港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
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12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
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食評 (145)
等級4 2024-04-11
1388 瀏覽
𝘽𝙆𝙆/ 𝘼 𝘾𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙂𝙚𝙢 𝙖𝙩 𝙋𝙈𝙌 DO NOT MISS their mango sticky riceNestled within PMQ, a true haven for experiencing Hong Kong's local artisan culture, is a newly opened Thai restaurant that treats remarkable assortment of Thai dishes that left me craving for more.I was enticed by the 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙞 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙛 𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙙 accompanied by an array of fresh ingredients: spring onion, coriander, tomato, shallots, chili, and lime. beautifully with the zesty flavors of the herbs and spices. And the 𝙨𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙥 𝙥𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙙 - combination of plump, flavorful shrimp and tangy pomelo, a refreshing and invigorating salad that awakened the taste buds and left a lasting impression.My recommendation: 𝙋𝙖𝙙 𝙎𝙚𝙚 𝙀𝙬!!! Classic Thai stir-fried dish featured tender wok-fried wagyu beef noodles, complemented by the richness of the egg and the freshness of Kailan. The noodles had the perfect chewiness, and the combination of ingredients created a comforting and satisfying medley of flavors. LOVE IT! 💯💯💯We had two desserts, 𝙆𝙝𝙖𝙤 𝙉𝙜𝙖𝙞 𝙈𝙖𝙢𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜 and coconut ice cream. The sticky rice, cooked to perfection, was wonderfully chewy and provided a delightful contrast to the soft, luscious 🥭 mango 💯💯💯 The restaurant's location within PMQ added to the overall charm of the dining experience. If you are seeking a culinary journey that combines artistry, culture, and exceptional flavors, this restaurant should be at the top of your list. 繼續閱讀
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During the humid and warm Spring and Summer seasons, we decided to have dinner at "BKK" in PMQ, a restaurant specializing in traditional Thai street food. The interior design of "BKK" incorporates retro elements, giving it a unique and distinctive atmosphere. The dishes are served on traditional Thai cock bowls, perfectly fitting the street food scene.Thai Beef Salad: It featured perfectly chargrilled Australian Striploin accompanied by spring onions, onions, tomatoes, and a medley of herbs and spices. The Striploin was tender and cooked to perfection, never overdone. The salad was skillfully balanced with a spicy and sour hot pepper lime sauce, creating a flavorful and appetizing combination.Khao Soi: Coconut Beef Curry with Egg Noodles. The beef was simmered in a fragrant, creamy, and rich curry broth, resulting in tender and flavorful meat. The dish included both soft and slightly chewy egg noodles, as well as crispy egg noodles, which provided a satisfying contrast in textures.Thai Prawns Curry: A fusion of sweet, savory, spicy, and tangy flavors. The river prawns were large, juicy, and fresh, and they absorbed the flavors of the curry sauce beautifully. The addition of Kaffir lime leaves added a special aromatic dimension to the dish, enhancing its overall taste.Khao Niao Mamuang: Thai Mango Sticky Rice. The ripe mango was irresistibly sweet, juicy, and paired perfectly with warm, slightly savory sticky rice and a luscious coconut milk sauce. It was a delightful, classic and quintessential Thai dessert.Thai Lime Iced Tea: Refreshing beverage that combined classic Thai black tea with the tangy juice of fresh limes. Its invigorating taste provided a cooling respite.Watermelon Slushie: Refreshing concoction of blended watermelon and ice, with a subtle hint of saltiness that added an intriguing twist to its flavor profile. It was a unique and enjoyable beverage.Overall, our dining experience at "BKK" was enhanced by the vibrant and well-balanced flavors of the Thai dishes we sampled. The restaurant's attention to detail in both taste and presentation made for a memorable culinary adventure. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-22
1153 瀏覽
【中西區】【BKK】我喺後生嗰陣其實都係一個文青,喜歡文創嘢同埋從事不同界別嘅創作。而家年紀大咗就慢慢磨平晒啲稜角,喺社會嘅流動之間隨意遊走。不過有時都會扮吓嘢,行吓「PMQ 元創方」呢類嘅文青基地。佢呢度都有啲餐廳,我呢日就睇中咗呢間泰式餐廳。我首先試 $138 嘅「泰式炭烤牛排沙律」,佢係用咗澳洲西冷牛扒同其他農作物撈埋一齊整,好辣,好惹味。主菜試 $298 嘅「班蘭葉香茅蒸原條紅鯛魚」,勁香勁好食,條香茅隊到入魚身,入晒味,唔使點汁都正,不過佢都有跟個汁,適合想食濃味啲嘅人。甜品我試 $98 嘅「芒果椰汁糯米飯」,經典泰式甜品,好好食。嘢飲我就試 $48 嘅「泰式奶茶」,好具泰式風情嘅飲品,質素唔會差過某間大型連鎖泰式茶飲店,係得嘅。加埋一嘅價錢係 $640.2,我食嘅份量比較多,係兩個人食嘅份量嚟,所以都合理嘅。。。(地址:中環鴨巴甸街35號PMQ元創方A座Staunton地下SG09-SG14號舖)#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #food #instafood #globaleats #dessert #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am中西區 #中環 #上環 #香港 #BKK #泰式炭烤牛排沙律 #班蘭葉香茅蒸原條紅鯛魚 #芒果椰汁糯米飯 #泰式奶茶 #1am1333 #1ambackup 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
大蝦柚子沙律 $138沙律的成分包括柚子、大蝦、烘焙椰子、炸蔥、羅望子和梅糖醬等,柚子的味道清甜,搭配上彈牙的大蝦,清新愉悅炭燒虎蝦沙嗲串 $218這道菜共有三隻虎蝦,帶有炭燒的香氣,調味上使用了紅辣椒、椰糖和青檸汁,搭配上香濃的沙嗲醬汁,味道惹味八爪魚炒飯 $168炒飯是以蛋炒飯為基底,加入了蕃茄、洋蔥、九層塔、蝦仁和八爪魚片等材料,炒飯有點像濕炒飯的口感,搭配上豐富的海鮮,入口豐富多層次班蘭葉香茅蒸原條紅鯛魚 $298以原條紅鯛魚為主,魚身上鋪滿了芫茜等配料,魚的腹部中間還有一條香茅,用來去除腥味,魚肉鮮嫩,搭配上醬汁食用能夠凸顯出魚的鮮味芒果椰汁糯米飯 $98 糯米飯香氣濃郁,可惜芒果不是當造的季節,否則一定更加美味可口Tuk-tuk journey $88 餐廳的招牌雞尾酒之一,其中包含椰子朗姆酒和泰國青檸等成分,味道甜甜的,有點像椰子糖的味道Mango & Passionfruit Slushie $69由芒果與熱情果結合,製成了既冰涼又清爽的沙冰,帶著熱帶水果的甜度 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
中上環PMQ元創方充滿穫氣的泰國風情料理朋友介紹一間位於中上環PMQ元創方的新泰國餐廳,開業約1個月,在去銅鑼灣花卉展覽之前,就決定跟朋友幾位一同去試試,沒想到每道料理都充滿穫氣,還有泰國北部的咖喱全蛋麵,而且環境相當舒適,實在難忘~冬蔭功湯份量輕盈,味道甜酸香辣齊備有兩隻爽彈的蝦,不會太辣令人難以接受,預先刺激味蕾~ 海鮮沙律開胃的海鮮木瓜沙律,少少辣配冬蔭功湯一流~泰式和牛炒粿條使用日式和牛的炒粿條,好有泰國日式風情的味道~粿條跟河粉很相似,粿條比較厚身和嫩滑爽口,炒得好厚身有火侯,值得大讚~泰北咖喱全蛋麵泰國北部的名菜餚,香港好少見!咖哩湯底非常濃郁,香濃咖喱湯底充滿椰香氣味,有脆麵又有軟身麵,口感層次極為豐富,配上牛肉十分好味~薑汁黑芝麻湯圓黑芝麻滿滿內餡流淌出來,濃香細膩~街頭椰子雪糕兩球椰子雪糕,椰子味突出,配合花生碎很可口~飲品:Singha啤酒及泰式冰咖啡BKK中環鴨巴甸街35號PMQ元創方A座Staunton地下SG09-SG14號舖#BKK 泰國菜 #Thaifood #中環 #PMQ #元創方 #浣熊 #熊本熊 #kumamon #不倒mon #拉拉鳥 #kiwibird #企鵝 #penguin #藍毛毛 #炒粿條 #椰子雪糕 #泰北麵 #冬蔭功 #湯圓 #Thailand #清邁 #曼谷  繼續閱讀
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