港鐵中環站 D1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
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由倡導改寫意大利美食規限的拿坡里廚師主理,以現代烹飪技術創作融合家鄉菜特色的精緻料理,加上藝術風裝潢,是約會的好地方。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2023-24)
12:00 - 16:00
18:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金
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食評 (52)
等級4 2024-05-28
871 瀏覽
If you are looking for an upscale, refined but not restricted restaurant, may I present Estro located in Central. This small but spacious restaurant recently acquired a Michelin star but online chatter has always been positive.$$$The lunch menu has three choices, 3 courses at $680 (appetizer, pasta, main), 4 courses at $780 (2 appetizers, pasta, main), and 5 courses at $980 (2 appetizers, 2 pasta, main). Dessert is an additional $120. We went for the 4-course option.The interior decoration is worth mentioning, with amazing architecture, and a selection of art-ware that accentuates the experience.AperitiveA trio of delights, recommended to start from lightest to richest. The Spring Pea tartlet is extremely fresh and crunchy, minimal seasoning so you really get that strong grassy yet sweet pea taste. Followed by a rich eggplant puree in this cracking shell topped with tomato jelly, fancy. Ended this little journey with a dual egg tart; egg salad on the bottom and salmon roe on top, umami! However, the most spectacular thing this small endeavor had was the opaque liquid they gave at the end to cleanse our palette, this liquid only contains cucumber and green apple, and when I say it is the most delicious liquid I have ever had. So rich and sweet but had savoury undertones and I was so close to asking for a glass of this but embarrassment got the best of me.AppetizersThe first of our two appetizers was a Raw Amberjack that is delicately paired with juicy mandarins, bright dill, and a creamy soy emulsion. Definitely did not expect this from an Italian restaurant but very pleasing to eat.The second was perhaps the most memorable and delicious course; their signature minESTROne. There was a whole garden on my plate from root vegetables such as kohlrabi and carrot, to cruciferous plants such as broccoli and romesco. And the amazing thing was that everything was perfectly cooked and bite-sized so eating was an ease! Hiding under this garden was a parsley custard aka a steamed egg which was silky and a great accompaniment to the vegetables. The vegetable consume poured on top reminded me of the insanely delicious cucumber water from before as this consume was rich and deceptively flavorful given its clarity. Really really delicious and highly recommend.BreadThe bread here is unfortunately not made in-house but you would have never guessed it due to the elusive nature of the crafted bread basket. There is a strong, tangy, and chewy Rye Sourdough; a soft, seasoned, fluffy Potato Focaccia; crispy and thin bread crackers decorated with fennel pollen; and finally traditional Taralli flavored with lard and black pepper which melts in your mouth.Accompanying the bread is a selection of olive oil (guests can choose which intensity they want but we obviously asked to sample all of them). The differences between the oils are very distinct and increasing intensity does increase the bitterness of olives which some may dislike. In my honest opinion, none of the olive oils really spoke to me.But that’s okay because what I smeared onto every bite of bread (I cleaned up two portions of butter) was their buffalo milk butter with anchovies, ultra creamy and slightly salty; great with all of the bread.PastaFor the pasta course, me and my friend got both the availible dishes so we could try both. Mine was the Riso with spot prawns in the richest lobster-bisque-style sauce. But perhaps the most mind-boggling part were the pasta which resembled risotto but tastes like pasta, a plumper version of orzo if you will. Very interesting mouthfeel with the raw-like prawns. Hearty portion that is on the verge of being too much.The other pasta is Scialatielli with zucchini, this green pasta is deceptively creamy and flavorful but simultaneously light and fresh. The homemade pasta is chewy and thick but absorbed the sauce very well.Personally enjoyed my Riso more because of its richness and complexity.MainHaving heard great things about their fish, I opted for the Blue Spotted Bream. Loved the perfectly grilled asparagus on the side with minimal seasoning to highlight this seasonal ingredient. Bream is flaky yet meaty just barely cooked so you do get some fishiness which is removed by the fresh parsley sauce with hidden umami from the seawater. Lovely main and use of techniques to highlight the ingredients. Which is what fine dining is all about.Sweet EndingThe end of this luncheon featured the best Pistachio Gelato I’ve ever had. Extremely strong pistachio flavour which contributes to its natural green hue and rich creaminess. The crushed pistachio in the bottom added another layer of textures and crunch which is highly appreciated. However, the most impressive part is how they served this in chilled glassware. This small detail really left an impact on me and needs to be actively implemented in more places.Other sweets we had was this very buttery shortbread filled with a tangy and vibrant lemon curd which was followed by a revamped Ferrero Rocher; a hazelnut encapsulated by a hazelnut ganache which is surprisingly less sweet than I imagined.Very nice ending but I really wished they sent me off with another shot of their vegetable juice because yes, I am still thinking about that sorcery.SummaryI hope you were able to vicariously experience this luncheon and hope you get inspired to try out Estro if you have money to spare or looking for a nice place for special occasions. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-02-24
1633 瀏覽
从来未试过咁难饮嘅Wine Pairing,质素认真差。介绍嘅时候话好特别,饮完之后知道真系好特别,系特别难饮过特别。咁高级嘅餐厅,咁好食嘅食物。但系,谂都谂唔到啲酒嘅质素,真系好唔掂。原本期待一个难忘的晚餐。结果,真系好难忘。都唔知点解可以俾啲咁嘅酒嚟配搭咁好嘅食物。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-01-13
1884 瀏覽
生日飯,特登揀咗米芝蓮,3個禮拜之前已經book咗枱,期間冇收到任何通知話要俾訂留位,直至到訂枱前四日,突然之間喺夜晚收到個訊息,我張枱已經被取消。WhatsApp話我12點個booking已經被取消,但係我個Booking其實係13:30 。Send WhatsApp詢問之下先知餐廳喺2pm send咗個email嚟叫我俾錢。 我問客服點解send咗email六個鐘之後就取消我張枱,email明明話我有廿四小時去比訂。客服顧左右而言他,但係並沒有作出解釋。 (1)餐廳搞錯我book枱嘅時間 (2) 點解六個鐘就取消我張枱。我唯有重新喺OpenRice 再訂過同一個時間。 今次我入到佢哋嘅網頁睇晒佢哋網頁入邊有咩規矩,發現book枱時間13:30, last order亦都係13:30。 咁我又問客服,兩個時間撞埋一齊我點落order? 客服居然話佢已經將我嘅訂枱時間改到13:00。而期間並沒有詢問我13:00可唔可以或者我趕唔趕到。未食,啲服務就已經係咁樣,令我感覺餐廳想點就點,其實餐廳只要同客人多啲溝通就好容易可以避免呢一種誤會。難怪見到幾個post都話啲服務態度差。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-09-16
3357 瀏覽
Estro - Michelin⭐️出品穩定,尤其是每次都好期待食佢哋嘅Bottoni,係一間會經常心血來潮想返去嘅意大利Fine Dining🧡·Amberiack | oregano, capers, citrus·Green Minestrone| basil custard, zucchini"trombetta"·Red Prawn| coral pannacotta, lemon, caviar 🧡·Bottoni buffalo robiola, yellow tomato, basil🧡•Pappardelle| morel mushroom, mushroom jus🧡·Fettuccial blue lobster, chili 🧡·Market Fish| vegetable "millefoglie", mussel and vermentino sauce·Veal onion, artichoke, onion jus·Vaniglia.....#hkfood #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodlover #hkfoodpic #miffyeatwell #hkfoodie #estro #estrohk @estro.hk 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-09-09
2714 瀏覽
米芝蓮星級餐廳Estro,坐落於中環,以其卓越的意大利菜餚、優雅的環境和世界一流的服務而聞名,係2023新入選米芝蓮一星嘅餐廳🌟🍴 6 道主菜 $1580 ▫️紅蝦魚子醬奶凍🦐 (+$500)Estro招牌菜❣️品味一道結合鮮美紅蝦、奢華魚子醬,以及滑順奶凍嘅美味佳餚,結合多重精緻風味及質感。▫️藍龍蝦🦞藍龍蝦嘅鮮味,配以淡雅的醬汁調味,讓龍蝦的風味完美咁散發出嚟。▫️鮮茄圓意粉🍝擇星招牌意粉❣️煙韌嘅手製意粉,配搭難以想像嘅爆汁內餡,只能在Estro才能享受得到。▫️濃蝦粗管意粉🍝醬汁香濃,食完嘴內仍留有濃蝦嘅鮮味,中間有少少鮮蝦刺身中和番,完美!▫️和牛🥩 (+$440)輕輕香煎嘅和牛油脂分布平均,配搭超濃菇菌製成嘅醬汁,仲有一層層黑松露嘅配菜,超滿足!▫️朱古力慕絲🍰甜品以朱古力慕絲、雪芭及其他精緻小點作結,朱古力係偏濃既黑朱古力,中和其他甜點嘅甜。Michelin-starred Estro, nestled in Central, is an Italian culinary masterpiece, celebrated internationally for its exceptional dishes, elegant ambiance, and world-class service. Earns its first Michelin star in 2023🌟🍴 6 Courses $1580 ▫️𝑹𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒏 🦐 (supplement $500)•coral panna cotta, lemon, caviar𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲❣️Indulge in a delicacy featuring succulent red prawns, luxurious caviar, and a silky coral panna cotta, a symphony of exquisite flavors and textures.▫️𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 🦞 •citrus sabayon, turnip, consommèSavor a sumptuous blue lobster dish adorned with a delicate, light sabayon, elevating the lobster's flavor to sublime heights.▫️𝑩𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊 🍝•tomato “scarpariello”, basil𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻-𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗮❣️ Tender pasta parcels filled with vibrant tomato filling, bursting with rich, savory flavors in every bite.▫️𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒂 🍝•spot prawn, almond milk, chiliAl dente pasta rings envelop succulent prawns, harmonizing in a seafood symphony of flavors.▫️𝑲𝒊𝒘𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝑩𝒆𝒆𝒇 𝑴9🥩 (supplement $440)•seared tongue, wild termite mushroom, preserved black truffleExquisite marbling, melt-in-your-mouth tenderness, and unparalleled flavor, a true carnivore's delight.▫️𝑪𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒂 & 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 🍰Rich chocolate mousse cake accompanied by an array of delightful mini treats. 繼續閱讀
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