COULD BE BETTER:- I was actually expecting a bit more regarding desserts knowing that Pierre Gagnaire started his career as a Pastry chef.- What they call "Pierre Gagnaire's grand dessert" is actually a mix of jelly and molecular desserts, which was very good, but we were expecting a mix of revisited French pastries.GOOD:- Everything was perfect, we started with a Ruinart Champagne as aperitif and continued with the tasting menu.- Being seasonal, most of the winter menu was about seafood, from s
COULD BE BETTER: - I was actually expecting a bit more regarding desserts knowing that Pierre Gagnaire started his career as a Pastry chef. - What they call "Pierre Gagnaire's grand dessert" is actually a mix of jelly and molecular desserts, which was very good, but we were expecting a mix of revisited French pastries.
GOOD: - Everything was perfect, we started with a Ruinart Champagne as aperitif and continued with the tasting menu. - Being seasonal, most of the winter menu was about seafood, from seabass, to oyster and prawns. - The cheese dish was amazing, an alliance of French cheeses and processed fruit such as Pear ice cream with Roquefort ... GREAT !!! - Great service - Great view of Hong Kong
TO SUM UP: Excellent ! One of the top fine dining in Hong Kong with a fantastic scene. But be careful if you take the wine pairing which includes about 5 glasses of wines, you could easily get drunk, might not be suitable for women that are not used to drink a lot
女友的前菜是Scallop carpaccio laid on a red curry paste emulsified with coconut milk/olive oil; cauliflower florets and lace bread.最初看到名字,就滿腦疑惑,前菜怎麼會用上紅咖喱這種重口味的設計。帶子刺身切成薄片,拌着芫荽,麵包薄脆和菜頭片,最後澆上以紅咖喱和椰奶特調醬汁。拌好各種材料一併送入口,帶子刺身鮮嫰可口,醬汁香而不過份,絕不喧賓奪主,
女友則點了Spinach cream with hazelnut butter, steamed portobello mushroom and braised daikon turnip with curry. 她一直對蘑菇情有獨鍾,看到餐牌上的portobello,二話不說就挑了這道菜。送上來,像個寶藏般,只看到幾片菠菜葉,翻開,才發現寶物尋歸底。綠意盎然的一道菜,菠菜軟嫰可口,浸泡湯汁中,有幾分中菜的影子。大蘑菇薄切沉底,來一片,已教人滿嘴生香。蘑菇獨有的香氣,在口中久久不散,真滋味。人說,菇菌是素菜中的「味王」,這句話一點都沒錯。
終於到主菜,我點的是Thinly sliced breast of veal like a « pot-au-feu »: conchiglie and razor clams. pot-au-feu是一種法式燉菜,以蔬菜燉煮牛肉。這道菜則換成以小牛胸入饌,配上蟶子、貝殼粉和煙斗粉同煮而成。小牛胸片嫰滑不帶羶,豐腴甘香。蟶子更只嚴選頂端最鮮嫰的一小段,其中滋味,不用我形容吧。兩種粉類質感互相交錯,小煙斗帶嚼勁,大貝殼粉富麥香。雖說只是一道pasta,卻處處見心思。
難得 Pierre 本人重臨香港,好友一個月前已經訂了位,今次又可以品嚐 Pierre 的手藝整體在水準之上,沒有太多的花巧,專注於食物的調配Promotion 日期沒有太大記憶,只記得太咸不錯的配搭不過不失質感做得好,但 flavour 淡了一點這個比較旱一點,但味道 ok法國牛柳不錯的甜品,不是太甜
難得 Pierre 本人重臨香港,好友一個月前已經訂了位,今次又可以品嚐 Pierre 的手藝 整體在水準之上,沒有太多的花巧,專注於食物的調配
香港最出名的幾間法國餐廳都試了幾間,Pierre就未去過(另一間係Amigo,不過仲未計劃會去),趁生日就黎Pierre慶祝下。因太遲訂位,接線生說未來卅日都無位,但咁啱即晚有,即刻留住張枱。原先以為係位置較差的枱,估唔到原來都幾好,雖不是近窗,但兩人仍可同時飽覽維港夜景。一開始有侍應來推介香檳,六枝任選,點了兩杯,幾好飲。隨即有免費小食及麵包。小食很特別,但味道一般。麵包就好好味,配普通牛油及辣椒蜜糖牛油,好味。要了兩個4 Course Tasting Menu(只限星期一至四),因不想飲太多酒,只係其中一個加wine pairing,侍應說可為我們分兩杯。4 Course Tasting Menu by Pierre Gagnaire 2012 4 Course Menu $898Menu with wine pairing $1,488Jellified red mullet bouillabaisse: avocado sauce with chili; eggplant with anchovy on toast, tuna tartare, grilled prawn -
4 Course Tasting Menu by Pierre Gagnaire 2012 4 Course Menu $898 Menu with wine pairing $1,488 Jellified red mullet bouillabaisse: avocado sauce with chili; eggplant with anchovy on toast, tuna tartare, grilled prawn - 一小塊的魚加配菜,味道一般。
Minted garden peas soup: Green and white asparagus cocktail, tofu flavored with pistachio, broad beans, sweet green pepper and baby leek - 都係普普通通。
Poached breast of farm hen from Bresse with spring aromatic; Fresh morels with yellow wine; baby onions and carrots - 主菜,但係其實份量都係好少(我不介意,因我倆食量都不大,加上有麵包)。件雞好嫩,剛剛熟,食落去仲有食生肉的感覺,但係其實味道都係一般。
Pierre Gagnaire’s grand dessert - 估唔到好戲在後頭,有四款甜品,每一款都好精緻美味(有士多啤利餅、朱古力暮絲等)。
Selection of wine : 2009 Furmint Dry, Hetszolo Imperial Estate, Tokaji, Hungary 2009 VdP du Var, Sainte Fleur, Triennes, Provence, France 2006 Château l’Arrosée, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe, Bordeaux, France NV Pineau des Charentes, “Ugni blanc”, Domaine Guy Lhérault, Charente, France
iii) main course a) lobster salpicon -citrus virgin sauce, pasta seasoned with bisque -見其他食家寫佢嘅龍蝦菜色都處理得出色........今天嘅menu只得這個龍蝦煮法 -聽waiter嘅介紹,喺用咗d帶酸味嘅生果做出呢個sauce,例如有tangerine,citrus,lime等,佢仲話喺比較oriental -仲教埋我個食法,可以食邊樣先都得,只要唔好將意粉混埋龍蝦度1齊食就得喇 -又喺起晒泡嘅高級賣相 -食落就體會到咩叫oriental,因為食到生果,番茄的酸味外,仲有點香草味,微辣味,亦有少少果仁碎,所以味道有點複雜,好東南亞feel,完全唔喺西餐嘅味道 -龍蝦肉新鮮因爽口,juicy,不過鮮味度就無嘜,配呢個汁,就喺覺得唔多夾 -反而個貓耳朵意粉+龍蝦肉粒同個龍蝦濃湯汁就有我想要嘅海鮮味,而且個貓耳朵仲有點咬口添........enjoy個pasta多過個主角
b) grilled/ glazed sliced pork belly -conchiglie pasta and clams with fresh herbs -食友聽完waiter嘅介紹後,就決定試豬腩肉 -呢個都喺幾高危嘅西餐菜式,因唔易煮得好食 -食友切咗少少比我試吓 -有肉質,好juicy,好鬆,夠油份,個肉嘅質素好高 -另外味道亦煮得好好 -呢個喺我食過最好味嘅pork belly, well well executed -個貝殼粉我就無試到喇
c) traditional galette des rois (送) -pear ice cream -唔知推架車仔出嚟做嘜,原來waiter話呢個喺經理為我哋安排.........真喺驚喜1浪接1浪 -食友講番個中文名比我知.........喺皇帝批呀..........我好鍾意呢個甜品架.........1來唔多餐廳有..........2來呢個喺法國1月份先會食嘅甜品 -今次咁橋喺season -好濃牛油味,入口仲好暖熱,所以更攻出那股香氣,裡裡外外都鬆化,甜度適中 -另外伴個啤梨味雪糕,勝在梨香味同甜度自然,腦裡就聯想到澳洲熟啤梨嗰種香甜 -好食到只能夠講i like it so much n so much -食友就同waiter喺度交流......我都無+入吹水........sorry,無禮貌嘅我只顧食食食~~~美食在前,我個嘴好忙,唔得閒搭訕~~~~
Even though it has been a little while since I had dinner here, the tastes of Pierre's surprises are still lingering in my mind. I come back again this for my birthday celebration, and again I felt amazed by the dishes. I opt for the 4-course seasonal menu (GourMay Menu) while he ordered the 6-course tasting menu. Would highlight the dishes that we liked the most during the lovely dining experience.After we had the amuse-bouche, my first course arrived... in 5 different bowls and plates. Loved h
Even though it has been a little while since I had dinner here, the tastes of Pierre's surprises are still lingering in my mind.
I come back again this for my birthday celebration, and again I felt amazed by the dishes. I opt for the 4-course seasonal menu (GourMay Menu) while he ordered the 6-course tasting menu. Would highlight the dishes that we liked the most during the lovely dining experience.
After we had the amuse-bouche, my first course arrived... in 5 different bowls and plates. Loved how everything was beautifully laid in front of you. and while I was admiring the food, the waiter started explaining to us - Cube of Burrata, coarsely chopped tomatoes with basel Fennel <San Remo>, Aniseed sherbet . It was then when I realized Burrata cheese blended well with raw cucumber and Pierre successfully made me eat raw cucumber, which was never on my favourite list. Everything gave me a twist of the normal expectation of what you think tomatoes or fennel would have tasted. and Sherbet was there to lighten up your palette and prepared you for the upcoming courses.
I had my dinner with wine pairing. Loved the flow at Pierre that they would try to minimize their presence at the table while having wine filled for your next dish and letting you have a private night.
It was a healthy menu that all my main consisted of white meat and seafood only. My third course was Bouillabaisse <Pierre style> Red Mullet, John Dory and Cod fish. Shellfish with capers Loved Cod fish, nicely cooked well that the meat was easily cut separate with your knife but did not break into tiny fragments. The fish meat absorbed the juice of Bouillabaisse but still remained its fresh texture. It was good to have a taste of three different fish in small portions in one-go.
One of his main was Lobster fricassee with fresh ginger, endive fondue with white balsamic vinegar. Bisque creamy like a curry, Black forbidden rice Lobster meat was stewed with ginger and vinegar, that helped alleviate the heaviness of lobster meat, but it was still served with the classic creamy bisque sauce. Very caring for us diners that we usually feel too bloated to savour the last dishes in a tasting menu.
and ahhhh a surprise dish for my birthday. Pierre's meticulously tiny dessert with raspberries and sherbet with crisp underneath. a very nice introduction to my dessert courses!
and here came Pierre Gagnaire's Grand Dessert There was this milky foamy panna cotta tasted dessert! and I seriously fell in love with! Apart from that, there was a dark chocolate dessert that balanced out the sweetness of the former and sherbet with fruits to clear your palette for meringue. Mine was nicely placed in front of me with 4 different types. There was an orange dessert! Totally my favourite of the night! Ice candied fruit mousse with Provence aged marc brandy. wasn't too strong in alcoholic taste but good enough to lighten up the sweetness.
和友人們各有各忙, 終於都夾到時間出來一聚, 選了這裡食二星級晚餐, 大家都可以好好慰勞自己, 哈哈... 是晚點了4-course dinner 吃過welcome snack 及麵包籃後, 各道菜陸續端出. 1) Duck liver foie gras, glazed pigeon fillets, marmelade of apple and shallots with cinnamon - 入口即溶, 好食2) Sole fish cooked in the pan with butter then dried; watercress salad, leek stalks, green pepper. Mariniere of razor clams with seaweed. - 很香, Sole 煮得唔錯, 好好食3) French 'Dordogne' pork; Shoulder with lime and honey, Vichy carrots - 這個豬肉雖然用上很多材料及精緻, 但肉質只屬一般4) Breaded cutlet, caper/lemon/
1) Duck liver foie gras, glazed pigeon fillets, marmelade of apple and shallots with cinnamon - 入口即溶, 好食 2) Sole fish cooked in the pan with butter then dried; watercress salad, leek stalks, green pepper. Mariniere of razor clams with seaweed. - 很香, Sole 煮得唔錯, 好好食 3) French 'Dordogne' pork; Shoulder with lime and honey, Vichy carrots - 這個豬肉雖然用上很多材料及精緻, 但肉質只屬一般 4) Breaded cutlet, caper/lemon/ Cremona mustard like a relish; spring onions Button mushroom - 清淡怡人, 剛好中和一下其他菜式
dessert Pierre Gagnaire’s grand dessert - 好彩食甜品係另一個位, 如果唔係好難應付得了大堆頭的甜品併盤. Pierre Gagnaire’s grand dessert 共有4款不同甜品, 好出色.
An incentive to work hard, this dinner was. After deciding against the very reasonable tasting menu, I finally decided on two courses with the help of the nice french waiter (actually, all of the waiters who served us was absolutely great, a completely different experience to Man Wah next door...) two types of buttersbread basket - baguette, sourdough, briocheFirst amuse bouche: shrimp and mango in the spoon, pumpkin puree? in a sour-salty licorice black coating, butter cookie and deep fried tin
An incentive to work hard, this dinner was. After deciding against the very reasonable tasting menu, I finally decided on two courses with the help of the nice french waiter (actually, all of the waiters who served us was absolutely great, a completely different experience to Man Wah next door...)
:chopstick:First amuse bouche: shrimp and mango in the spoon, pumpkin puree? in a sour-salty licorice black coating, butter cookie and deep fried tiny clams in the centre - to be honest it looked better than it tasted. I was quite disappointed with the many different elements of this amuse bouche.
amuse round two was some sort of cream flavoured with banana on top of shellfish - again, I didn't really like this amuse bouche.
amuse bouche round three: smoked haddock (white), seaweed salad (top), and lettuce wrapped bone marrow. I must say that whilst the amuses were definitely quirky and fun they failed to please the palate... save for a couple the others were just lacking substance - the fried tiny clams were soggy, the second amuse with banana on seafood and cream was simply not a good match.
First course: "lobster and murex" ($690) (part 1) Down the middle was a blue lobster salad with ginger, aloe, walnuts, cebette, lime and olive oil. On the right was a lobster consomme jelly and on the left was a cream cheese-yogurt sauce. Although each component was tasty on its own right when put together it was surprisingly fantastic and refreshing. The lobster was so sweet and perfectly cooked as well.
On the side with part 1 of the dish was their lime, ginger, aloe, olive oil, walnut 'salad'.
Lobster quenelle in zezette broth (part 2) light and fluffy quenelle of lobster and egg white in a rich bisque-like sauce.... yum! That sauce was strong in lobster and would definitely make an awesome soup.
lobster enrobed in bisque with shiso leaf, and carrot underneath. (part 3) last component of the lobster course was this. Again, the lobster meat was sweet and the carrot puree was a great match.
rose champagne granita with pink grapefruit, limed celery and cucumber, burrata This palate cleanser was refreshing but the burrata cheese was a little misplaced in the sweet and tart icy granita.
Veal Fillet with Foie Gras on squid rings, red pepper sauce, ($680) My second course was veal fillet with foie gras on squid rings - everything was perfectly cooked, though i personally didn't like the soft foie on tender meat... lose the foie and it would've been a perfect 'surf and turf' dish.
morels and shallot in cream sauce Although potatoes were originally accompanying the veal, i asked for something else to substitute the (only) starch i detest. so in place of the spuds i received lovely morels in a earthy creamy sauce, in a pretty glass bowl. Morels are a pretty rare find in Hong Kong so the substitution was a nice surprise.
"Seabass, Abalone and Grey Shrimp" ($630) my mum ordered strayed from the tasting menu as well and ordered the roasted seabass fillet with red wine sauce. on the side (not photographed) was mashed new potatoes, mixed herbs and pink berries and 'marauder' toast. the fish was honestly cooked to perfection. crispy crust (slightly breadcrumbed) on the outside, extremely tender fillet on the inside, with a rich wine sauce to boot - no complaints here.
for the others, the tasting menu was the choice of the night.
tasting menu:
first course - foie gras, glazed pigeon fillets, marmalade of apple and shallots with cinnamon; gellified artichoke and star anise flavoured liquid; tomato iced pulp.
second - sole fish with watercress salad, leek stalks, green pepper.
third - lobster fricasse with fresh ginger, endive fondue and white balsamic vinegar, black forbidden rice (right top corner) which came with a surprise side of scallop topped with cauliflower
fourth - milk calf - end of veal loin with lime and honey, vichy carrrots
Fifth - goats cheese platter - 3 kinds.
Sixth - Grand Dessert course (below)
Although i did get to try most of the dishes i will refrain from giving detailed comments... I can however, say that all the proteins were perfectly cooked again, and i especially liked the lobster course - it was very different to what i had ordered but the flavours were very good. What wasn't that great was the capers crust on the milk calf... it was too much and thus too sour, overpowering the natural taste of the milk calf (veal) before the grand dessert there was a goat cheese course paired with some apricot jam and frozen tangy sweet creme on cracker (not pictured).. if you are no lover of strong cheeses this plate was probably not going to be enjoyable.
:chopstick:meringues, jellies all tangy and lemon - was a close second to the chocolate mousse (below) - i loved the different textures and balance of sour (lemon) and sweet (meringue) coffee ice cream with coffe foam and an espresso powdered cookie disc - the cookie was soft and not very appetizing. the ice cream was the only good element. wild strawberries on strawberry foam - uninspiring, though i liked the cute mini wild strawberries. Assorted jellies in coconut soup - this was edible, but not something i'd order.
mini tart with cheesy creme filling - the tart wasn't very fresh. orange soup - this was quite interesting, as the bottom layer was a bitter-orange puree and the inner a sweeter tangy one, and so after mixing it was better. chocolate crisps on chocolate soup with cubes of dark chocolate mousse - the fruit jelly at the bottom created a fun texture. this dessert i liked the most, which isn't surprising being a chocolate love, but honestly, the dark chocolate sauce was wonderfully rich in cocoa but light at the same time. the crisps on top were really crunchy for a textural contrast.
Pierre's strength tonight was definitely the friendly service and the execution of the proteins. perfectly cooked fish, lobster, veal, foie etc one after the other is not easy to find in Hong Kong and so for this, i really appreciated this dinner. that said, some of the pairings with the proteins didn't work too well, and the amuses and desserts could definitely have been stronger.
First of all, I have not been back for maybe 2 years so things may have changed. I know they got one more star from Michelin HK which they should have gotten 2 years back. The sofas and tables have changed to accommodate more people which is fine from commercial angle. They are still comfortable and of course, the views are good if you got window seatings. The starters (bread and assorted appetizers) were good but no longer outstanding. It seems downsizing has taken its toll all the way for Pier
First of all, I have not been back for maybe 2 years so things may have changed. I know they got one more star from Michelin HK which they should have gotten 2 years back.
The sofas and tables have changed to accommodate more people which is fine from commercial angle. They are still comfortable and of course, the views are good if you got window seatings.
The starters (bread and assorted appetizers) were good but no longer outstanding. It seems downsizing has taken its toll all the way for Pierre (at least for set lunch).
My companion had the foie gras soup which was declared as excellent. We then headed for the mains which were lamb cutlets and a kind of cod fish (they called skrey fish) with mussels pieces. The fish was superb, blended well with the sause and cooked to perfection. The lamb was a let down for its small serving size (2 pieces), slightly overcooked and accompanied by salty chickpea pancake.
Dessert was ginger tart which has no ginger taste but was not overly sweet. It was rather refreshing.
There was no longer petite four served (which was a highlight from my first dining there) although the captain was kind enough to offer us 2 parfait compliment of the house.
Overall, Pierre is still a nice place to unwind and to enjoy food & conversations but I would say not to sacrafice the details and portion size in order to maintain price competitiveness. Otherwise, Caprice will finally take the #1 spot even though in my mind, Pierre is more willing to experiment and more daring in presentations.
we duly arrived at 7.30pm. the restaurant was about half full and we were seated inside the annex, which was good because the four of us would probably make more noise than all the other customers added up together – we are very, very good laughers, especially after a glass or two. we took a quick glance at the menu and decided to go for the tasting menu – it’d be nice to see how chef elzer has developed in the last 11 months of working in hong kong. would he stick diligently to pierre gagnaire
we duly arrived at 7.30pm. the restaurant was about half full and we were seated inside the annex, which was good because the four of us would probably make more noise than all the other customers added up together – we are very, very good laughers, especially after a glass or two. we took a quick glance at the menu and decided to go for the tasting menu – it’d be nice to see how chef elzer has developed in the last 11 months of working in hong kong. would he stick diligently to pierre gagnaire style? or dumb down to local taste? my recent lunch suggests the latter, but set lunch is never good indicator of a restaurant’s potential.
le pain - there’re olive bread, epi, and my beloved brioche. the sweet brioche milk bread had a slightly firm crust and soft, fluffy, moist buttery center. there was no seaweed butter but server gave us some chilli beurre to try instead, which was delicious!
nettle wrapped cod, langoustine tartar, razor clam, pomegranate, chilli prawn jus - this was a cold dish, with wrapped cod sitting on a bed of diced razor clams and curry prawn sauce. honestly, i did not quite like my cod served cold because the flesh would harden and lose its smooth oily texture. but it worked quite well here with the langoustine tartar and allowed the curry sauce to ascend.
hommage a la tomate: transparent tomato jelly with olive, tomato soup, roasted tomato, chilled tomato sage marmalade, acid pulp with piquillo, watermelon/red currant/tomato sorbet – this is my favorite dish of the night, showcasing a high level of creativity without losing sight of flavor. it’s basically tomato done 5 ways: first was transparent tomato jelly, aniseed and olive, with the bitterness of the olive sharply contrasting the faint sweetness of transparent tomato and accentuated both flavors. second one was tomato soup with potato cream sitting on pesto, which had a very buttery, rich texture. third one was roasted tomato. fourth one was tomato marmalade, my second favorite out of the five dishes, and tasted nothing like marmalade – it was more a sweet tomato cream with a touch of tartness. last one was watermelon/red currant/tomato sorbet. all ingredients were red and yet tasted so different, that each scoop you wouldn’t know what you are getting until it’s in your mouth.
so it was effectively 5 tomatoes dishes done in 11 different ways: hot, cold, cream, jelly, roast, marmalade, sorbet, sweet, bitter, sour, savory. oh, and in distinctly different tablewares too.
turner veloute – zucchini blossom stuffed with wild mushroom. the sauce was the highlight, made with green tea and orange which miraculously worked extremely well together – a formula designed by gagnaire. zucchini flower stuffed with pork, wild mushroom was nice, but its strong flavor somewhat distracted from the sauce.
Potato paillasson with summer truffles, braised spring onions and leeks – it’s not normal truffle season but this one came from australia; the crispy potato texture was delightful, and resembled 土豆絲 in chinese cuisine. on the other hand, the sauce tasted like japanese tonkatsu sauce-based derivative… not my cup of tea. it was an awkward combination of east and west in terms of flavor, but texture i liked.
blue lobster fricasse – lobster with eggplant, melon, culatello, foie gras-based sauce. lobster galette on the side. i was surprised to see lobster matches so well with foie gras, which normally pairs with game meat; the lobster was stew cooked to a chewy, meaty texture. very deep flavor with a little tingle on the tongue. yummy!
challans duck aiguillettes – the thin sauce smelled like malaysian bak kut teh (肉骨茶); it was made of cumin, cinnamon, and mint – hence the familar asian herbal fragrance. but i found this dish a bit off-note as both the duck breast and the sauce were quite strong but not dissimilar enough to balance each other. it’s like, um, pressing C and D# together on a piano.
les desserts - dessert time finally! whenever i have dessert at pierre, i’m always reminded how far i am from becoming a real pastry chef as usually, an array of desserts came in like a bolero and covered our entire table… notably a playful adoption of savory ingredients in sweet dishes this time. you have to be really creative and really, really good in marrying flavors so that the savory materials would not taste awkward in a dessert dish, and chef nicolas had done a great job.
and of course we got extras – nicolas would not let us leave without letting us try all his other creations. keith and our friendly, well-acquainted server remembered our all-time favorite flourless souffle and gave us both the chocolate and lime flavors. chocolate souffle was a classic recipe whereas the lime one was new – slightly lighter than the old vanille one but i actually liked this better. the amazing thing about nicolas’ souffle that it’s always done just right – fluffy but not too airy, moist but not too wet, sweet but not too indulgent.
service was impeccable, as always. i am sad to see herve leave (the previous restaurant manager who went “back” to australia), but keith the maitre d' and the other servers put in every effort to make our dinner enjoyable. what makes them stand out is their in-depth knowledge on the menu and that they take pride in their job, which really shows.
food-wise – creative, unexpected. for someone who is relatively used to western dining, chef elzer provides a nice refreshing experience with unconventional flavor parings not to be found elsewhere. however, i tend to like his lighter dishes (tomato, lobster) than the stronger ones with more powerful sauces (duck breast, potato paillasson). while i generally prefer strong taste, they seemed a bit busy and my taste bud went overload. the ligher dishes, on the other hand, had very pleasing, well-balanced flavors with interesting textures.
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