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食評 (260)
等級4 2024-10-08
0 瀏覽
It is already end of September and two weeks after the Mid-Autumn, but the weather is still very hot in Hong Kong. After a short hike at the countryside, we come back to Sai Kung for lunch, and also visit this popular yogurt place, located on Fuk Man Road. With a queue lining up outside, it is difficult to miss it.The shop is very small, and although there is a table most people will just order take-away. Here they feature frozen Greek yogurt, with a wide variety of toppings and sauces to choose from. I have a cup of yogurt ($58) with mango, strawberry and Marie crumbs, together with the limited edition early grey sauce.The yogurt is very good, appropriate in sweetness, smooth and appetizing. The fresh fruit chunks provide a bit of different texture and acidity which made the yogurt even more appealing. The earl grey sauce is interesting but get masked by the other ingredients so had faded into the background of flavours.The yogurt for my wife has the toppings of banana, caramel cashew and sea salt honeycomb with honey sauce ($61). I also try the honeycombs, and they are so crunchy and tasty. It is my recommended topping to choose from.The total bill is $119, and it is a good dessert at this hot weather, and no wonder there are so many people queueing here. Good that they have also opened a branch in Sai Ying Pun for people living on HK Island there is now another option instead of coming all the way to Sai Kung. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-10-02
0 瀏覽
西貢落船 ,好熱 ,想飲杯嘢。見到間鋪頭幾有特色 ,入到去 掙扎左一陣要雪糕定乳酪 最後擇左香蕉熱情果乳酪口感好creamy 仲有熱情果碎 (打到好碎好細 )唔會影響口咸價錢60左右我媽話我飲完唔洗食飯😝 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-09-27
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講到西貢食雪糕,最近真係少不了「小滿定律」。呢間店舖就係位於小巴總站附近,行經7-11同百佳中間條直路就會見到。講到小滿定律呢度既特色,就係佢哋賣緊既係希臘乳酪froyo,佢既希臘乳酪唔似一般咁酸同杰,口感滑身易入口,基本上同我哋平時食開既希臘乳酪比,仲容易接受啲。我嗰次試左希臘乳酪雪糕既杯裝,價錢係$58,份量都幾夠,200克雪糕加上可以揀三款配料同一款醬汁,配料選擇都好豐富,有二十幾款可以揀,醬汁就有四款畀你配搭。我揀左綠茶粒糯米糍、咖啡蒟蒻同焦糖脆脆,焦糖脆脆當時未整好,店員好貼心地另上比我。醬汁方面,我揀左熱情果醬,佢係用新鮮熱情果打成醬,仲見到啲熱情果籽,酸酸甜甜,非常醒胃。講返配料,綠茶粒糯米糍既口感好正,糯米糍外皮軟糯,糯米粒幾有彈性,不過綠茶味有少少怪味,個人感覺唔係太啱口味,如果原味會好啲。咖啡蒟蒻方面就中規中矩,冇乜特別驚喜,純粹加左啲Q彈口感。至於焦糖脆脆,口感好脆,仲可以平衡到乳酪既酸味,同雪糕一齊食真係幾夾。整體嚟講,小滿定律既希臘乳酪froyo真係值得一試,食完又冇咁重既負擔,配料同醬汁既選擇多元化。如果你去西貢,一定要試下呢度既希臘乳酪雪糕! 繼續閱讀
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最近天文台每日都提醒我們「酷熱天氣」多喝水。除了喝水,今天獎勵自己一杯 yoghurt 吧。小小的店,有一張小長凳,可以坐 2-3人,另外一個小檯面,可以站 2-3 人。$58,3 toppings, 1 dressing。味道正常,選了芒果、藍莓、焦糖,及熱情果醬,toppings 份量都合理啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-08
315 瀏覽
呢日西貢游完水,諗起嚟嗰時經過間乳酪雪糕店,天氣熱辣辣又曬完,即刻碌過去整返杯🤤店舖唔算大,一眼睇晒~明明啱啱去到無人,一影完相就開始多人到要企出店外😂叫咗 #杯裝 - 3配料 1醬汁 $58#士多啤梨 #香蕉 #蓮花焦糖餅 醬汁要 #熱情果汁士多啤梨+餅,係平時我喺阿波蘿必點配搭😂塊餅係就咁原塊擺上去,如果係餅碎+原塊餅會好好多🥲平時我最鍾意雪糕+餅碎個口感🥲乳酪雪糕夠實,rich👍加埋生果+熱情果汁,酸酸甜甜好食👍 今次無食佢啲「西貢店限定」/「法國佬烘焙店出品」,有機會再試😆 繼續閱讀
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