港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
韓式雪濃湯專門店,雪濃湯即以牛骨慢火熬製而成的濃湯,配上烏冬、豚肉及蟹鉗等配料,十分滋味。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (68)
一間套餐優惠只是抬高價格及不能聽取意見的餐廳在17年12月29日晩與友人路經看見門面不錯而一試的餐廳,點了該店之冬日套餐原價$9xx特價$520。-先來一小壺x蜜茶;-頭盤3件牛肉卷,味道還不錯;-跟著兩碗招牌雪龍湯,每碗兩小片蘿白及肉粒,味道算清甜;-再來主角鮑魚人蔘雞湯,有小許飯(又是水、湯)-最後來碟泡菜抄飯。與友人用膳時,感覺該套餐的安排是不斷的是茶、湯、水地重複,另雞湯飯及抄飯也是重複,再看看餐牌上的散叫價錢也發覺有點問題。散叫:人蔘雞湯約$130(不過沒有兩隻飽魚) 一壺特色茶平均$40 豬、雞肉抄飯平均$100 小食平均百餘元,三件牛肉卷散餐牌上散叫沒有 兩碗韓色鉄碗的湯唔知點計。看完餐牌感覺上該餐廳的套餐是寫貴40%再做特價而已,其實食物味道是不錯的,所以於埋單時不忍地向該餐廳的女侍應(估計應該是老闆之一)表達,但所得的回應是:表示該套餐的安排有點問題,太多水及重復地湯及飯;回應:是嗎!表示餐廳可考慮該套餐的價錢直接$520.,標正價是$9xx是有問題,散叫點叫不是這價錢;回應:冷冷拋下一句,一定不止這價錢就轉頭走了去。我與友人相望無語地離去。本覺得這餐廳的食物味道不錯,如標價能老實點及套餐配搭好點可望再幫襯,但現在看來是不必了,一間連聆聽顧客意見能耐都沒有的餐廳應該也不值得本人再去光顧了! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-12-30
247 瀏覽
I was delighted to find this new place serving since seol long tang is one of my favourite Korean dishes. I visited here with other friends but at the end we were all very disappointed with the quality of the food here. Just by reading the menu I could already see that the menu was not organized/planned by someone who really knows Korean food because 1) Bibimbap was spelled as “Bimbimpa” (critical one); and 2) the menu included a series of udon dishes which are not typically considered as Korean food. But I didn’t want to be so close-minded and was willing to give a try thinking that they might serve some nice fusion Korean food. Sadly their food proved me that I was so wrong.1) Kimchi Dumpling Chicken Wings: From my experience, chicken wings are more of Hong Kong food since Koreans usually prefer drumsticks than wings. Having said that, this dumpling dish was confusing because we only got served three chicken wings and several pieces of Kimchi. We thought the wings might have kimchi in it (hence the name “dumpling”) but there was nothing inside. It didnt taste very bad but didnt really worth 70 something dollars.2) Seol long tang: This dish that I assumed to be the main focus of the restaurant was the biggest disappointment of the evening. It did not taste anything like seol long tang I tried in Korea. Rather it strongly reminded me of Chinese soup ridden with MSG served in cheap Chinese restaurants instead. Writing this review now, I seriously doubt if the owner and chef have ever actually tried seol long tang.. 3) Noodle Kimchi Burger: Another disaster. It was very difficult to eat & cut and the amount of Kimchi in the burger was minimal. I think the idea of the dish itself is good but they somehow ruined (very badly) the whole thing with a bad arrangement & cooking. All in all, this place might turn out to be an okay choice if you just want to have some medicore HK snack food at a not-so-reasonable price. But I strongly advise you to think twice (or more like three times!!) before going if you are looking for an authentic Korean food/seol long tang experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-11-29
250 瀏覽
公司團隊體隊午餐,所以就係附近搵左呢間新開的餐廳,20人左右剛剛好包場,環境有少少迫,但因為大家都相熟,所以反而氣氛唔錯。整體來講食物質素算中上,個人覺得適合自己口味,偏向濃郁,雞肉串都嫩滑,入口不會太油膩,加上有芥末醬可以沾,所以感覺特別。而主食就揀左牛肉炒烏冬,好多好多牛肉,呢個的確係非常驚喜,無諗到牛肉份量有咁多,濃香肉汁加上酸辣泡菜,意外地合拍同好味。不過都有少少不足之處,上餐速度太慢,入座後等左半個鐘先有得食,如果下次可以快少少會更好。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-11-18
345 瀏覽
我好少寫食評,但今次真係正宗湯死牛,唔寫唔得 ~ 事關食咗一碗淨係有蘿蔔味嘅雪濃湯! 事源一路都想試呢間雪濃湯,因為佢話係正宗咪試囉!本人去韓國一年都起碼6,7次,正唔正宗一食就知。首先由公司行過去都起碼15分鐘,都諗住唔緊要啦,好食就ok. 話哂午飯時間應該都好多人但都係得兩張檯有人 ....已經開始擔心,但睇睇menu, 價格都幾貴,所以可能因為咁無咩人。佢有 set lunch嘅,但唔係好吸引,所以睇吓其他非餐類食品。一場嚟到就梗係要試雪濃湯啦,一睇價錢,嘩$298!! 都算啦, 一次半次食豪啲。上菜啦,個湯白雪雪,應該ok. 第一啖 ..... 點解咁嘅味? 一啲牛味都無,只係甜,再撈吓啲料,嘩! 十幾舊蘿蔔係底,啲牛展味好怪 - 中伏!! 我都諗住算,一餐半餐 ...但都忍唔住問個侍應用咩煮,佢當然話用牛骨啦。但我問佢,咁點解無牛味,佢竟然答我韓國嘅雪濃湯係屬淡味,落咁多蘿蔔係要迎合香港人口味!! 我當堂O咗,你蝦啲未食過韓國菜嘅人都算,香港人會唔會想俾300蚊飲你一碗車仔麵湯底呢?唔會再嚟囉! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-11-01
290 瀏覽
叫咗兩個飯,兩個都偏鹹。1. 泡菜豬肉拌飯,拌飯啲飯就微暖,煙都唔多出。佢話個飯係新鮮整嘅,我feel到豬肉係啱啱整,但係飯就擺左好耐。2. 另外叫左羊肉大醬湯,$298,原來裡面有粉絲嘅,唔講,淨係知唔配飯,配就加$15。等咗超級耐,應該20分鐘以上,落單嗰陣冇講,問佢整緊未又冇幫你跟。湯偏鹹,羊肉唔夠林,有啲肉咬唔郁。有肉嘅計落得几舊,但係收你300蚊,性價比極低。總括黎講,其實呢間餐廳主要似賣酒多過賣嘢食.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)