Everybody knows my love on Piccolo Pizzeria and Bar (K-Town branch). When they finally realized there was a branch in Wanchai, the district where my gang worked in, we flocked there without any hesitation. Tucked away in a short side street, the location of Piccolo Wanchai branch is quite tricky. No worries tho, you know you’ve stepped into the Piccolo kingdom when sky is shaded by the iconic high ceiling and you feel embraced by the warm orange tones and wooden fittings. Feeling like home reall
Everybody knows my love on Piccolo Pizzeria and Bar (K-Town branch). When they finally realized there was a branch in Wanchai, the district where my gang worked in, we flocked there without any hesitation.
Tucked away in a short side street, the location of Piccolo Wanchai branch is quite tricky. No worries tho, you know you’ve stepped into the Piccolo kingdom when sky is shaded by the iconic high ceiling and you feel embraced by the warm orange tones and wooden fittings. Feeling like home really!
Despite how much I love Piccolo’s Fried Cheese and Carbonara, my gang is no cheese maniac. So here comes my no-cheese diet!
1. Aglio Olio [Roasted Garlic | Red Chili in Olive Oil] $120
Always been a signature in Piccolo as the staff tries to get me have this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I had this once in Kennedy Town but found it not spicy enough. But this time in Wanchai – epic! It wasn’t just about the spiciness, but also the complete taste profile the dish offered. Al dente spaghetti cooked with garlic and red chili – addictive. And it wouldn’t give you bad breath!
Imagine a juicy mushroom the size of a man’s fist, have it deep-fried to cover it with a thin crust, and pour a thin layer of brown sauce on top – that’s basically what it’s about. Yet, rockets being too salty, chicken cooked to rough and bacon made too chewy… a pity to this could-be-amazing mushroom dish.
Could have given a full credit for the mushroom, but together with the chicken: 8/10
And the pizza caught the limelight back! Since my friends ain’t fans of red chili, we had a little struggle before ordering. Then the witty staff suggested making a few slice spicy and the other without chili – perfect! The spiciness came in right after I swallow the whole piece. So be careful! It could be choky!
More about the pizza: Baked in this giant red brick stove, the whole pizza gave the aroma of grain and charcoal. Being called “Suprema”, I expected a larger portion of pork sausage but it turned out we couldn’t have one for each slice. Mushroom was actually tasteless, probably dominated by the red chili, but it added credits to the overall texture.
Like I always said, you can never compare Piccolo pizza to any other pizzeria in town, regardless of K-Town or Wanchai branch. However, if you're just looking for great food and a casual ambience, go to Wanchai branch (don't expect top-notch service...) . And if you're searching for a home, go back to K-Town branch!
和女朋友慶祝生日,而之前聽過朋友話唔錯所以决定嚟試下。唔哂等位,一入店服務員就為我們帶位。坐下後,女服務員為我們介紹Daily's Special。正常服流程。最終我和女朋友柯打咗Pancetta Pizza跟隻半熟意大利蛋及,Pork Ribs w/Potato Wedges and Green Salad,Piccolo Gunner及Lemon Drink(Forgot the name)。整體而言,D食物不錯但無驚喜。最大問題係食物唔夠熱。個人認為價錢略為高,但會再光顧。
和女朋友慶祝生日,而之前聽過朋友話唔錯所以决定嚟試下。唔哂等位,一入店服務員就為我們帶位。坐下後,女服務員為我們介紹Daily's Special。正常服流程。最終我和女朋友柯打咗Pancetta Pizza跟隻半熟意大利蛋及,Pork Ribs w/Potato Wedges and Green Salad,Piccolo Gunner及Lemon Drink(Forgot the name)。
Piccolo的薄餅和蒜片橄欖油意粉頂呱呱,自與咖啡達人年半前光顧後,一試傾心﹗上個月與友人趴走堅尼地城,hea嘆了一頓午餐。是晚,相約數位食友,往交通較便利的灣仔分店小聚。Piccolo位於食肆林立的大王東街,裝潢以米白色和深啡色為主調,襯以造形各異且帶工業味道的燈泡,再配以開放式廚房外的紅磚牆,以及店內牆上掛滿各式各樣與意大利有關的裝飾品,蠻有意式小餐館之感,予人簡潔舒適之感。除了餐牌食物外,一塊木黑板寫有「Today’s Specials」菜式。一大叔侍應拿著黑板,向客人們介紹。小妹點了一杯橙紅色的Tropical Ale $38,由鮮菠蘿汁、紅石榴糖漿和雪碧調製而成,入口酸甜有致,清爽醒神。友人則要了小妹力讚的鮮紅色且以雜果汁、雪碧、雜莓和石榴糖漿混合而成的Baby Donna $38,再加片檸檬片作裝飾,味道香甜清新且易入口。先來一客炸龍葵菇Fried Portobello$115小食,索價蠻昂貴的,然大家對龍葵菇頗好奇的,故決定一試。菇身肥厚的龍葵菇沾上薄漿同炸,外皮極為鬆化香脆,內裏則保持細嫩鮮美且軟滑多汁,香味比香菇更為濃郁可口。炸菇上重重地被入口略為乾嚡的雞肉、鹹香煙
壓軸的煙肉蜜糖薄餅Pizza Bacon and Honey $145不忍小妹遭冷待,從紅磚爐內,氣喘喘地跑上桌子來,向小妹拋眉弄眼。小妹當然老實不客氣地,取回一塊薄餅,大口哋咬下。嘩,薄餅入口帶麥香和炭香,餅邊焗至薄脆非常,薄餅中間金黃色的,入口啖啖香甜的蜜糖和柔軟濃郁的Mozzarella芝士,再配以鹹香的意式Pancetta煙肉,魅力無法擋,激讚﹗
Since the last visit, the staff have changed to locals and for the pastas you don't get to choose the type of pastas anymore such as buccatini or capellini. Started with some tea.☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fried portobello with chicken strips, bacon, brown sauce and rocketreviously tried this at the Kennedy town branch.It was my favourite because the coating absorbed the tasty brown sauce which tasted like Marmite.In the middle there was a big juicy portobello mushroom.☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Beetroot & Rocket
Since the last visit, the staff have changed to locals and for the pastas you don't get to choose the type of pastas anymore such as buccatini or capellini.
Previously tried this at the Kennedy town branch. It was my favourite because the coating absorbed the tasty brown sauce which tasted like Marmite. In the middle there was a big juicy portobello mushroom. ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Beetroot & Rocket:
先點飲品,除了一般冷熱飲料和 Special Mixed Drinks 外,唔少得的,竟然還有西班牙特飲 Sangria、及來自紐西蘭、澳洲和意大利的紅白餐酒,難怪剛進門時,見入口旁的酒吧,擺滿不同地區的葡萄美酒,不過自問酒量甚淺,還是點杯以雜果汁、雪碧、雜莓、檸檬和石榴糖漿調製而成的 Baby Donna ($38),味道清新,冰涼可口,而且賣相吸引,正好一解近日的悶氣。