港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
星級粵菜餐廳,餐廳以頂級有機食材炮製一系列傳統及新意兼備的中菜,招牌作包括雞油花雕蒜花蟹和羊肚菌炆腐皮等手功菜。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2021-24), 亞洲50最佳餐廳 (2017-2021)
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (73)
等級4 2024-04-02
3280 瀏覽
The night of our visit to The Chairman was the night that it received The Best Restaurant in Hong Kong Award at the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Award ceremony. K said he would not have organised dinner that evening had he known it coincided with the event as chefs would be away. That said, dinner was mindblowingly good from start to finish, probably the best that I have had at The Chairman comparing with my past experiences, both at the old and current locations.My personal favourites of the evening include the Cold Soy Marinated Baby Squid Flavored with Sichuan Pepper Oil and Stuffed with Dried Squid. I have forgotten how many times I have had this before but this time around was sooooo good. The baby squid was plump and its meatiness was enhanced by the dried squid inside. The Sichuan pepper oil in the mix was suitably piquant and full of pep. Crispy Taro Cake with Smoked Duck - The taro exterior was fried to a delicate crisp, whilst the duck meat and taro bits inside were incredibly luscious.Geoduck Poached in Rice Broth - My all-time favourite. The geoduck was done just right and the rice broth was silky smooth.Camphor Wood Smoked Black Foot Goose - Incredibly aromatic. The showstopper of the evening. Crispy and intricate textured exterior, tender interior.Stewed Pork Belly and Preserved Vegetable Claypot rice done 2-way - The rice was first served in the traditional manner. The leftovers were then cooked in a broth, with pieces of clams added into the mix, giving the dish the least expected twist and elevation of flavours. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-08-21
1060 瀏覽
餐单从以前的单点变成了现在的套餐形式,前菜、主菜、主食、甜品几类可以各选几道。前菜闭眼点,推荐✨卤鱿鱼、叉烧;主菜第一次来必点✨花雕蟹陈村粉;主食推荐✨海鲜炒饭,米饭颗粒分明不油腻又和鲜味融合的很好份量都超大,最后没吃完还打包了一点做晚饭和其他一些高级粤菜比如 富临饭店、文华厅、天龙轩、新同乐 相比,味道上可能各有千秋,但大班楼人均1000差不多只要这几家的一半✨总之,非常值得尝试并且会想要再访(前提是能约到lol 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-07-17
3171 瀏覽
直入正題頭盤 - 個人覺得頭盤好食過後面D 主菜凍鹵水花椒小吊桶釀土魷 - (8/10)茘甫鴨盒 - (9/10)炭火厚切叉燒 - (9/10)海鮮雞油花雕蒸花蟹配陳村粉 - (7/10) 個汁既雞油同花雕味都好香,花蟹好甜多肉。不過對我自己黎講,陳村粉既粉漿味好濃,好厚。要配好多汁先好食肉類樟木煙燻黑腳鵝 - (9/10)蔥油本地小騸雞 - (6/10) 食完冇記憶點,唔差既蔬菜豬皮櫻花蝦燉時菜 - (3/10) 好曳,時菜用左芥菜。但係芥菜味太苦,整到成碗野食唔出櫻花蝦味。淨飲個湯係ok 既。但係芥菜真係好曳飯或麵蟹肉鮮蝦蝦乾蝦醬炒飯 - (8/10) Overall 試過一次暫時未有意慾會想食多次住,因為覺得出面仲有更多同佢有得比。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-06-21
3106 瀏覽
今日叫咗一個$1500的Fix Menu1)新舖價錢比舊鋪貴2)臘鴿-乾真真,得個鹹字!都係鍾意外脆內嫩的乳鴿3)做到fine Dining的價錢及格局,但係亂上菜唔跟次序!4)over price , 味道一般。都係喜歡舊舖的環境氣氛及菜式!唔知有冇轉到老細….. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-20
3442 瀏覽
真係好好食 食完好想再食唔想打字去界紹每一道菜 真係碟碟都咁好食世一中菜 慶祝小妹我生日🎂🥳估唔到個蟹咁好食 今次無揀陳川粉 想試下其他菜式 一樣咁得個象拔蚌粥簡直食到晆左出聲 咁鮮甜既 真係好好味 好意外😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)