港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 L5 出口, 步行約3分鐘
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2021-23)
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
米子連一星日本餐 每日午市兩場 晚市兩場 全部同一個價錢並不是午餐會平啲知道8:30pm 準時要去到 朋友話遲到會鎖門 唔知係咪咁誇張所以提早15分鐘 但太早到原來又入唔到去因為之前嘅客人剛離開要清潔再Setting 所以準時或者早5分鐘去到就最好而且係全部人同一個時間開始食同一樣嘢由左至右 所以千祈唔好遲到啊~$ 4000 加埋一 $4400一位貴過志魂小妹生日 朋友請我食飯真開心可以食到Book枱嗰陣就要full pay 了~全數俾晒好巴閉~所以要非常肯定自己嚟到先好book啊~呢度個日本主理師父 就係呢間店的名字 Araki食之前日本師傅Araki sah 會逐個問晒咁多位客人有冇食物敏感先開始 而且係好認真咁樣製作每一件食材一開始見到師傅會切晒啲唔靚嘅吞拿魚嘅位丟左留返最靚嗰啲部位就係比客人食之前會有個助手仔用廣東話講解返食材呢度嘅壽司出品 明顯每一件都比出邊食嘅細件但係客人食完第一件係可以自己調節想要size 大啲定係再細啲~中間有啲菜式係需要調味醬汁日本師傅亦都會踎低 唔俾客人見到試完汁再起翻身呢啲咁認真嘅製作亦係我喺出邊見唔到嘅嘢而且經常喺度抹你前面嘅枱面 感覺好乾淨好衛生雖然係好貴但係真係好好味有兩件係要用師傅指定嘅三隻手指去攞攞完之後魚生upside down方向掂住脷方向吃呢啲細節喺出邊係食唔番確實 嗰種好尊貴嘅感覺但係呢度講嘢要比較細聲 因為得八個位真係位置比較細好似講嘢都俾人聽到 今晚呢場8:30pm食到10:30 pm兩小時不知不覺就過去了1)宮成飽魚 2元朗大堂粟🌽粟米好正配枝豆海蕊蛋似蠔屎味道3)北海道海膽配本地青斑4)赤身吞牙魚 ✅5)中肥拖罹 背開始食先6)拖羅最肥位置 7)炭燒赤鹿✅我嘅至愛8)本地墨魚青檸✅9)墨魚鬚10)本地青斑11)醬油赤身✅三文魚子 唔食三文魚子嘅我居然我都會覺得好食一啲都唔腥12)北海道紫海膽 13)炭燒鰻魚魚油摽出嚟14)蛋 甜品 主角吞拿魚當然好美味有三舊唔同嘅部位品嚐但我記得我最鍾意第一舊最後師傅亦都會問有冇嘢想再食多一次番叫咗赤鹿 同埋拖羅 (都係另外收費不過我就唔知幾錢了)整體成晚嘅壽司都冇得彈係個甜品就普通啲 同埋酒水係幾貴下 如果想飲過萬蚊靚酒當然呢度大把選擇 散叫咗一杯清酒 CARAFA 180ml $780 不過豐儉由人 ~ 叫杯啤酒飲都係100幾十
There are rules to observe in order to fully enjoy this place. You gotta be on time, picking sushi with your hands the Araki way, try to eat them as soon as it arrives in front of you for optimal temperature. It’s definitely not cheap and not a place you can always easily go back, but would be a good life experience to try what is really top notch sushi, both the ingredients and the way the sushis were pressed. Some local ingredients you won’t expect can come onto a sushi table can appear here too, stay open and be surprised by Araki san!
久仰大名的廚師發板 慕名而來去得呢啲餐廳食預咗無得講性價比因為唔會為「抵食」而嚟 但品質一定有保證可惜除咗禮貌性鞠躬動作以外其他都認為無乜特別Araki San俾人感覺較為嚴肅但淨係個名氣點都要嚟一試嘅座位不多 印象中只有8個Corkage嚟講自己帶酒唔抵索性喺度叫SakeSake選擇唔多 點了RYU’S DAIGINJO($2800)類似十四代偏甜嘅味純粹喜歡食飯要飲酒高興先叫否則可以省卻 或者忍一陣轉場先飲 食物應該形容為樸實的江戶壽司做法(?)主要以本地魚嘅新鮮 同手握壽司技巧為賣點我要求咗少飯 可能壽司份量少一點但整體上腦海中真係無一樣特別驚艷同埋原來無甜品記得臨走時感覺都未算飽平時我去其他地方食就算叫少飯 仲要有飲酒正常一係好飽 一係食唔晒所以我就唔會Overrate啦🙈
This Japanese sushi restaurant has been awarded Michelin 1-star, headed by the famous Mitsuhiro Araki, the only Japanese chef who had achieved Michelin 3-star in both Tokyo and London. Located in the heritage building of FWD House 1881 in TST, fortunately it is still comparatively easy to reserve, compared with some of the other famous sushi restaurants in town. Coming on this Friday evening, we arrived sharp at 6pm. On the side wing of the heritage building, the entrance was simple but you cannot miss it because of the big Michelin award plaque, and the staff is stationed to welcome the guests. The décor is simple and familiar, with the L-shaped solid wood sushi counter hosting a total of 10 seats. It was a bit of a disappointment as we were seated at the far end, so we could only see how the chefs prepared the food from the side behind their backs.Having pre-paid for the Omakase Menu ($4,000 each), I ordered a bottle of sake to pair with the food. The Masuizumi Ryu’s Daiginjo 満寿泉 大吟醸 寿 ($2,800) is made by 桝田酒造店 in Toyama under the name of the restaurant, with a golden dragon on the label, a pretty sake with a nice sweet note that paired very well with the food. The first course was Abalone, from Miyagi Prefecture. The chef first steamed the abalone and then braised in stock, together with the same type of rice for the sushi, to make it very soft and tender. It was then brushed with some Chinese yellow wine. The chef removed the mouth of the abalone, then remove also the liver, before cutting the abalone into slices. Chef Araki then personally plated the dish. The abalone had a great texture, with its original taste seeping out from the bite. The liver had a bit of earthy note and was a good complement. It was really tasty.The second course was Steamed Parrot Fish. The rare fish was line-caught by local fisherman at South China Sea, near Poi Toi Island. After steaming with kombu, dried herbs, sake and some spring onion, the chef then poured on top some dashi sauce mixed with egg white. The fish had a great firm texture, with delicate flavours which was exemplified by the umami notes of the dashi sauce. The soft egg white added a touch of silkiness on contrast to the fish. It was so good I ended up scooping the last drop of sauce at the end. The third course was Hirame Sashimi. The olive flounder was locally caught, then aged for one day on top of kombu, to bring out the umami taste. Chef Araki first sliced out thin pieces from the hirame fillet, and then he took the skirt, or engawa, and cut into pieces as well. Plating together with a bit of the fish roes, the sashimi was really good, with the hirame having its signature mild and slight sweet taste, firm and bouncy texture. The engawa had a crunchier bite, and the roes was a first-time experience for us, cooked with dashi and some soy sauce, also very delicious. The chef also prepared a special soy sauce to dip the sashimi, and overall, another amazing dish.Coming to the sushi part of the meal. Before serving the chef told us the etiquette of eating sushi, emphasizing the importance of eating the sushi right after serving to enjoy them at the best temperature. He also shared how to eat with the fingers, using the three fingers to hold it up and then turning it upside down to put into the mouth, with the fish on the bottom touching the tongue. With the sou chef having trimmed the Hokkaido tuna fillet earlier, Chef Araki now meticulously cut out the different parts for the sushi. The first piece of sushi was Akami, the lean tuna. It was pure joy when swallowing the sushi, the texture of the tuna so soft and without any residue, with all tendon and fibrous part already removed. Heavenly delicious.Next were two pieces of Chutoro. The chef reminded us to eat the right piece first and I asked why. In fact, the second piece was slightly fattier, so there was a progression in terms of taste. The chef also checked with us whether the size of the sushi would need to be adjusted in future pieces too. Again, the tuna was so soft and with the fat seeping out the intense flavours, they were true wonders indeed.The trio could not be completed without Otoro, the fattiest part at the belly. Continuing on the journey, the two pieces were essentially melting in the mouth, with intensity of flavours truly exemplified the reason why many people regarded this as the best sushi, especially under such good hands like Chef Araki, who kept changing the rice to ensure they were about the body temperature for best enjoyment. The sixth piece was Blackthroat Seaperch, or Akamutsu. This deep-sea fish came from Japan and after slightly grilled on charcoal, the chef served it onto our hands, as the texture was very soft that it would probably disintegrate if putting on the table for us to pick up by ourselves. The fish oil had been vitalized by grilling, and the chef also specially made the sushi rice a bit looser to pair with the fluffy texture of the fish. This showed the attention to details Chef Araki had on his sushi. The seventh sushi was the local Bigfin Reef Squid, or Aori-ika, the highest quality squid regarded by the Japanese people. Very fresh, the chef had cut the squid in a great demonstration of knife skill, breaking all fibres so it was so soft, to the degree that I would say it was velvety on texture. One of the best squid sushi I had tasted for sure. The eighth piece was another local fish, seasonal White Sea Bream. Another great sushi, with the rich sweet taste of the sea bream fusing with the sushi rice to offer a harmonious and delightful experience. The quality of this fish was very good and would not be inferior to those flying in from Japan in my opinion. The sou chef secretly told us where the fish was purchased too. Then the chef brought us a plate with the Tentacles of the Bigfin Reef Squid. After grilling on charcoal, it was sprinkled with some Japanese chili powder and soy sauce. The texture was firmer than the sushi, with good bite and definitely a wonderful dish to pair with beer or sake.The ninth sushi was Mackerel, or Saba. The chef had cut the fish into small cubes, and then mixed with some sesame and ginger, before kneading it to form the sushi. It also needed to serve to the hand as a result. Added with a bit of spring onion on top, the mackerel had its intense flavours but not in any way fishy, with the fragrance of the sesame and ginger balancing perfectly. One of my favourite sushi on the night.The tenth piece was Marinated Lean Tuna, or Akami Zuke. This style was a traditional method to preserve the fish, when refrigeration was not common. The chef had put the tuna in soy sauce and rice vinegar to marinate for a short while, taking them out at the right moment. The texture was very soft, with the marinade adding another layer of flavours. The eleventh sushi was Large Clam from Cheung Chau, or Hama-guri. A common seafood found in Tokyo Bay in the Edo Period, the clam meat was first removed from the shell, then cooked with soy sauce and sake, before marinating for a few days and then made into sushi. The sweetness and umami of the clam was not lost but in fact enhanced in the process. The twelfth piece was Sea Urchin Gunkan, with the chef using Hokkaido Bafun-uni. The seaweed was very crisp, contrasting with the silky texture of the sea urchin, a perfect match. The signature taste of this type of sea urchin, bolder in flavours and slightly more bitter, was not our most preferred choice of sea urchin, but it was still a very good one. The thirteenth sushi was another piece of Otoro, but this one had been seared. With the fish oil bursting out when biting in, the flavours were so intense that it completely covered and overpowered our palate, a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. Even my wife, who was not a fan of Otoro, could not suppress her praise on how tasty it was.Nearing the end, the fourteenth piece was local White Eel, which had been kept in the tank for at least three days so the eels would be rid of the muddy taste. After steaming and grilling them, the chef carefully chopped the eels so that any small bones were all broken down, before brushing some special sauce on top before serving. Feeling like soft silk which dissolved in the mouth, it was another nice one. The last piece was Egg Roll, or Tamagoyaki. The traditional final dish in edomae sushi, the chef had used prawn, sea bream and abalone to mash into a fine paste using a mortar, then slowly adding the egg, Japanese mountain yam, sake and mirin, and some local honey. Normally they were cooked in a square pan and made to a rectangular shape, but Chef Araki had followed how his master had taught him to prepare it in a roll, showing the Japanese character ‘の’ , representing the complete and finale of the meal. The egg roll was spongy and slightly sweet, having plenty of umami too from the seafood. The chef then asked whether we were still hungry, and despite quite full, we added the signature Tuna Hand Roll ($400 each). Chef Araki took out the big piece of tuna from the fridge, and then cut out a good portion, before preparing the hand roll with the seaweed. With a generous amount of tuna, this was the best-ever hand roll I had. The price might seem a bit high, but it was definitely worth trying it out. Overall, the service was very good, with all the chefs and the staff friendly, happy to explain all the dishes in great details, sharing the ingredients throughout, and answering our questions. Even with his fame, Chef Araki had handled a lot of the preparation and made all the sushi himself, and when we were leaving, he and his whole team came to the door to see us off. Even though it was the most expensive sushi restaurant in town with the meal costing $12,857 I would recommend it to anyone who wanted an amazing sushi experience.
第三次光臨自從來過兩次之後,其他日本壽司🍣店的壽司都進不了我的口所以要吃壽司的話就只好再來了(沒有誇張)🌸先來吐糟一下這次的湯頭終於沒有粟米了🌽!但分量少了,也偏鹹,不過魚煮得軟腍,魚的油香也非常重-前菜的本地左口魚有點難咬,魚味也較淡-還有酒單並沒有改善,酒的選擇還是比較差,單上還有根本不配所有菜式的紅酒及香檳🙈🌸除此以外都沒有可以吐槽的地方了其他菜式一如既往的味道好更為我加大了魚身的分量(是魚身!並不是飯!),只是肉眼看不出來罷了 囧🌸部分壽司的飯為了配合魚而做得鬆散,所以一定要放在手馬上吃🌸不得不說這家的調味做得十分到位,不僅不會奪去食材原味,反而令魚味升華,而且調味的方法很多元,烹調手法也很多調味不僅有常見的魚汁、豉油、Wasabi,更有蝦粉、芝麻、日本酒、燒酒、七味粉等烹調手法包括江戶時代的醃製法、熟成醃製法、備長炭網燒、蒸等Wasabi的分量也剛剛好,不會令人有刺鼻的感覺🌸本月是日本鯖魚的當造季節,所以魚身特別肥美,師傅為我們每人都準備了三片最好的部位壽司採用了江戶時代嘅醃法:鹽醃,再浸上與壽司飯一樣的赤醋🌸最後還是點了份量大滿足的拖羅海膽手卷這次又有大廚母親👩手作的杯墊了🥰🌸人均4250hkd每人需預付4000hkd需要網上預訂🌸地址:尖沙咀廣東道1881號G/F, Stable Block,House 2A電話:3988 0000