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食評 (123)
等級4 2024-08-10
3017 瀏覽
Checking this one out to see if it’s living up to the hype. The most anticipated fish maw Karasumi spring roll that eminent foodie been raving about and server suggested serving first was a major letdown. Wrapper was cprisy but a tad thick for my liking. Fish maw was gelatinous but it did not blend harmoniously with the rest of the stuffing. Not exactly a good start to the evening.Roast pig has a nice crackling. Highlight for me was the 胡椒炒大肉蟹 that followed. The crab itself was incredibly sweet and meaty. Flavourfully deep fried in a light coated peppery batter. It was very aromatic and had a very balanced amount heat that accentuated the sweetness of the crab, not overpowering it. One of the best crabs that I’ve had this year.爵士湯 Very hearty. Loved the fish maw that had the right amount of thickness. Cantaloupe was candy sweet too.Crispy Chat Siu with aged mandarin peel脆皮陳皮黑叉燒, using the belly of marumiton and sprinkled with 50-year-old aged mandarin peel powder. Interesting fragrance and flavors.鷄汁扒蘭花苗 Sweet and tender.三牛黑蒜油牛濃湯手工麵 The beef was incredibly tender and flavourful. Beef tendon was also properly tenderised. Broth was fused with generous helping of garlic oil. Hand pulled rice noodles were also nicely textured.Trio of desserts to end 冰鎮杏汁黃耳燕窩豆腐, mango mochi wrap and house made coconut gelato. All deliciously done.Overall a dinner that had gotten better over the course of the meal after the starter. A resto that is certainly living up to the hype. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-30
4783 瀏覽
⭐️評分:4/5-湯+叉燒煎蛋飯,收費$200感覺很貴?隱藏舊樓二樓,竟有高質私房菜-✳️叉燒煎蛋飯 👍👍Barbecued Miyazaki Marumi 21 Day Dry-aged Pork & Sunny side up Kyushu Egg w Steamed Rice日本宮崎豚肉以21天熟成制法,據說只吃有營養飼料,飲用高氧和有益生菌的潔淨水,十分富貴,肉質彈牙,厚實均勻;非必是吃過最好吃的叉燒,但的確是質素有保證-九州刺身級太陽蛋,蛋黃呈深橙色,蛋香較濃郁,流入醬汁飯更綿密濃郁-✳️煎蛋串茄焗豬扒飯 👍👍👍Oven-baked Miyazaki Marumi 21 Day Dry-aged Pork Chop Rice w Dutch vine 豬扒比叉燒薄身,軟熟幼嫩,保留肉汁,調味入味-茄醬濃郁,荷蘭串茄新鮮酸香,混合洋蔥、蘑菇、茄醬、茄汁制成,有別常見的醬汁,沒有加入芝士,反而焗出鮮茄果酸香氣,帶點焦香-炒飯底有要求!9份金鳳泰國香米+ 1份日本珍珠米,炒香,炒飯底部乾爽有鍋氣-✳️爵士湯 👍👍👍 Soup of LordCantaloupe, 50 year Tangerine Peel, Icelandic Fish Maw, Dried Conch, Pork Shank哈密瓜、陳皮、螺頭、花膠、豬展-高質湯品,湯底色質清晰,橘子偏黃色,入口清甜,有骨膠原漿口,清心潤肺-當茶餐廳一個午餐也收費$70-80,西餐中午也收費$200時,一個讓人驚喜的叉燒煎蛋飯,收費$200其實也非常合理!GoGoGo⚠️記得必須預早訂座,不然可沒位置!--⭐味道 4.5/5⭐️特色 3.5/5⭐️環境 4/5⭐️性價比 3.5/5 ⭐️服務 4.5/5 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-10-10
1216 瀏覽
灣仔搵食艱難😩,一早whatsapp問鋒膳有冇位話冇,lunch到仲諗緊食乜出緊門口,鋒膳回whatsapp話有一位仲嚟唔嚟,我whatsapp覆咗就去。樓上鋪,有樓下鐵閘,㩒咗一次唔開,要㩒鐘仔🛎️第二🥈次。上到去唔洗講名個侍應認到我帶位。坐大圓枱間版。有menu但最出名既叉燒飯賣哂,話隔離枱訂咗7個。最後揀咗志尊粟米🌽石斑飯$180,用海龍躉做斑塊,手切粟米🌽,九州太陽🌞蛋做汁。送爵士湯,真係整俾鄧爵士飲。先上湯,有哈密瓜🍈同螺頭片,皓清甜。再上飯,粟米🌽汁一碗,另外一碟蛋炒飯同4塊斑塊,分開⛓️‍💥上保持斑塊脆,但斑塊唔夠滑,粟米🌽汁清甜,送飯一流,飯都唔錯👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-10-09
1034 瀏覽
晚上7時左右來到, 一來先上茶。春卷 - 炸得脆, 乾身唔會食到成口油, 但是整體沒什麼特別。叉燒 - 厚切鬆化, 少少燶邊, 食得出係靚料, 但個醬太甜了, 搶左豬的鮮味。炸豆腐 - 正常味道, 炸漿好薄。(全晚的MVP!) 蟹粉帶子 - 好濃好creamy的蟹粉, 食到一半已經好漏, 好彩餐廳有提供黑醋, 可以食加上黑醋食, 清新好多。帶子係半生熟, 同蟹粉都夾。同蟹粉最夾的是下面塊米通。炒芥蘭 - 好新鮮, 好柔嫩, 不過好細碟。東星斑 - 我自己比較中意蒸魚多, 覺得炸浪費左條魚, 而且好油。乳豬 - 水準依舊, 不會太肥太油, 份量一家人分剛好。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-09-26
1238 瀏覽
之前同朋友上網見到呢一間嘢都有好高嘅評價今日下午嘅時間就同朋友過咗灣仔呢一區度試吓,我就叫咗豬扒飯朋友就叫咗叉燒飯✌🏻煎蛋串茄焗豬扒飯,成個賣相都非常靚仔,而且餐廳係出名用咗dry aged嘅豬扒去做呢一個豬扒飯,豬扒嘅口感亦都非常細緻,而且係控制火候方便做得好好絕對唔會有太熟嘅情況出現,所以令到成個豬扒嘅肉汁亦都可以得以保留,有juicy嘅口感✌🏻 佢嗰sauce亦都做得好食, 入口有洋蔥碎嘅口感,呢個高級豬扒飯真係唔話得,口感配搭上真係做得唔錯,炒飯底,亦都做得好乾身,整體我覺得非常好食✌🏻 繼續閱讀
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