港鐵九龍站 D1 出口, 步行約1分鐘
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
呢日嚟咗呢個商場🏬呢間韓國🇰🇷餐廳食午餐🤣$92「烤牛肉紫菜包飯」:材料有烤牛肉、青瓜、紅蘿蔔、雞蛋、漬黃瓜等,再加咗啲芝麻喺上邊,幾好食😋$98「士多啤梨芝士蛋糕牛角包窩夫」:首先賣相幾靚因為加咗紅卜卜嘅士多啤梨🍓同埋白雪雪嘅忌廉🤩;士多啤梨🍓夠新鮮,整體味道甜甜哋,配埋 Croffle 同芝士蛋糕 🍰 一齊食,幾夾🤣;講開 Croffle,Croffle 係Waffle 同埋Croissant 嘅混合體,發源於Ireland 🇮🇪,但其實係喺韓國🇰🇷開始流行,慢慢就全世界越嚟越多地方包括香港都有得食🤩$98「士多啤梨🍓戀人刨冰」:刨冰質感幼細,相當細滑,估計係用咗一部靚嘅刨冰機🤣;加埋士多啤梨醬,凍冰冰甜甜哋,令人食得非常開心🤣$65「咖啡☕️三部曲(濃縮咖啡、意式濃縮、鮮奶咖啡 Espresso, Crema, Latte )」:3種都夠香濃,飲咖啡有奶冇奶我都鍾意,不同口感,Espresso 有 chocolate, charcoal 同埋 citrus acid 味😋,Crema 上邊有一層好厚身好滑嘅cream 😋,Latte 有奶香 😋呢度仲有Tatami可以坐 🤣
再次嚟咗圓方呢間韓式cafe,每次嚟都忍唔住要叫佢哋嘅窩夫同刨冰。今次我哋仲坐到側邊嘅榻榻米卡位,闊落舒適。粒粒三文魚紫菜包飯 $105主食叫咗份紫菜包飯share,飯卷入面都幾足料,除咗有三文魚肉,仲有唔同嘅蔬菜,面頭再加咗三文魚子。伯爵茶布甸牛角包窩夫 $145重點當然係佢哋嘅甜品,其中窩夫keep同一貫嘅水準,酥脆鬆軟,伯爵茶忌廉夠香夠滑又唔會太甜。跟窩夫仲有雪糕同伯爵茶布甸,布甸亦都係整得非常出色,口感滑溜,蛋香同茶香十足。釜山粟米刨冰 $110覺得好特別就叫咗呢個粟米刨冰,冰底口感綿密,淋上香甜粟米忌廉再配埋燒粟米,啖啖都係香濃粟米味。而最估唔到嘅係刨冰入面竟然收埋咗好多粟米片,增添一層香脆口感,鍾意食粟米嘅朋友一定唔可以錯過。挪威芝士咖啡 $46鍾意飲咖啡嘅朋友就叫咗呢杯挪威芝士咖啡,面頭鋪滿芝士碎,賣相已經夠晒特別。鹹香嘅芝士同咖啡出奇地夾,又唔會蓋過咖啡嘅香味。盛放花開燕麥奶 $52我就想好訓d叫咗杯燕麥奶,面頭鋪咗d花瓣做點綴,飲落仲有淡淡嘅花香。。。Coffee Hwajeon 커피화전 (尖沙咀)尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號ELEMENTS圓方水區1樓1028B號舖。。
喺圓方shopping完食完晚飯又想食甜品開心吓,即時諗起Coffee HwaJeon餐廳主打韓式食品,裝修舒適優雅,還設有榻榻米嘅卡位,絕對適合打卡。甜辣炸雞韓式食品,當然唔少得炸雞,炸雞份量頗多,而且沒有骨,啖啖肉啱晒我,雞肉沒有雪藏味,外層炸得鬆脆,不油膩,加上酸甜度適中嘅醬汁,真係食唔停口。粟米牛角包窩夫鍾意粟米嘅真係啱晒,牛角包窩夫外層鬆脆,內裏鬆軟,配上雲呢拿雪糕和香濃嘅粟米醬汁,味道一絕,還有數片超甜燒粟米,鍾意食粟米嘅真係要試吓。1香濃伯爵茶刨冰當店.員將刨冰放上餐枱,我和朋友都哇咗一聲,刨冰起碼有半呎高,外層淋上煉奶和香濃嘅伯爵茶粉,刨冰好綿好滑,食落好似飲緊冰凍嘅伯爵茶,食到中間嘅時候有驚喜,刨冰裏面原來黑糖蕨餅,還有伯爵茶味嘅慕絲,味道真係好有層次,超滿足。1韓國柑橘梳打最初以為係樽裝飲品,原來真係用上新鮮嘅柑橘調製出來,夠晒解渴。藥果肉桂楓塘咖啡第一次飲到味道咁豐富嘅咖啡,估唔到咁匹配,我諗係依間餐廳先有得飲。
Like we were in Seoul, this Korean-inspired cafe is every girl's dream: aesthetic with menus full of sweet treats. Coffee for both of us, the affogato had a beautiful swirl of soft-serve dusted with cocoa powder and there were coffee crumbles inside the icecream, together with a stick of lady finger and a shot of very rich espresso, it's impressive! The sakura coffee latte came with a perfectly fresh crispy croissant on top, tbh the croissant here surprised me more than the latte, it's very buttery with dense honeycomb layers inside. (Every drink came with a complimentary salted red bean mochi pressed with edible flower petals - really fancy and delicate) The lotus biscoff cheesecake and vanilla icecream on top of another piece of perfectly toasted hot fresh croffle was very outstanding, too. It smelt sooo good we had a hard time taking pics before wanting to cut and eat it straight away. The caramel sauce and lotus crumbles had just the right amount of sweetness, paired very well with the cheesecake, which was served warm with a savory fermented taste. We also had a gigantic bowl of earl grey bingsoo, it had tea powdered cream on top of milk-flavored shaved ice, and there were tea jelly and a highly sweet earl grey mousse pudding hidden inside the iceberg. Better to share. You could also get topokki, gimbap, and fried chicken cos it's an authentically Korean-inspired cafe. We imagined the fried prawns topokki in rose sauce was deep-fried battered prawns with short rice cakes, but it was indeed long rice cakes (looked like udon noodles) with one single pan-seared tiger prawn with shells on. A little out of expectation, but the taste was good. The fried chicken came in different flavours, you can also choose half & half, which we did. The sweet-spicy one wasn't spicy, and the honey one was coated in a nice sweet seasoning powder. The chicken plate was served with crispy fries, and we enjoyed dipping them in the rose topokki sauce.
Coffee Hwajeon 呢間韓國主題嘅咖啡店位於尖沙咀ELEMENTS圓方嘅水區📍 呢度嘅環境好chill😌 一坐低係塌塌米就覺得好relax🛋️ 呢度嘅食物同飲品都好有特色🌟 唔單止係好食🍴 更加係一種視覺同味覺嘅享受😍首先講下佢哋嘅士多啤梨芝士蛋糕牛角包窩夫🍓🧀🥐 呢個絕對係甜品控嘅天堂🎂 士多啤梨新鮮juicy🍓 芝士蛋糕部分又creamy又唔會太甜🍰 牛角包窩夫外脆內軟🥐 真係一啖咬落去就停唔到口🤤再嚟就係櫻花滿開刨冰🌸 貌上真係超級靚!! 呢個真係太適合香港嘅夏天🌞 刨冰細膩得黎又唔會太快溶💦 櫻花嘅香味又唔會太over🌸 食落去清新得黎又解渴👅仲有D丸子同cheesecake, 口感超豐富烤牛肉紫菜包飯🥩🍙 呢個係韓式料理嘅經典😎 牛肉烤得香口得黎唔會太乾🥩 紫菜包飯嘅米飯又香又彈牙🍚 配埋一齊真係好滿足😋飲品方面🍹 挪威芝士咖啡☕ 呢個絕對係coffee lover嘅新寵兒😘 芝士同咖啡嘅組合聽落好特別🤔 但飲落去真係意外嘅match👍🏻 咖啡香濃得黎芝士又帶點鹹香🧀 真係一試難忘😌最後講下韓國金橘梳打🍊 呢個飲品清新爽口🌬️ 金橘嘅味道好特別🍊 唔似橙又唔似柚子🤔 有種獨特嘅甜味同微微嘅苦澀👌🏻 加上梳打嘅氣泡🍹 飲落去真係好提神💡總括嚟講 Coffee Hwajeon 呢間店真係值得一試👏🏻 唔單止食物同飲品好食😋 環境同服務都一流👍🏻 下次想搵個地方放鬆下🛀 或者同朋友聚下👫 呢度絕對係一個好選擇👌🏻