港鐵佐敦站 A 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳為皇之家集團旗下唯一一家上海料理,有別於旗下之日本料理,有即叫即做小籠包。餐廳環境如大酒家般,價格卻平民化,物超所值。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:30
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小籠包 紅油抄手 紅燒獅子頭 糖醋排骨
食評 (65)
等級2 2016-08-27
637 瀏覽
肚餓搵野食,係佐敦見到呢間食上海菜既,出邊牌睇住都幾多野食,個人又鍾意食上海菜,決定一試。一坐落黎,服務生就話要咩茶原來要收每位5蚊茶位費,仲有加一另計!瞬間覺得唔抵,店面小,且裝修環境一般,重要的是根本就無一D服務居然還要收服務費!試下D野食點樣,包點類很貴,覺得不值得,所以點左水餃同酸辣湯麵,水餃包的不錯,皮薄餡大,但係煮爛左,而且上菜好慢,湯麵份量大,味道偏酸,基本不辣,整體OK 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-08-27
358 瀏覽
挑來挑去選中這間,看食評還可以進去一試進去時上座率30%,晚市坐低就要收每位5元茶位費,另外還有要計加一酸辣湯面,分量不錯夠大份,酸辣程度適中,總體來說不錯,加分京式水餃,韭菜加豬肉餡,等待時間太長,達到15-20分鐘,上來時多個餃子皮已經破開,餃子包的不錯,可惜煮的太爛,減分總結,再結合樓面服務來評定,給你個ok啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Boyfriend and I were in Jordan and wondering what to eat. So, we scanned Openrice to see what was in the area and we spotted a funny name. "Osama Tony". Listed under Shanghai food.Um...what?Curiosity is our game, so we went to search for it.When we found it, we discovered there was only a Chinese name on the restaurant (皇之家大姊小籠包) and for some reason, they did a semi pingyin of the restaurant name.It was actually very clean with spacious seating. Menu is in English and Chinese with a fair number of photos. There is a Chinese only menu but upon scanning, it was also the same as the larger menu but just in a concise form. Prices are very inexpensive, pretty much everything under $100. There is no 10% but there is a tea charge.Shanghai Jelly Pork ($40). A really nice cold appetizer dish. The pork was a bit on the salty side but after dipping it in rice vinegar, it balanced it out.Drunken Chicken ($58). My favorite Shanghai appetizer. It was quite boozy as you can still taste the strong wine that it was marinaded in. The chicken meat was moist. But a bit too much wine.Fried Scallion Pancakes ($38). Usually, I'm not a big fan as it's too oily. But this was not oily at all. The pancake was crispy and there was a decent amount of filling.Xiao Long Bao ($28). I love that this place lets you order two xiao long bao! This is perfect for the single person eater or for boyfriend and I to order even more food as we won't be stuffed with xiao long bao! Really good, too. The skin was thin and delicate. The pork stuffing was moist. There was a generous amount of soup inside.Stir Fried Shanghai Noodles ($58). Not oily at all as that is something I find in many Shanghai restaurants. Not too salty and not oily. Noodles were chewy.Pan fried gyoza ($30). This also came with only two. A good single eater friendly restaurant. The gyoza skin was not too thick. The pork meat was moist and juciy.Very impressed with this place. The food was excellent and very inexpensive. Service was friendly and it appeared the owner was at worked there, too as she looked like the drawing of the woman at the front of the restaurant and menu. Will return again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-03-02
1289 瀏覽
本人自身幾喜歡上海菜,呢間小型上海菜館菜不是特別便宜,但食物味道比起連鎖上海餐廳更有風味。小籠包一樣燙口薄皮,甜酸魚塊味道剛好,陪飯一流。雞絲粉皮味道可以,但份量有點小。推介蘿蔔絲酥餅,即叫即製,我食過最好食的!整體性價比頗高,感覺有點似家庭式經營,服務挺周到,會再去 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-07-17
1749 瀏覽
皇之家嘅下午茶餐幾抵食,由$27至$34不等,有三款年糕及多款麵類選擇,送豆漿一杯,不過時間由下午二時至三時三十分,是我見過下午茶時段最短之一。由於趕時間,等不及二時,所以唯有單點每次都喜愛叫嘅菜肉雲吞麵($41,下午茶只不過$30),豆漿一樣有得送,都等咗8-10分鐘先有得食,先飲一啖湯,幾夠甜味,連蔥花一齊仲好味;再夾上海麵來食,麵條幼幼細細、少少煙韌、又少少腍、掛湯力強,所以好夠味,不過太大碗;菜肉雲吞,皮算薄,但接口位有幾層皮就少少硬,菜肉份量適中,夠味;豆漿不夠凍,幸好不會過甜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)