I was lucky enough to try this new place by serial restaurateur/entrepreneur Harlan Goldstein, who made his reputation in the Hong Kong culinary world through his namesake branded restaurants; this time he’s restyling and recreating the previous The Strip House into a much less flamboyant comfort food restaurant, aptly named, Harlan Goldstein’s Comfort.The interior is an elegant step down from the racy photos and red lip shaped urinals of The Strip House, maybe that’s also why last time I went i
I was lucky enough to try this new place by serial restaurateur/entrepreneur Harlan Goldstein, who made his reputation in the Hong Kong culinary world through his namesake branded restaurants; this time he’s restyling and recreating the previous The Strip House into a much less flamboyant comfort food restaurant, aptly named, Harlan Goldstein’s Comfort.

The interior is an elegant step down from the racy photos and red lip shaped urinals of The Strip House, maybe that’s also why last time I went it was fully booked – all guys
. But now with its wooden floor panels and cozy ambience it feels a lot like a nice family hangout you can take your in-laws to. What’s not changed though is the friendly humor of the famed American chef, which was on prominent display on opening night – Harlan himself was welcoming guests in a T-shirt that read “My Tai Tai s curry ROCKS”, an actual item from the menu; and was jovially recommending his other creations as well.
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We started with the Crispy Falafel, Garlic Sesame Sauce ($85); it was soft and mushy and regrettably lacked the crispiness the name promised, quite disappointing for the start, but fortunately for us, things got better. (Digressing a bit: for good falafel in Hong Kong, I would recommend Habibi Cafe or even Ebeneezer’s, both good quality for money.)
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Next was the Japanese Wagyu Beef Croquettes ($108), a generous portion of meaty minced beef deep fried into four crunchy meatballs. For something that could have easily been oily and thick, it was very well executed. The beef was lightly seasoned, retaining the meaty juices and flavors you would find in a good ribeye steak; and the texture of the minced meat was lean yet tender and moist, quite a pleasant surprise for Wagyu beef. One of my favorite dishes here. Yum!
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Moving to the mains, we had the Slow-Cooked Beef Cheek, Mash Potatoes & Home Style Gravy ($248). The portion was appetizer sized but was very tender and succulent and had a wonderful smoky fragrance on the crisp edges of the charred fat strips aligning the meat. The mash and gravy offered little surprise, but was it comfort food? Definitely!
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The Crab Meat Crusted Salmon Steak, Asparagus, Lobster Cajun Sauce ($188) was a confusion of flavors - each well done in its own right but did not converge well as a whole. I found the spiciness in the crab meat overpowering, and while the sauce, reminiscent of a smokier lobster bisque, went well with the crab, it felt quite disjointed from the salmon. I still prefer my salmon complemented with lighter sauces and flavors.
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Dessert was the Old School Apple Crumble, Caramel, Vanilla Ice Cream ($66). Served in a metal pot, the aroma of caramel, cinnamon and vanilla, combined with a truly crunchy golden crumb topping was enough to make me fall in love with this classic again. This is definitely the ultimate comfort food and a classic that ‘you don’t mess with’. I just couldn’t stop munching on the crunchy bits!
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Last up was the Harlan G’s Nitrogen Dessert ($98), which was not the same as the nitrogen ice cream from Lab Made that we were expecting. It was a quirky combination of honey, chocolate coated popcorn candy, and frozen pellets of ice cream in the flavor of Hong Kong style milk tea. The liquid nitrogen was added at the table, which added to the somewhat magical experience. Also when eating it, we were spewing smoke out of our mouths and noses, it was a strangely fun experience and will bring a big smile to your face =) At least we couldn’t stop laughing about it!

::||Good for||::
As I mentioned earlier, bringing your inlaws! And also for all those everyday occasions when you just want simple flavours and a cozy place for late dinners with friends or family.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$440 (晚餐)
早前原獲邀請出席兩大米芝蓮名廚Harlan Goldstein與Alvin Leung瘦身大戰結果的報導會,但因有事忙而去不到,這次比賽由Gold和Strip House的主廚Harlan Goldstein勝出,三個月內他成功減去20.7公斤,比Alvin Leung多2%左右。最近分別在Restaurant & Bar Expo及Strip House用餐時見過Harlan好幾次,他依然保持著減磅後身形。說起Strip House,這間扒房環境佈置帶1940年代紐約風格,以紅黑為主調,感覺帶點型格。而餐牌中新增了不少菜式,當中就包括側腹橫肌牛扒Skirt Steak及多款頭盤。另外這裡午餐設有自助沙律吧,價錢$138起,多款新鮮的蔬菜如生菜、椰菜、西蘭花、椰菜花、黃紅椒、紅菜頭、車厘茄、粟米等,還有巴馬火腿及芝士,我就很喜歡吃芝士。吃沙律同時,侍應也先送上一個大洋蔥包,自家焗製的麵包質感鬆軟,喜歡它洋蔥味道不會太濃烈,塗上牛油來吃也是不錯的。頭盤Shrimp & Tuna Cocktail,Tiger Prawns,Grated Yellow-Fin Tuna,Spiced Avo
早前原獲邀請出席兩大米芝蓮名廚Harlan Goldstein與Alvin Leung瘦身大戰結果的報導會,但因有事忙而去不到,這次比賽由Gold和Strip House的主廚Harlan Goldstein勝出,三個月內他成功減去20.7公斤,比Alvin Leung多2%左右。最近分別在Restaurant & Bar Expo及Strip House用餐時見過Harlan好幾次,他依然保持著減磅後身形。說起Strip House,這間扒房環境佈置帶1940年代紐約風格,以紅黑為主調,感覺帶點型格。而餐牌中新增了不少菜式,當中就包括側腹橫肌牛扒Skirt Steak及多款頭盤。另外這裡午餐設有自助沙律吧,價錢$138起,多款新鮮的蔬菜如生菜、椰菜、西蘭花、椰菜花、黃紅椒、紅菜頭、車厘茄、粟米等,還有巴馬火腿及芝士,我就很喜歡吃芝士。吃沙律同時,侍應也先送上一個大洋蔥包,自家焗製的麵包質感鬆軟,喜歡它洋蔥味道不會太濃烈,塗上牛油來吃也是不錯的。
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頭盤Shrimp & Tuna Cocktail,Tiger Prawns,Grated Yellow-Fin Tuna,Spiced Avocado,Spring Onion and Cocktail Sauce,$168。兩隻超大的虎蝦掛在玻璃杯上,賣相吸引,蝦肉十分鮮爽彈牙,口感討人喜歡,配吞拿魚肉及牛油果蓉,帶點泰式微酸,吃得開胃。
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Roasted Sea Scallop,Jumbo Hokkaido Sea Scallops,Shimiji Mushrooms,Red Bell Pepper Coulis and “3” Mustard Crust,$158。北海道帶子加上菇菌、紅椒蓉及芥末來烤焗,芥末味道較為突出,入口攻鼻,繼而滲有微微椒甜。帶子烹調時間長一點,若口感再生嫩一點就更好。
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Baked Bone Marrow & Sea Urchin,Crispy Parma Ham,Lemon Myrtle,Chives and Garlic Toast,$168。牛骨髓加上新鮮加拿大海膽,油脂豐腴的骨髓,加上鮮甜海膽,兩者配合起來可用邪惡兩字來形容。香脆的多士滲著油脂香,配上一小口海膽,吃起來骨髓味道較明顯,一份價錢一百六十多元,也值得點一份來跟朋友分享。
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Handmade Iberico Pork Sausage,Roasted on a Sizzling Pan,French Snails and Red Wine Onion,$158。自家打製的黑先豬香腸滿有肉香,外皮略嫌不夠香脆,而配上的洋蔥經過紅酒醬汁醃煮,味道帶甜,像平衡一點油膩感。
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到主菜兩份牛扒,先是Skirt Steak,10oz,$368,剛新增到餐牌上的側腹橫肌牛扒,來自美國Brandt Beef的牛隻,農場以全天然的方法飼養牛隻,沒有使用荷爾蒙及抗生素,主要以玉米及加入有機紫花苜蓿餵飼牛隻。今天肉質的生熟度選了Medium Rare,切開肉中仍然帶著嫩粉,滿有肉汁,肉味濃郁,比其後吃的肉眼扒濃味得多,帶著油脂甘香,愛吃牛肉者要試試。
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另外Rib Eye Steak,12oz,肉眼扒跟側腹橫肌牛扒表面都帶焦香,肉同樣選了Medium Rare,軟嫩的牛肉帶著豐盛肉汁,肉味其實也有,但Skirt Steak的味道就濃郁得多。
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配菜有Parmesan Potato Mash及Green Asparagus,每款都是$68,喜歡吃炸得香脆的薯球,露筍也夠嫩綠,爽口又無渣。
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最後甜品有Sizzling Brownie,Chocolate Fudge Brownie,Chocolate Sauce and Vanilla Ice Cream,$98,Brownie放在熱燙的鐵板上,伴上一球雲尼拿雪糕,再淋上熱朱古力漿,即時冒煙,傳來陣陣朱古力香。濕潤的朱古力蛋糕加上濃稠的朱古力漿,味道不算很甜溜,但就令人吃得很滿足。
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還有Chestnut Tiramisu,Mascarpone,Candied Chestnut,Coffee and Kahlua,$88,芝士打得滑帶濃稠,栗子味道香甜,喜歡中間有點栗蓉,加上微微的咖啡味,兩者平衡味道還好。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-09-18 100 瀏覽
在雜誌看到這裡推出了$188的抵吃Brunch,立刻就和朋友訂位來吃,沒料到在聚會的前一天,突然獲邀來試試全新推出的Top Choice美國Brandt Beef和一系列新頭盤,實在有黠突然,但也高興有機會來先嚐一下。餐廳的裝潢很特別,以紅黑色為主,牆上貼滿了外國懷舊性感女郎的海報,感覺有點像回到瑪麗蓮夢露、Godfather的那個年代。海虎蝦吞拿魚配牛油果及開胃醬汁。海虎蝦蝦肉爽口彈牙,伴著帶點辣味的吞拿魚牛油果沙沙和茄味濃郁的蕃茄醬汁,相當甜美開胃的頭盤。烤北海道帶子配芥茉松茸紅燈籠椒粒($158)。肥美肉厚的北海道帶子,啖啖鮮味,和芥茉松茸醬汁也挺配。焗牛骨髓配海膽($168)。兩大邪惡食材薈聚在一起,還未真正放進嘴裡就知道不會差到那裡去。甘香豐腴的牛骨髓、鮮甜的海膽和雜菇,放在脆脆薄多士,實在搭配得很好,一個人吃掉一整碟也不過份。鐵板自家製西班牙黑毛豬肉腸配醃漬椰菜($138)。用鐵板上桌的豬肉腸,新鮮熱辣,豬肉腸的味道很濃郁,口感比較扎實,雖然肉汁不算多,但也不會覺得太乾身,而放在上面的醃漬紫椰菜則可減低肉腸的油膩感吃完美味的頭盤,侍應就一口氣送來三款Top Choice牛扒
在雜誌看到這裡推出了$188的抵吃Brunch,立刻就和朋友訂位來吃,沒料到在聚會的前一天,突然獲邀來試試全新推出的Top Choice美國Brandt Beef和一系列新頭盤,實在有黠突然,但也高興有機會來先嚐一下。
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吃完美味的頭盤,侍應就一口氣送來三款Top Choice牛扒。牛扒都是以濕式熟成的方法存放至少80天,今天試到的分別是12oz西冷扒($368)、14oz肉眼($388)和10oz側腹橫肌牛扒Skirt Steak($368)。三款牛扒各有特色,當中最特別的要算是Skirt Steak,此部位並不常見,而且全隻牛只得兩塊,肉質軟嫰而味道濃郁,帶適量的油份但又不覺過份油膩,令人吃著停不下來。
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Sizzling Brownie($98)。食友大力推介的特色甜品,把Brownie放在高溫烘熱的鐵板上,淋上70%濃度的委內瑞拉朱古力醬,整個環境頓時充滿朱古力甜味。Brownie微微脆,伴著雲呢拿雪糕同吃,有冰火合一的效果,雖然很美味,可是對我來說是偏甜了點,因此吃幾口就夠了。
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栗子意大利芝士餅($88)。個人不太喜歡咖啡的味道,所以不常吃Tiramisu,但這個以栗子為主的Tiramisu卻是另一回事,栗子蓉味道香甜,Mascarpone cheese幼滑濕潤,兩者配搭起來很對我的口味。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Skirt Steak
  • Tiramisu
記得約在一年多前,我到「Gold by Harlan」食午飯,碰到 Mr Harlan,閒聊之中他跟我說:「我有一間全新的 steak house,快將開張了!」時間過得真快,謝謝有關方面的邀請,這刻我已坐在此餐廳中間!此餐廳裝潢的特色是四周牆上掛著美式插圖,主題都以深紅色為主,讓餐廳呈現四十年代紐約的感覺,感覺大膽卻舒適。此處的 Brunch 或 Set Lunch 有自助沙拉吧、湯、12個月巴馬火腿配芝士、水果等,任由客人自由組合。 我覺得「蜜糖茴香」沙律汁最好味,光是頭盤也可飽了幾分。「Shrimp & Tuna Cocktail」$168海虎蝦吞拿魚配牛油果,還配有開胃醬汁。泰國海虎蝦很大隻,而且肉質很爽彈,配上甜美吞拿魚茸,整體味道帶點泰式的風情。「Roasted Sea Scallop」$158烤北海道帶子配芥茉松茸紅燈籠椒粒,味道以芥茉作主導,發揮了香香辣辣的味道。「Baked Bone Marrow & Sea Unchin」$168焗牛骨髓配海膽,用來塗多士吃,美麗得很邪惡啊!海膽來自加拿大,它的鮮味比牛骨髓強,兩者皆入口即溶化成脂味,愛鮮味的朋友不要錯過這項。「Ha
記得約在一年多前,我到「Gold by Harlan」食午飯,碰到 Mr Harlan,閒聊之中他跟我說:「我有一間全新的 steak house,快將開張了!」
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時間過得真快,謝謝有關方面的邀請,這刻我已坐在此餐廳中間!此餐廳裝潢的特色是四周牆上掛著美式插圖,主題都以深紅色為主,讓餐廳呈現四十年代紐約的感覺,感覺大膽卻舒適。此處的 Brunch 或 Set Lunch 有自助沙拉吧、湯、12個月巴馬火腿配芝士、水果等,任由客人自由組合。
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「Shrimp & Tuna Cocktail」$168
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「Roasted Sea Scallop」$158
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「Baked Bone Marrow & Sea Unchin」$168
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「Handmade Iberico Pork Sausage」$158
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鐵板自家製西班牙黑毛豬肉腸配醃漬椰菜,肉腸一咬爆汁甚 juicy,最好多人分享一盤,吃多了會膩呢。
「Rib Eye Steak」12oz $468
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主角開始出場,這裡的牛扒是由聖地牙哥畜牧業專家飼養,我們這份是 medium rare。廚子選用不含荷爾蒙,並以玉米及穀物餵飼的肉眼,其口味獨特且油脂分佈平均。先將牛扒以濕式熟成的方法存放至少80天,嚴控溫度,然後才切成細份,以簡單香料調味,最後才以炭火烹調。牛肉入口很焦香,而且很香軟,肉質細緻,甚麼醬汁也不用點,就可吃到牛的原汁原味。
「Skirt Steak」10oz $368
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即側腹橫肌牛扒,同樣是 medium rare,肉質紋理較深,肉味亦明顯較濃郁,配點烤蒜同吃,我更愛這個呢。
牛扒以外,約有十款「Sides」選擇,所有「Sides」都是 $68。我們挑了「Green Asparagus」及「Parmesan Potatoes Mash」,與牛肉都很搭配。
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最後甜品方面「Sizzling Brownie」$98 蠻特別,吃時在鐵板上倒下朱古力漿,即時香氣四散,味道也不會太甜。
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「Chestnut Tiramisu」$58
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題外話/補充資料: 特別一提,這裡逢週一、二及三晚市點選 Prime 級別牛扒,可額外享用特色頭盤一份,有興趣的朋友不要錯過了。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Sizzling Brownie
  • Skirt Steak
  • Baked Bone Marrow & Sea Unchin
  • Shrimp & Tuna Cocktail
2013-08-13 219 瀏覽
Strip House by Harlan Goldstein is an American steakhouse located amidst the lustrous Lang Kwai Fang. With a sexual name, Strip House creates a flirty ambiance for its diners. Starting with a red luminous light with "Strip House by Harlan Goldstein" on a red wall, a red and black table setting with sex symbol Marilyn Monroe cushion, black and white posters with nudity, bold sexy red lips wallpaper at the washroom etc. Even the menu and drink list plays with flirty words like Sickest Crabcakes in
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Strip House by Harlan Goldstein is an American steakhouse located amidst the lustrous Lang Kwai Fang. With a sexual name, Strip House creates a flirty ambiance for its diners.
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Starting with a red luminous light with "Strip House by Harlan Goldstein" on a red wall, a red and black table setting with sex symbol Marilyn Monroe cushion, black and white posters with nudity, bold sexy red lips wallpaper at the washroom etc. Even the menu and drink list plays with flirty words like Sickest Crabcakes in the World or "Kick Ass" Mac and cheese or Panty Dropper. Not to mention they play Frank Sinatra, my favourite jazz singer on earth. It already sounds fun dining at Strip House.
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Each table is given an enormous garlic house bread, freshly baked from the Kitchen. The bread was buttery, soft and spongy! The garlic taste was quite weak though.
House Garlic Bread
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Beef Tartare
The beef tartare is one of the best that I have ever tasted. The beef tartare was chopped in perfect size, It was spicy and flavourful. I prefer spicy over sweet for beef tartare.

The Sickest Crabcake
The Crabcake was quite nice too! It tasted fresh with loads of crab meats in it. it was creamy and again quite spicy in taste.
The Sickest Crabcake
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The Jumbo Shrimp
The Jumbo Shrimp is truly jumbo in size. It was fresh and sweet. The salad within the cup was good to pair with the shrimp.
The Jumbo Shrimp
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The Pork Belly
When I read pork belly, I was not assuming bacon. I got disappointed and I do not like the dish. The bacon was thickly slice but was very hard in texture.
The Pork Belly
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Rib eye
I had my rib eye cooked in medium rare and The Strip House managed it perfectly. The rib eye was juicy and flavourful but did not have the tender texture I was looking for. So I was only 50% contented about this. The portion was generous, we almost couldn't finished it.
Rib eye
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Banana fritters
This is a western version of a famous Shanghainese dessert, but this is much more crispy and dense. The vanilla cream was a great pair with the fritters. I really love this dessert, I totally cleared the plate.
Banana fritters
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Banofee pie
The banofee pie was moist to taste, pretty average dish.
Banofee pie
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題外話/補充資料: The Bill for 3 Beef Tartare - HKD$ 198 Tasting Menu - HKD$ 588 Cured Bacon - HKD$ 138 Jumbo Shrimp - HKD$ 188 Lobster Bisque - HKD$ 138 Crispy Fritters - HKD$ 78 Manhattan - HKD$ 138 Other beverages - - HKD$ 441 10% Service Change Total - HKD$ 2098 (HKD$ 700pp)
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
House Garlic Bread
The Sickest Crabcake
The Jumbo Shrimp
Banana fritters
  • Beef Tartare
2013-02-16 133 瀏覽
Strip house by Harlan Goldstein is a very cosy and loving atmosphere, which is more affectionate than the photos. Where else is better with this restaurant to serve quality steak with a adoring décor. The décor is overlook by black and red colours with table fairly spaced and it is located at the heart of Lang Kowk Fong, a perfect place for dinner before a easy night out. Cuisine: AmericanFood rating: 6/10*Service: 5/10 Ambiance: 8/10Price: HK$550ax* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent t
Strip house by Harlan Goldstein is a very cosy and loving atmosphere, which is more affectionate than the photos. Where else is better with this restaurant to serve quality steak with a adoring décor. The décor is overlook by black and red colours with table fairly spaced and it is located at the heart of Lang Kowk Fong, a perfect place for dinner before a easy night out.

Cuisine: American
Food rating: 6/10*
Service: 5/10
Ambiance: 8/10
Price: HK$550ax

* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent to 1 Michelin star, 8/10 to two Michelin stars, and 9/10 or 10/10 to three Michelin stars

Chorizo Sausage, Celery Root Salad and Salsa Verde (4/10)
It lacked surprises, Chorizo was nicely made with lighter flavour than usual, but it was more tender than expected. Chorizo was paired with salad and topped with salsa verder.
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Baked Bone Marrow, Lemon Parsley Gremolata, Shimiji Mushrooms and Pommery Mustard Sauce (8/10)
This was absolutely stunning, the bone marrow was fresh and the texture was just perfect. The Mushrooms sauce was rich and creamy, fully infused with the bone marrow. The pommery mustard gave the dish a hint of sweetness and heat, very well cooked.
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New York Strip with Au Poivre Sauce (6/10)
This is worth trying, the meat was very tender, and properly marinated. It was cooked to the right temperature and perfect colour. However, the sauce was delicate with the spiciness more intense than it needed. Totally destroyed the freshness and the meaty flavour from the stiploin.
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The service way below bar, not responsive and the waiters were not at attention to details. Requests were needed for change of plates and knifes etc.

Give me a thumbs up if you like it!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$550 (晚餐)
2013-01-28 66 瀏覽
2012年年底的一個下午,與2位好友相約'睇樓',樓雖然睇不成,但因為要每月吃一間有星店,就與2位訂下1月的星之約!地點都是由我定,就來了這間開業不夠一年就奪星的店~Strip House by Harlan Goldstein! 聽到Strip House這個名字也不用驚訝,賣的只是美式西餐,我們仨人是日所吃的,是星期六才有供應的brunch!店中的陳設很特別,座落在商業大廈中的店中雖然不是真的strip house,但就掛了一些對題的畫!陳設也用上累紅兩色作主導,是個很大膽但又很合宜的配搭! Brunch有沙拉吧,龍蝦湯,自選主菜,甜品及咖啡或茶!由人知我會寫blog就好體貼的提議點不同主菜分吃,可以每樣吃些讓我寫多一些! 沙拉吧是自助形式,有巴馬火腿,水果,起司, 也有冷的烤蔬菜和自由組合的salad bar,幾款醬汁相信也是自行調配的,其中試了蜜糖茴香以及凱撒口味的醬汁! 2款也十分對口味,只是蜜糖茴香汁醬略甜吧! 而龍蝦湯入口十分香滑,份量也不少,不過奶油香重於龍蝦的味道,整體表現只是一般,溫度也夠熱尚算合格! 主菜方面我們五選三, 點了三文魚排,牛肉眼與有機
2012年年底的一個下午,與2位好友相約'睇樓',樓雖然睇不成,但因為要每月吃一間有星店,就與2位訂下1月的星之約!地點都是由我定,就來了這間開業不夠一年就奪星的店~Strip House by Harlan Goldstein! 聽到Strip House這個名字也不用驚訝,賣的只是美式西餐,我們仨人是日所吃的,是星期六才有供應的brunch!

店中的陳設很特別,座落在商業大廈中的店中雖然不是真的strip house,但就掛了一些對題的畫!陳設也用上累紅兩色作主導,是個很大膽但又很合宜的配搭!
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沙拉吧是自助形式,有巴馬火腿,水果,起司, 也有冷的烤蔬菜和自由組合的salad bar,幾款醬汁相信也是自行調配的,其中試了蜜糖茴香以及凱撒口味的醬汁! 2款也十分對口味,只是蜜糖茴香汁醬略甜吧!
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主菜方面我們五選三, 點了三文魚排,牛肉眼與有機豬排!三款主菜賣相也精緻,味道就由我作點點小評吧!
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牛肉眼排大大的一塊,要了medium rare,用上小木棒表示大家要求的熟度,吃到肉味而肉質軟稔,是好吃的,如何沾點醬汁會香一些吧!至於伴菜南瓜蓉與菠菜蓉也做得入味,Yorkshire Budding味道也可以,整體令人滿意!
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三文魚排的汁醬偏日式,加上薯件!三文魚排入口十分香滑油份十足, 加上醬汁味道出色!而薯件也炸得夠脆,整體而言三款中家最喜歡這一道!
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其實大家胃納也不大,三道主菜也沒有全數吃光, 不過吃甜食總會有位置可吃!可點2款雪糕或是日精選甜品!是日精選吃的是芒果拿破崙,雪糕就是7選2,大家都想吃雪糕,就除了草莓外每款要一球!這裡供應不少特別口味!
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HK Milk tea十分香滑不過甜,超讚!nutella有點點過甜,但很香!Black cherry 是意外驚喜,味道清新!Peanut butter and jelly是個極為討好的味道chocolate也十分香濃!最穩陣的vanilla反為有點不夠香,奶味太重,不好吃!

價位方面很進取$288 + 10%服務費!可加$88任飲汽水/果汁或$168任飲汽酒/紅白酒/汽水/果汁,最後每人平均只是 $400!一星店來說價位也相當合理!我們決定不飲酒,就飲果汁,有幾種鮮果汁也有罐裝果汁!最後大家也決定點上西柚汁享用!


不過服務方面,說實在不值一星,職員十分散漫,而相當不專業,上菜時衣服擦過了友人杯子的飲管,而上菜方面的安排也不合宜!就連所謂的飲品FREE FLOW,他們也不會主動為你加果汁...如以食物水準而言,不錯的,不過服務就仍要努力一點了!

本來推介度應該有 CCCC 的,不過實在給服務扣了分,真可惜呢! 不過可以與好友在新一年一同嚐星也是賞心樂事!也謝謝您們倆早起來陪我到老蘭開餐!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2012-12-30 65 瀏覽
I've long been a fan of Gold by Harlan so when he opened up his very own steakhouse Strip House by Harlan, I was more than happy to pay his newest establishment a visit!Over the summer there were quite a few steakhouses new on the block, ones that have been coming up on top have been Striphouse and Blue Butcher.I must say, Striphouse is very american-y. The decor is pre dominantly red with lots of 1940's inspired pop art and paintings. They do have an extensive menu to choose from, like I said v
I've long been a fan of Gold by Harlan so when he opened up his very own steakhouse Strip House by Harlan, I was more than happy to pay his newest establishment a visit!
Over the summer there were quite a few steakhouses new on the block, ones that have been coming up on top have been Striphouse and Blue Butcher.
I must say, Striphouse is very american-y. The decor is pre dominantly red with lots of 1940's inspired pop art and paintings.
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They do have an extensive menu to choose from, like I said very american-y. Thumbs up to whoever came up with the menu, if you browse through it, you'd notice all their dishes and drinks have wicked names like 'dirty mofo'! The cruder the better, I like places or people who aren't afraid to break away from stereotypes. Although personally I'm not particularly in favour of their starters or desserts..But we went for the steak, so let's talk steak!
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I should really blame myself for ordering this, as soon as they served me with this I wish I had ordered the 'sickest crab cake on the planet' instead. This was just a piece of fat pan fried till crispy on a bed of apple salad! I did not like this at all, but if you so happen to like pieces of lard crispy and oily in its wholesomeness, Im sure you'd find love for this dish.
Pork Belly& Apple Salad 6.5/10
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I ordered the sirloin steak in medium. It was a perfect medium and had strong hints of charcoal and the grill. I'm one for full flavoured steaks, this didn't blow me away but didn't disappoint either, I thought that it deserved a solid 8/10
Sirloin Steak 8.5/10
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Fried doughs of ice cream with more ice cream in a bed of vanilla sauce; It wasn't bad but it was too fried and too sweet and too sugary, I'd much prefer a slightly more refined dessert. However, for what it is I believe it was made to perfection, pixie points for using vanilla pods, Im extremely anal about vanilla desserts, restaurants that don't use actual vanilla pods to cook are to be shunned! Its almost like they cheated on the real deal with vanilla essence.
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In conclusion, would I come back here? Yes. Prices are reasonable compared to Steakhouses like Grand Hyatt Steakhouse. The decor was nice, atmosphere was lively and trendy. Perfect for a night out with your friends, people here talk loud, so it's fun to shout over the other people to talk to your friends!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Pork Belly& Apple Salad 6.5/10
Sirloin Steak 8.5/10
When you see the words “strip house”, what comes to your mind? For me, juicy slabs of steak, but that’s just because I am a massive foodie, and I won’t judge if you now have other interesting images in your head…Strip House is actually a pun on the yummy New York strip steak or strip loin. The interior of the restaurant is in a suggestive red-and-black tone, and cocktails with saucy names can be found on the drinks menu (you can go to their website and see for yourself).Brought to us by Harlan G
When you see the words “strip house”, what comes to your mind? For me, juicy slabs of steak, but that’s just because I am a massive foodie, and I won’t judge if you now have other interesting images in your head…
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Strip House is actually a pun on the yummy New York strip steak or strip loin. The interior of the restaurant is in a suggestive red-and-black tone, and cocktails with saucy names can be found on the drinks menu (you can go to their website and see for yourself).
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Brought to us by Harlan Goldstein, a talented chef and restaurateur (also aptly nicknamed “chef to the tycoons”), we were expecting some prime steaks and pristine seafood at this American-style steakhouse. Just to clarify, Harlan doesn’t personally cook at this restaurant, but even with this fact in mind, I found the food at Strip House slightly disappointing.

(1) The Appetizers, Salads and Seafood Bar From The Buffet Table ($168 on its own) is included in the set lunch or Saturday brunch. The selection was really similar to the one at Gold by Harlan Goldstein - there were some salads, cheeses and seafood.
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My favourite items at both Gold and Strip House were the cheeses – brie and Parmesan, with walnuts, grapes and crackers, which were wholesome and delectable.
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There were also some smoked salmon, mussels and whelks. The seafoods were fine, but not incredibly delicious.
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(2) The 8oz Wagyu Hanger Steak ($388 for Buffet and Steak Set Lunch) was the best part of the meal. Strip House prizes its hormone-free beef (even though I am not the healthiest person when it comes to eating, the fact that the beef was hormone-free just seemed so reassuring and comforting), and the restaurant has a multi-temperature grill that can seal the steaks with very high temperatures. The Australian Wagyu Hanger Steak was beautifully seared on the outside, and was tender, flavoursome and gorgeously fat marbled on the inside.
8oz Wagyu Hanger Steak
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(3) I am currently in search for the best burgers in Hong Kong, so I also tried the Big and Juicy Prime Beef Burger ($228 for Buffet and Set Lunch). My heart sank a little when I saw that my burger steak was sandwiched between ciabatta. I personally really dislike ciabatta in burgers – its texture is too hard and it is not fluffy enough, which means that you have to open your mouth really wide and take a huge bite if you want to eat the burger and the bread at the same time. Brioche, on the hand, is perfect for me even though some people find it a bit too sweet and buttery to go with the patty. While the meat patty in this burger was fresh and tasty, it was not sufficiently seared and so was a tad too moist.
Big and Juicy Prime Beef Burger
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Big and Juicy Prime Beef Burger
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(4) For dessert, I tried the Lemon Tart with Glazed Sweet Pineapple. The tart was refreshing and good to eat, and was small enough not to make me overly full after my steak and burger.
Lemon Tart with Glazed Sweet Pineapple
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(5) Next, I tried one scoop of their Home-Made Ice Cream. The available flavours were: Chocolate/Peanut Butter & Jelly/Strawberry/HK Milk Tea/Black Cherry/Nutella/Vanilla. Peanut Butter & Jelly and HK Milk Tea seemed tempting, but the waiter recommended Nutella so I ordered that instead. I liked the alluring hazelnut and chocolate taste of it, but the texture was a bit sticky, and the melon which lined the bowl did not match the taste of the ice cream at all.
Home-Made Nutella Ice Cream
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(6) Lastly, we finished our meal with a cup of Graffeo’s Famous Coffee. My latte was nice, and the exact same coffee is available at Gold by Harlan Goldstein.
Graffeo’s Famous Coffee
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Strip House, as a steakhouse, didn’t seem to be able to offer the best food or value for money. However, I might come and try their cocktails sometime, just to see what a “Red Hot Stripteaser” (Grey Goose Vodka, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Lemon Juice, Cane Sugar Syrup, Lychees and Chili) or “Dirty Mofo Martini” (Grey Goose Vodka, Olive Water, Blue Cheese Green Olive) would taste like…
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2012-10-15 31 瀏覽
First and foremost, people go out to eat because they want to eat good food, food that cannot be easily prepared at home. Secondly, people want the experience, from enjoying the restaurant to enjoying the service, the interaction and all, the stuffs that make a Michelin star restaurant I suppose. I never did understand this until a recent visit to Enoteca Pinchiorri in Florence. This is what I call you pay for it, but you get what you pay for. An important part of the culinary experience is
First and foremost, people go out to eat because they want to eat good food, food that cannot be easily prepared at home. Secondly, people want the experience, from enjoying the restaurant to enjoying the service, the interaction and all, the stuffs that make a Michelin star restaurant I suppose. I never did understand this until a recent visit to Enoteca Pinchiorri in Florence. This is what I call you pay for it, but you get what you pay for.

An important part of the culinary experience is enjoying both the food and the service. It does not matter how hard the wait staff work, if the management is stubborn and inflexible, the entire culinary experience for the customer will still be ruined. The art of the restaurateur is finding the balance of happy customers and big fat profit.

In the steakhouse business in HK today, customer satisfaction is paramount. Unhappy guests will just go to the other steakhouse, of which there are many in HK.

Service by wait staff - Excellent.
Management - Need intensive customer service training. Need to show a lot more flexibility. Need to ask and answer the tough question: "Is it worth giving in to this customer's request?"
Wine service - Very good.
Wine list - Need improvement to include wider price range and coverage. Seriously, how many people can afford the trophy wines on the list?
Bread - Warm and very good.
Appetizers - Good size for sharing. I liked the steak tar tar.
Steak quality - Not extraordinary. Never know if I am getting Choice or Prime grade meat in HK. There is no Lobel's in Hong Kong unfortunately.
Seating - Too tight between tables. Not comfortable. Felt squeezed.
Corkage policy - Not the greatest but will be reasonable if more choices available for the 1 for 1 policy.

I will not be going back but I hope you will find more happiness in this restaurant.

Keep Calm & Carry On!
This is a Bistecca alla Fiorentina
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
1. Full house at lunch today probably due to the good bargain (from Mon to Fri in Aug)2. Tables are a bit too close together and therefore noise level is pretty high.3. Salad bar has pretty good choices: prama ham; melon; salmon; grilled vegetables; shrimp; mussels; asparagus; mushroom etc Grilled pineapple is my favorite. I have three plates which made me already full.4. We have ordered Free Range Chicken; Steak and Salmon. They are all nicely done and the taste is great especially the chargr
Grilled steak
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1. Full house at lunch today probably due to the good bargain (from Mon to Fri in Aug)
2. Tables are a bit too close together and therefore noise level is pretty high.
3. Salad bar has pretty good choices: prama ham; melon; salmon; grilled vegetables; shrimp; mussels; asparagus; mushroom etc Grilled pineapple is my favorite. I have three plates which made me already full.
4. We have ordered Free Range Chicken; Steak and Salmon. They are all nicely done and the taste is great especially the chargrill steak.
5. Waitresses are helpful and good to take care of everyone.
6. Definitely will go back for lunch.
Free Range chicken
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$200 (午餐)
Grilled steak
Free Range chicken
I made this reservation 2 weeks ago and I wanted to make sure on the day I do have this booking. However no one called in the afternoon to confirm, nothing! I called them at around 5:30pm, thank god, they did have my booking. But then they said they needed the table back by 9:30pm. Well, I was not impressed that they only said it now, but then I thought it really dependent on how quick you serve our food. I said yes, no problems.We walked in, it's a tiny tiny place and the tables were set v
I made this reservation 2 weeks ago and I wanted to make sure on the day I do have this booking. However no one called in the afternoon to confirm, nothing! I called them at around 5:30pm, thank god, they did have my booking. But then they said they needed the table back by 9:30pm. Well, I was not impressed that they only said it now, but then I thought it really dependent on how quick you serve our food. I said yes, no problems.

We walked in, it's a tiny tiny place and the tables were set very closely together. My first thought was oh no, I had to listen to other people's conversations all night! But then I noticed the blasting music and I actually had problem listening to my husband who sat across me.

The service was strange. The same waitress trying to sell me their cocktails for the day. I told her 3 times No!

The menu was simple, good, I liked it.

We started with a steak tartare. It had the raw egg on top. Very delicious dish. Good size to share as an appetizer.

Main course we ordered the Florentina for 2 and medium rare. Meat was very tender and it was just right. A the start nothing to complain about...But then because the plate was not hot enough, the meat went cold very quickly. It was not nice towards the end.....

With this price, I guess I know a few more other places where they serve better steaks.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1200 (晚餐)
FAIL -- This is a steak house that does not know how to cook a steak!I'm not entirely sure what they are expecting to achieve with this restaurant. It's in the same building as Bistecca -- probably my favourite 'group' dining steak house in HK, and it comes no where close. In my mind, this is yet another perfect example of a "celebrity chef" restaurant where they are truly hoping to piggy-back off the name of the chef to pull in the crowds, and then don't much bother when you're there.We went in
FAIL -- This is a steak house that does not know how to cook a steak!

I'm not entirely sure what they are expecting to achieve with this restaurant. It's in the same building as Bistecca -- probably my favourite 'group' dining steak house in HK, and it comes no where close.

In my mind, this is yet another perfect example of a "celebrity chef" restaurant where they are truly hoping to piggy-back off the name of the chef to pull in the crowds, and then don't much bother when you're there.

We went in a big group to celebrate July 4th, and I have to say, probably one of the worse dining experiences I've had a restaurant that claims to be 'higher end' ie, $500+ at a minimum.

Will try to be brief, but the conclusion is, just don't bother -- over priced, over rated. Read the other reviews -- there seems to be a consensus!!


What went wrong

1. Wait time.
The food for half of our table arrived 35 MINUTES before the food for the other half. Their excuse was that we ordered later than them --- which is because they failed to take the other half of the table's order!!

If you're in a steak house paying $488 for a steak (10oz Fillet Minion), and ask for medium rare, I think you're allowed to expect medium rare! My steak arrived medium/well and I can tell why -- it had been cooked medium rare, then left under a hot light for c.20 mins.

And it wasn't just mine. In all we had two overdone steaks and one undercooked burger. The burger point being worse as we specifically asked for well well well done as my friend can not eat red meat at the moment.

To be fair, they offered to re-cook, I didn't take them up on it given the other half of the table had literally finished their food, so I wasn't going to wait ANOTHER 45 mins for a steak. My friend with the burger did, and for some reason it took c.20mins to cook a burger patty!!! And when it came back .... STILL RED!!!

Not to worry though -- after two overcooked steaks, two under cooked burgers, a 45 minute wait for food, then a 20 minute wait for burger round two (remember this is about $1400 worth of food), we were offered 2 free deserts (value of $88 and $98). Thanks.

Rant over.


Terrible service aside, if anyone still wishes to go, here's a quick overview of the rest of the experience:



Was actually good --- tender, smooth in marbling and well aged. (Just badly cooked!)


Great -- Mac & cheese, truffle mash, plain mash, onion rings all great -- recommend. Would skip the side salad and creamy corn.

Deserts were OK
I would just say average. Nothing special, but OK value at sub $100. Mainly novelty value. Crème Brule was poor.

Ambience OK

Has a red mood light thing going on. Decor looks great, but cheap on inspection. Room had a nice buzz to it when we were there -- most tables were full. Still no Bistecca.

Has novelty men's toilets -- OK, but fail on the hygiene front.

Value for Money

Bill came to c.$880 per person in all. I felt over charged.

.... Won't be going back!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$880 (晚餐)
2012-06-19 44 瀏覽
由2004年的Harlan’s,2008年的Tuscany by H,2010年的Gold by Harlan Goldstein,12年終於不是轉戰,而是多個選擇。所謂一雞死一雞鳴,LKF好多餐廳結業,財主食家相繼擴大版圖,今年同一個月就最少有3間新餐廳開張。說真,我最怕就是食不回令人難忘的Grill牛~.~對於我們幾隻食肉獸,找一間扒房好FEEL又好GRILL,不易呀,真的食過無數令人「入口即忘」的牛扒。Harlan的新餐廳玩味十足,走美國扒房路線,與Gold by Harlan Goldstein 的Causal Dining 路線有明顯的不同,感覺是刺激,性感和熱鬧。我和外國男友說我們去Strip House 食飯,他出現了2秒的無名興奮(2秒過後當然知道是女人的陷阱,哈哈哈哈)。我們邀請了一位同樣愛食牛的女生朋友一塊去,早一個多星期打電話去訂位,已經訂不到黃金時段(7:00,7:30,8:00,8:30),聽電話的小姐告訴我們星期五六要早一個半星期訂!我們選擇比較晚的時間,食完飯就去下場,時間剛好。走進餐廳時,裡面已經坐滿了人,喝酒的喝酒,大笑的大笑,氣氛好不熱絡。黑紅色的搭
由2004年的Harlan’s,2008年的Tuscany by H,2010年的Gold by Harlan Goldstein,12年終於不是轉戰,而是多個選擇。所謂一雞死一雞鳴,LKF好多餐廳結業,財主食家相繼擴大版圖,今年同一個月就最少有3間新餐廳開張。說真,我最怕就是食不回令人難忘的Grill牛~.~對於我們幾隻食肉獸,找一間扒房好FEEL又好GRILL,不易呀,真的食過無數令人「入口即忘」的牛扒

Harlan的新餐廳玩味十足,走美國扒房路線,與Gold by Harlan Goldstein 的Causal Dining 路線有明顯的不同,感覺是刺激,性感和熱鬧。我和外國男友說我們去Strip House 食飯,他出現了2秒的無名興奮(2秒過後當然知道是女人的陷阱


因為我不喜歡紅酒,男友點了Tesch Deep Blue “ White Pinot Noir” Grand Cru, German 2009 $780,不會太酸,果味與甜度的配合,is perfect for a casual dinner. 麵包隨即送上,非常香的濃香蔥味,熱呼呼的,口感非常之鬆軟而煙韌。



Old Time Onion Soup $128 - 一片芝士蓋著熱湯,口感豐富,湯也不會涼得太快。

The Sickest Crab Cake On The Planet $ 228 - 一口超多蟹肉,單食味道簡單比較,要配著醬一起食,令人有想追著食的衝動。

My Amazing Beef Steak Tartare $ 208 - 溫泉蛋在上面,攪拌完食,口感有點膠,不是我杯茶。


New York Strip 12oz / 340g $488 - 我真的很喜歡這種Grill法的,有些餐廳會用木材,或炭去grill牛扒,這裡用火山石,牛扒的味道比較純粹。外脆內裡很多汁,一邊咬一邊滲著濃郁味道,每一口可以咬三至五下去品嚐,是值得的。但女生一個人一份,有點多。

Petit Filet Mignon 6oz / 170g $398 - 男友的選擇,這是肥肉比例少一點的,味道很好。

Japanese Saga Organic Pork $338 - 女性朋友的選擇,很香,但我沒嚐,豬不是我最愛,而且到這個點已經有點飽。


“Kick Ass” Mac and Cheese $68 - 很好食,在M&C界裡是中高分之作,皆因裡面有些綠色疑似蔥的物體,有點怪怪的。

Creamed Corn $68 - 栗米不乾,忌廉很濃,複雜但搭。不過以上兩樣side dish都讓人飽到過火。


Yummy Yummy Waffles $88 - 是非常之令人意外!Waffles與雞蛋仔是容易弄,但品質很難維持,這裡做得很好,外脆內軟,說實在,在外國也難食到這種口感,要不是整個太硬就軟趴趴的。

Handmade Ice-cream any 2 Scoops $88 – Nutella / Strawberry / Black Cherry /Vanilla / Peanut Butter & Jelly / Snickers Chocolate Bar / Hong Kong Milk Tea - 新味道,有驚喜,特別是港式奶茶,以為是奶茶加冰,誰知茶和奶都濃且滑,$88兩球就有點兒貴。

酒水:Tesch Deep Blue “ White Pinot Noir” Grand Cru, German 2009 $780
埋單:$2,880+10%= $3,168

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1030 (晚餐)
  • New York Strip
  • Old Time Onion Soup
  • The Sickest Crab Cake On The Planet
  • Handmade Ice-cream
Service & Atmosphere*tall pretty receptionist waits for you at door (dude, this isn’t Armani bar with 200 bankers).* wait staff in general were nice but overly eager to rush you to order (we were asked to pre-order appetizers before the whole table arrived… three times).*the restaurant is pretty small with low ceiling, even smaller than Bistecca. It felt cramped and there was a party of 12 boys nearby it got very noisy very quickly. Seats are comfy.Wine:*we didn’t order wine but I had a look at
Service & Atmosphere
*tall pretty receptionist waits for you at door (dude, this isn’t Armani bar with 200 bankers).
* wait staff in general were nice but overly eager to rush you to order (we were asked to pre-order appetizers before the whole table arrived… three times).
*the restaurant is pretty small with low ceiling, even smaller than Bistecca. It felt cramped and there was a party of 12 boys nearby it got very noisy very quickly. Seats are comfy.

*we didn’t order wine but I had a look at the wine menu and it was decent for a casual restaurant (but probably not if you are charging $600 for a steak). I could see some drinkable Italians for under $500.

*onion soups and risotto starters were nice (my friends ordered, I passed in order to concentrate on my big strip).
*free olives, cheese & bread were probably my highlight of the night.
*steaks were a disaster. My strip was cooked rare when asked for medium-rare. My GF shared a 16oz ribeye with her mom which was definitely not 16oz and was cooked too rare. That is not good enough if you are charging $598 + 10% service charge.
*sides were “passable”. Fries nicely freshly made along with the mash. Spinach was horrible.
*plates aren’t hot enough. With the low ceiling and aircon blasting on my food, my steak was bare cold before I went through ¼.

Fail. Stick with Bistecca with friends or Ruthchris/Morton/Hyatt with your client.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$800 (晚餐)
  • Bread (well you don't have to order it).