「湖舟」師傅舟山先生以自己姓氏與Mr Steak老闆開設的新食肆,主打魚生及鐵板燒。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
06:00 - 23:00
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仙台冷豆腐 西班牙火腿嬰兒菜沙律 吞拿魚腩沙律 盛岡冷麵 鐵板燒乳鴒
食評 (16)
等級4 2009-12-25
123 瀏覽
一行八人,訂了檯相約來豪食一下,怎知有點敗興而回不過一定要先讚o下個服務。我o地個個都target 三色丼,但有些人不好三文魚子或海膽,就特別地要求變呢個,o個個變呢個,都有o的睇得出個嬸嬸嫌麻煩,但都係要照幫我o地一一實現富貴長跑害羞小王子特別地要了個索價二百四o既乜都有定食,唔係我叫,所以唔評本想叫那個$180 細丼,但原來只係可以六款中揀一款料,等我o地仲以為係六樣都有但少o的添$200 的三色丼,我要了原味,到底係咪掂呢?答案:合格而已其實個冷豆腐、麵豉湯、茶碗蒸、配菜都比出面街好食好多,但重點當然係個三色丼,二百幾蚊喎,梗係要有要求。不知道行規如何,如果真係o的海膽唔靚係咪照入貨俾客食。無錯,今日o的海膽完全唔掂!幾腥不過,係o的好好食o既蔥吞拿、三文魚子以及個玉子令我俾番ok 面佢 (睇埋就知我有幾厚道)~~快快口食晒o的唔得o既海膽,再一口一口連飯去品嚐其餘o既配料。真的幾大碗飯,o的同事都食唔晒另一敗筆係,我食食o下食到塊保鮮紙。究竟係咩o野係雪藏貨似的??甜品,係個酸酸的jelly 似甜品,新口味對我來說係buy,連埋o個o的紅色酸酸的物體會更佳唔,有o的陰影,睇怕會另作他選,下次 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-12-18
38 瀏覽
九月上旬喜歡精緻小料理的食友,對柚山先生主理的湖舟午市便當從來是讚譽有嘉,看過KC在飲食網站的文章分享,得知主理人在離本店不遠的另一棟飲食商廈開設多元化的和洋料理店Sodeyama,早於七月初來看過餐牌,晚市沒有四十年自信之鰻魚飯供應,仲夏尾聲,趕水尾一嚐這自信之作。在不想吃steak下,選擇了醬漬鯖魚飯定食,今天的Sodeyama,已沒嚴命攝影不能的限製,但也盡量不打擾其他客人下,多攝些食照與大家分享,是日的醬漬鯖魚飯定食,五小品料理分別以五款精緻和式小碟盛著,未稱得上華麗,但看起來感覺還是悅目稱心的。鯖魚是平民美食,和民的半尾燒魚加半碗飯,伴我度過不少難捱頂透的「創作」歲月,是日醬漬作飯,換換口味也好,鯖魚上水後活不久,亦易變腥,醬漬也是聰明做法,撈上日本米及青蔥,還有大葉及日本子薑與及芝麻令味道豐富起來,食米知價,$98的定食至此,也找不到可投訴的地方。更多關於Sodeyama及處理Steak的副手Joe的分享@http://foodxfile.blogspot.com/2009/11/kc-sodeyama-sodeyamasteak-steak.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2009-09-20
15 瀏覽
Since Chef Sodeyama was the owner chef of Kosyu (the Jardine Center-nested restaurant where I've enjoyed numerous meals in the past -and still visiting regularly), I decided that I MUST give this restaurant a try. I've now given Sodeyama 2 lunch visits, but don't think I'm raring to go for the third time. The first time I came here the air conditioning broke down - they did not even tell me about this when I booked the table and were hardly apologetic at all when they informed me after I arrived. I'm not one to mind little things like this but eating hot, grilled dishes in a poorly ventilated room under mid-summer's scorching heat was not very pleasant. They could have at least offered me a beer or something At least 60% of the menu was identical to that of Kosyu's. Wanting to try something new I decided to order the supposedly "fusionized" Lamb Chop set which was not offered at Kosyu. Someone else on my table ordered a Grilled Kurobuta set and I tried a bit of that too. I'm not sure if my tastebuds were affected by the lack of air conditioning in the restaurant, but overall the meal was only "not bad" in contrast to the "very good!" I normally felt at Kosyu. So after a couple months I returned to give Sodeyama another chance. The menu changed slightly but I ordered the same Lamb Chop set (which was however presented differently from the first time) again to see whether it would be better this time. Unfortunately it was the same - not bad, but not good. I also had a tokujo sushi set - this was arranged pretty much in the same way as the corresponding set at Kosyu, but with 2 extra temaki sushis and a bent blue plate was used to put the nigiri sushis instead of a straight one... Think I'll probably just stick with Kosyu for now. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2009-09-11
29 瀏覽
約了朋友往 Sodeyama 吃午餐,這是「湖舟」的老闆袖山新開的一間食店,佢以前在太古城附近開的「袖山」我有幫趁過,沒有印象只係記得好貴,「湖舟」近兩年就食得多,次次都滿意,魚生和壽司都極佳,這次再用自己的名字開店,應該有信心。此店隨了魚生、壽司,也有各式燒物、天婦羅、火煱等。我点了一客蟹肉飯便當 (HKD300),一攞到嚟眼前一亮,擺得好靚,右上角的魚生中包括幾片鮑魚 (!)、中拖羅。左上角是小沙律,幾片燒牛肉 (七成熟、好林、幾好味),右下角是凍温泉蛋 (好靚),左便個蟹肉飯D蟹肉就鮮甜到無輪,另外個炖蛋也很好味應該是用很濃的湯加蛋蒸成。朋友叫了特上壽司set(HKD250),有前菜、壽司十件、手卷兩件、炖蛋。朋友先說明不吃海胆,女侍說會告訴師傅換魚子壽司,但攞到嚟仍有一件海胆壽司,佢亦主動補送一件中拖羅壽司,可惜有幾件魚生片色澤有D暗啞,沒有「湖舟」咁好。餐包一個甜品,口感似好軟的chesse cake, 加舊yohart。他們餐牌中有各種 lunch set,$150起。最特別係火煱 (牛肉或鷄肉) 二人前及四人前,自己寫明〝自信推介〞咁巴闭!第次試吓。佢地好似也有D Contemporary Japanese 菜式。 初次來便食到個咁正嘅蟹肉飯便當,但朋友的壽司不算特別好,人客坐滿仍只有兩個女侍應,我只能給一粒星。希望以後再吃能升星呢。順便補充一下,之前有其他食評話抽油烟不佳,我這次唔覺有油烟喎,至於lift口有熱氣,這是整座大厦都有的毛病,廚房近lift 個便更差,恆和鑽石大厦也是這樣。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-09-05
14 瀏覽
Had lunch with bf on Sat. We arrived at 12:30pm. without booking. Only can sit the bartables. There are four kinds of lunch set only for bar tables ($150 each). So strange? We wanted to order one with 松茸rice and abalone. However, there was no 松茸 today. quite disappointing. so we ordered a sashimi rice set. And also my favourite 三色丼. There was no yellow tail today. So I had 三文魚子, 海膽 and deep sea 池魚. The sashimi rice set was very good. only $150, there was 三文魚子, 海膽, 三文魚 (very fat, 2 pieces), crab 拑, tuna (2 pieces) and one kind of white fish. I think it is even better than my 三色丼.Both sets had miso soup, steamed egg, appentiser and dessert. The miso soup was boiled with fish head. delicious. the dessert was almond pudding with fruit on the top. tasty and beautiful. The miso soup and dessert is better than 湖舟 and the food quality are the same. the only thing need to be improved is that there were only two waitress but 30-40 customers. noone refilled tea for us. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)