌韌,好有口感~第一次食益力多味yogurt,好好味!同藍莓味好match!!!!甜酸程度岩岩好!!!!超好味!!推薦!!!!跟住我又試左個fd的原味試完後,完全愛上原味!!(因為本身鐘意酸!!!!!XD)可以自己DIY整一杯yogurt,真係又好玩+又好食 繼續閱讀
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