港鐵旺角站 A2 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (208)
等級1 2024-04-06
106 瀏覽
店鋪不大,大概就是7-8張台,週六下午茶時間,堂食有4台客。環境幽靜,客人斯斯文文,都是三五知己聚聚聊聊,感覺舒服自在。店內只有兩位員工,碰巧有幾位客人預定及攞蛋糕 ,店員親切的請等位的人稍等,等了一陣就可以order,過程都算流暢,唔耐。入座幾分鐘內,食物飲品🍸都已經上齊,幾有效率,期間蛋糕🍰先上,店員主動解釋,飲品已在沖調,稍後就準備好。 服務態度值得一讚🌞點了百香果芝士和cappuccino,百香果的酸甜配搭芝士,一點都唔漏 ,剛剛好,咖啡也是正常水準,完美的下午茶。 繼續閱讀
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Lamlam脷🍰係一間千層蛋糕專門店🍰,價錢好親民,所以被譽為平價版LadyM。🍑開心果💚顏色好綠,但第一啖吾係好食得出開心果味🥲,反而奶味🍼比較重,要食多幾啖先食到🍴。千層蛋糕忌廉好滑,裡面仲撈咗開心果果仁碎,幾好食。但相比起第一次食,今次就冇咁驚豔🍑烏龍茶芝士奶蓋🍵🧀烏龍茶味道好出🍵,茶味好重,但有啲蓋過咗芝士奶蓋🧀,奶蓋味偏淡,單食係有微微芝士味,但份量都有啲少😓,得最前端部分有,食到最後冇奶蓋做中和,茶味苦澀味就更加明顯😖,啱吾太喜歡甜味既人,會喜歡 繼續閱讀
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層數多,賣相靚,價錢中等偏貴,$36起/件我未必會再返轉頭食佢。1個人食1舊多啲已經覺得好漏,雖然的確做得好薄好多層好花心思,但啲cream都真係幾油同幾漏。❎1️⃣烏龍茶芝士奶蓋&❎2️⃣抹茶&❎3️⃣焦糖咖啡都幾苦下,唔止我一個話苦,係全家都嫌苦🥵❎1️⃣烏龍茶係最苦,苦到我以為比錯左焙茶我,苦到媽媽放棄左寧願做大嘥鬼都唔肯食😂❎2️⃣妹妹話抹茶味好似噴左西瓜霜係個口度⋯成口抹茶粉❎3️⃣焦糖咖啡似食緊苦苦地果隻炭燒咖啡糖🥵☑️4️⃣百香果芝士&☑️5️⃣赤肉蜜瓜,水果類係驚豔了,全家都話好食🥰,好香濃,好清新,令到啲cream唔會好漏,呢2隻味有機會會回購~☑️6️⃣開心果好好好香甜濃郁,呢個都好出色🫶🏻☑️7️⃣伯爵茶香香地,不過不失,但唔好同lady m拍埋一齊講會好啲,令人希望越大,失望越大。❎8️⃣海鹽芝士真係好海鹽,都幾咸下,不推薦。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-02-19
373 瀏覽
Went to this cake shop with my friends which I had bookmarked for a long time. .We started by ordering three flavours of Mille Crepe, namely Earl Grey, Cookie and Pistachio. The Earl Grey Mille Crepe infused the subtle floral notes of earl grey tea. It was refreshing and layered, which offered a perfect balance of fragrant tea flavour and the velvety texture of the crepe layers. The Cookie Mille Crepe consisted of oreo crumbs alternated with soft crepes. The creamy filling, combining with the delightful crunch, enhanced the texture of the dessert. The Pistachio Mille Crepe featured layers of crepes filled with nutty pistachio flavour. Topped with pistachio, the crepe was a quite sweet, and the pistachio flavour could be richer. My friend then got Hot Hojicha Latte, which was quite a disappointment... We felt like the hojicha didn't mix well with the tea. It tasted quite bitter and was powdered, creating a strange texture.Their dessert was really yummy and more outstanding than their drink, so I prefer ordering just dessert next time. .They offered a wide range of flavours for the mille crepe, so one could have different options. The price was truly economical compared to many cake shops. .The cake shop got a few tables and seats, so we could sit and chatted for a while when enjoying our food. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-01
419 瀏覽
今次係去咗佢哋嘅旺角樓上cafe,地方唔大,不過就簡約整潔,仲有一些乾花裝飾。每一層忌廉同千層皮厚薄都一致,忌廉特別幼滑又唔會好甜!⭐️抹茶流心 $36最鍾意都係抹茶流心千層蛋糕,抹茶醬超濃,會再返嚟食呢個!⭐️伯爵茶 $36同抹茶比較,伯爵茶嘅味道就淡好多⭐️玫瑰 $39⭐️赤肉蜜瓜 $39超香蜜瓜味,有點清甜,唔係好假嘅蜜瓜味 繼續閱讀
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