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食評 (20)
等級4 2015-09-24
3859 瀏覽
曾幾何時,此區稱之為'三里屯',意思是比美北京的三里屯一般興旺,這晚來到看見的狀況,可用稠零形容,真有十年河東,十年河西的感覺,來到這餐廳門前見內裏人煙稀少,在門口擺放了一張美式桌球檯,有兩三個人在喝酒玩桌球,內裏坐位環境不算擠迫,大堂盡頭掛著一大部電視機,在播放着歐美歌曲影片,氣氛不錯。一行五人被安排坐在全店唯一的圓檯,十分舒適,侍應介紹這店還設有戶外坐位,但天氣還熱,所以還是選擇了有冷氣的室內坐位,坐下後侍應送上有光的餐牌,令人感覺到十分特別和貼心,侍應也十分有禮貌和耐性解說介紹餐廳的出品,我們首先開一支新西蘭的白酒,在上主菜時再開一支法國紅酒,隨後再點了每人四隻生蠔和一份風腿作為餐前小食,侍應在落單後就送上餐廳自家制的零食甘筍西芹配沙律醬和麵包跟油醋,我這晚點了一份套餐,前菜是水牛芝士蕃茄,湯是磨菇湯,主菜是西班牙乳豬,最後當然是一杯咖啡作為結尾。法國生蠔,新鮮,但當晚只有三款,款式不多,都是法國蠔,其中以Gillardeau的蠔味最濃,三款口感都十分清爽,香甜味美。二十四個月西班牙風腿,味道濃而不咸,香而不膩,口感香濃而有噬頭,食後回甘,是一佐酒的極品。甘筍西芹配沙律醬,這個小食是店方附送的,西芹經過處理後完全無渣,味道清香,甘筍清甜,口感爽脆,兩者再蘸上伴隨的沙律醬一併入口,更是一個十分美味零食。麵包跟油醋,店方經理解釋麵包是半制成品,由店方即時烤焗奉客,所以也算十分新鮮,入口溫暖綿軟,當中一款提子合桃包更是別具特色,香甜可口,其餘的意式軟包蘸上油醋也一樣美味。水牛芝士蕃茄,用上小蕃茄加上切粒的水牛芝士,混和油醋做成的沙律,味道清香,入口清新,只是略嫌水牛芝士的切得太細,變得欠了一點口感。磨菇湯,原本寫的是意式磨菇湯,但上檯時只見是普通的西式磨菇湯,用上雜打碎做成,磨菇味濃,但就偏咸了一些,口感也不算滑。西班牙乳豬,乳豬皮十分香脆,豬肉也非常嫩滑,肉汁豐盛,入口味道香濃,油潤而不膩口,肉味鮮甜,十分不錯。咖啡,算是一般標準,氣味甘香,口感濃郁,也可接受。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
寫了幾日才完成的文字,寫得唔好請不要笑我~座落於新鴻基中心二樓的 《Ramas Oyster Bar & Grill》 是一間水準出色的意大利餐廳,佈置走型格路線,室內以灰黑色作主調,配合不同顏色時令花卉點綴,裝潢雅致得來又時尚,配合用餐區的無柱設計及兩邊的落地大玻璃窗,盡享維多利亞港迷人景色,無論坐於哪個位置,都有不同的視覺享受。然而最特別就是餐廳大門口擺放了一張美式桌球檯,以原木裝飾大幅牆壁映襯,歡迎食客趁用餐空檔隨意耍樂,以增添玩味。每道菜由用料、烹調方法,以至賣相陳設等都極度講究,色香味俱全,感受得到廚師的用心。特別一提牛扒品質上乘,牛肉與脂肪比例一流,一邊品嚐,一邊嗅到滿滿來自於牛扒本身散發出的牛油香!而我至愛的天使麵都煮得出色,不會太軟或太硬,難度與口感均滿分!《Ramas Oyster Bar & Grill》 亦提供包場以供舉行戶外行禮、婚宴服務,室內設有化妝間及一切完善婚禮配備,詢問細節時員工都可以仔細回答一一提問,原來其實Ramas已經有五年舉行婚宴經驗,可以說係服務醒目一流而價格十分相宜,絕對係令我驚喜的價格呢!可是,因為租約問題,暫時租約只到2016年3月,並且未肯定會否續約,有興趣而日期可行嘅朋友就要把握機會喔!我超級鍾意呢度喔!!!呢個價格可以擁有維港夜景婚禮真係正到痺!對於初步定大日子在2017年春季的我倆,真係十分十分可惜.......,唯有希望多啲新人在Ramas舉行婚宴,令其決定續約,到2017 S/S時候仍然健在啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-08-03
2550 瀏覽
Having written reviews on Openrice for years in Chinese, I decided to write my 1000th review in English. I chose the Ramas to mark this milestone.I've been fancying to visit the Ramas for a while but wanted to go with a bigger party so as to try more dishes. It was hard to assemble the gang though with everyone's busy schedule. Fortunately we finally made it this time.The restaurant features a spectacular harbour view, cosy decor and relaxing big sofas. We ordered some aperitifs to cool down as it was still hot after sunset. We all looked like we just came out of the desert! I ordered the Mojito drink which was very refreshing. I like mint, so I like Mojito. It awakens my taste buds.AppetizersThe Fresh Oyster Platter contained 2 kinds of French oysters - Four Seasons and Gillardeau. The Four Seasons had a salty hint of sea water, and they were fresh. You could tell from the brightness of their colour and plump texture. The Gillardeau were creamy, with a strong taste of ocean, and a dash of fresh lemon juice enhanced the freshness of these oysters.The Classic Caesar Salad, with ingredients of Romaine Lettuce, bacon bits, croutons and shaved Parmesan Cheese looked appealing and tasted delightful. The lettuce was so crispy you could hear the sound of leaves crumbling between your jaws.The Beef Carpaccio, paper-thin sliced US beef fillets sprinkled with grated Parmesan Cheese and perfumed with white truffle oil, were soooooo delish!The Salmon Tartare was beautifully presented - layers of avocado salsa and salmon tartare, topped with salmon caviars, orange and green - a mouth-watering colourful display.SoupProvencale BouillabaisseThe waiter placed a soup dish at our table with clams, mussels and fish, but wait, No soup? Ah! The manager arrived 2 seconds later with a kettle, pouring hot soup in front of us. The soup had a strong flavour of crustacean, but not as thick as the version of Marseille. The fish had a nice flaky texture, and the taste was outstanding. As it is quite difficult to get good John Dory in Hong Kong, they used halibut instead and it tasted just as delectable. Clams and mussels were chewy and luscious.Hot AppetizerSautéed Pacific ClamI like clams, especially when they are cooked in a western style, with herbs, garlic and chardonnay. The portion was generous, clams were juicy and impeccable. The dish came with a scoop of al dente linguini cooked with the juice of clams and black garlic.Main CourseSlow cooked Tasmanian Salmon FilletI believe "slow cooking" is a wise way to cook salmon as the softness and oil content of the fish is being retained. The texture of this fillet was silky. Absolutely delicious.Truffle Baked Half LobsterWho could resist? Half Boston lobster, generously spreaded with truffle paste, the meat was tender and succulent, yummy!Roasted Tasmanian Lamb RackThe presentation was marvellous! The lamb was medium well cooked, pink in colour, with strong fragrance of rosemary. I seldom eat lamb, but I loved the lamb tonight.Char Grilled US Prime Rib Eye SteakFrankly speaking, as a beef-eater, I like US beef more than Japanese Wagyu, in terms of meat flavour, texture, fat content and price. The medium cooked ribeye had the smoky scent of charcoal grilled , was juicy and tender.DessertBread Pudding with Bailey Ice CreamA traditional British dessert, not too sweet, perfect to pair with coffee.Ginger Soufflé with Vanilla SauceTemptations! The flavour of ginger was refreshing, and we expressed our deep appreciation of the chef by finishing it all.The staff was exceptionally attentive and friendly, service excellent and efficient. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-08-03
1608 瀏覽
Ramas Oyster Bar & Grill is located at SHK, so it is quite a walk but a popular venue for group gatherings because they have an alfresco balcony and there is a carpark which makes it easily accessible.Started dinner with crudites and bread, one of the breads was very aromatic with a sage and onion smell.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fresh oyster platter:Tried the Four Seasons and Gillardeau, both tasted strong with a salty and metallic taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Classic caesar salad:Unlike other caesar salads, I liked the way they used the heart of romaine lettuce which is crisp and sweet and tasted nice with the creamy sauce and crispy bits of bacon.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Beef carpaccioidn't really try this but I tried the crispy cheese which was really nice.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Salmon tartare:The salmon tartare was nice and refreshing with avocado salsa beneath it and big pearls of cod roe on top.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Provencale bouillabaisse:The bouillabaisse was divine especially the halibut fish and fresh clams which was in this rich but not overly salty broth.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sauteed diamond clams served with linguine in black garlic parsley and chardonney clam sauce:The clams were served first and I could not get enough of this because they were fresh and sweet.The sauce that was used to cook the clams was also used on the linguine which was al-dente infused with a lovely clam taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Char grilled US prime rib eye steak:A huge piece of steak presented nicely with carrots and okra.The steak was juicy and soft.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Roasted Tazmanian lamb rack:Another beautifully presented dish.The lamb was not gamey and tasted a bit like beef.On the side were brussel sprout hearts, cherry tomatoes, carrots and potatoes.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Slow cooked Tasmanian salmon filet:The salmon was pink and pretty paired with beautiful veggies and silky mash.It was slow cooked so it had a lovely soft and delicate texture.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Truffle baked half maine lobster:Another flawless dish with fresh and springy lobster.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Ginger souffle:To finish off, had the ginger souffle which really warming because there was finely grounded ginger in the souffle.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Bread pudding:The bread pudding was the best because it was not too buttery or sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-07-24
1569 瀏覽
記得之前曾看過報章報導,說外號「肥龍」的前政務司司長許仕仁,為官期間,不時四出「覓食」,而上班日最經常光顧的其中一間食肆,就是位於灣仔海傍新鴻基中心的《海都海鮮酒家》。早前聽朋友介紹,說與《海都》同層有間水準不俗的意大利餐廳《Ramas Oyster Bar & Grill》,據說餐廳不但形象優雅,而且每道菜由用料、烹調方法,以至賣相陳設等都極度講究,所以一直把這裡放在 wish list。想不到還沒實行,就收到友人邀約來這家餐廳,見個面談談近況,順便吃頓晚飯聚一聚,實在太好了。座落於新鴻基中心二樓的《Ramas》,佈置走型格路線,室內以灰黑色作主調,裝潢雅致得來又夠時尚,配合用餐區的無柱設計及兩邊的落地大玻璃窗,無論坐於哪個位置,都有不同的視覺享受。而最特別就是餐廳大門口擺放咗一張美式桌球檯,歡迎食客趁用餐空檔隨意耍樂,以增添玩味。安座後先點飲品,餐廳原來除了提供各式葡萄佳釀如紅酒、白酒外,還有多款 Cocktail 及 Mocktail 等可供選擇。咁就唔客氣喇,先點杯以菠蘿、香橙、柚子及時令水果等調製而成的 Hawaiian Mix ($58),入口味道香甜醒神,夠曬解渴,而且賣相仲好透心涼添。開餐前先來一客餐前麵包,麵包拿上手還是熱呼呼的,咬下既鬆香又軟棉,非常可口,蘸點少許油醋吃,挺美味,若不是要留肚吃主菜的話,真想再追加多一份!Appetizer 點了 Fresh Oysters Platter 鮮蠔拼碟 ($268/半打),生蠔分別有來自法國的 Four Seasons 及 Gillardeau 兩款,前者四季蠔,海水味頗濃,入口雖稍嫌偏鹹,但蠔味極鮮;而後者石蠔,肉身肥美,咬下結實得來又有彈性,口感爽脆鮮甜,而且蠔味不會太霸道,吃起來既細膩又富層次感,各擅勝場。接著出場的 Classic Caesar Salad 凱撒沙律 ($118),廚師先將新鮮爽口的羅馬生菜鋪碟,面頭放上香脆的麵包粒和惹味的煙肉碎,再刨上濃香的巴馬臣芝士片,用料雖然不多,而且做法簡單,但吃起來亦不失美味。Beef Carpaccio 意式薄切生牛肉片 ($198),砌成菊花形狀的牛肉片,上面放咗蘑菇,火箭菜同刨成薄卷的 Parmesan 芝士。生牛肉質感軟腍細滑,入口肉味濃郁,配以大廚精心炮製的白松露菌汁品嚐,味道平衡得來又夠芳香,加上鹹香的芝士能帶起肉鮮,食味一流。據說三文魚同牛油果,兩者都有降低壞膽固醇的作用,而且所蘊含的營養素十分全面,是健怡可口的清新食材。而這道緊接出場的 Scottish Salmon Tartare 三文魚他他 ($168),成品正好就是用咗三文魚同牛油果入饌。底層的蘇格蘭三文魚,入口鮮嫩,而中間層的牛油果就混合咗蟹籽以增強口感,加上面頭鮮甜多汁的意大利番茄粒,配以三文魚籽及黑松露做點綴,用作開胃前菜最適合不過。湯品點了 Provencale Bouillabaisse 法國海龍皇湯配蒜蓉包 ($298),源自於法國南部普羅旺斯海港城市馬賽的海鮮魚湯,湯與料分開奉上。海龍皇湯先以魚骨熬出鮮味,配以肉細質挺的青口、爽甜的蜆隻及嫩滑的比目魚等新鮮食材烹調,呷一口湯盡是海鮮的精華,再以碟邊的香脆蒜蓉包蘸點魚湯吃,夠曬滋味。Sautéed Pacific Clams 蒜香大蜆白酒汁 ($238),來自新西蘭的鑽石蜆 Diamond Clams,厚身肥美,入口帶海水味,而大廚就用多咗傳統法式的白酒忌廉汁去烹調,以襯出蜆肉的爽甜彈牙。食完後廚師仲會攞個汁來煮扁意粉,意粉吃起來煙韌又不太腍身,很 al dente,加上吸盡曬剛才蜆汁的精華,超惹味。Char-grilled US Prime Rib-eye Steak 炭燒美國特級肉眼扒 ($388),肉眼重 12 安士,上面壓有炭燒過的坑紋,入口肉質嫩滑、肉味濃郁,帶獨特的炭香味,而且由於肉汁全鎖在肉內,所以吃起來特別鬆軟 juicy,建議選五成熟,最能品嚐到絕佳風味。而友人就特別喜愛墊於肉眼下的秋葵,說味道清新,能平衡肉眼的油膩。Slow-cooked Tasmania Salmon Fillet 慢煮塔斯曼尼亞三文魚扒 ($188),經低溫慢煮的三文魚,肉質油潤滑溜,魚味特別濃郁,有入口即融的感覺,非常好吃,配上外皮輕煎的煮法,可突出三文魚的香口度。而筆者最喜愛的,就是魚扒的中央位置,呈現迷人的粉紅色,加上外脆內軟的糖心食法,入口層次分明。壓軸出場的 Truffle Baked Half Maine Lobster 黑松露焗緬因龍蝦 ($298半隻),龍蝦以黑松露蓉焗製,吃起來肉質彈牙又香口,蝦身結實爽脆,每一啖都充滿黑松露的香氣,以小巧的洋蔥仔伴吃,更添滋味。甜品點了Ginger Soufflé 薑汁疏乎里 ($58),即叫即製的薑汁疏乎里,伴以新鮮的雲呢拿汁,味道清新之餘又香口,加上入口即化,芳香的薑味隨之而來,感覺輕盈不膩,為炎夏帶來驚喜的美食體驗。若非到訪當晚,外面一直下著毛毛細雨,筆者一定會往戶外的露天區走走,順道飽覽一吓維港中心兩岸的景色,相信一定會更加寫意。不打緊,期待下次再訪!  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)