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今次要介紹嘅係位於大角咀鄰近匯豐中心嘅大丸拉麵,店鋪由日本師傅主理,而所有拉麵一律冇添加任何味精,食完唔會有好口渴嘅感覺。要留意嘅係位置好有限而且逢星期三休店,最好就避免高峰時間光顧。Daimaru Ramen is located at Tai Kok Tsui, next to HSBC Centre Tower. It is managed by a Japanese chef and no MSG has been added to all ramen. It has limited seats and will close every Wednesday, so better not to visit during peak hour.蝦丸 (Shrimp Pork Broth) $98湯底以蝦香為主,豚骨為輔,味道較清。麵條可以選擇幼麵或粗麵,而依款我哋就選擇咗幼麵,質感有彈性。而表面上蓋滿大量櫻花蝦,品嘗拉麵時夾雜少量櫻花蝦使蝦味濃郁之餘又加強咀嚼時嘅層次感。半熟蛋帶醬油味,流心部份黏口。值得一提嘅係叉燒選用咗較瘦嘅部位,個人認為係值得加分嘅位,因為可以減少拉麵整體嘅油膩
Daimaru Ramen is located at Tai Kok Tsui, next to HSBC Centre Tower. It is managed by a Japanese chef and no MSG has been added to all ramen. It has limited seats and will close every Wednesday, so better not to visit during peak hour.
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蝦丸 (Shrimp Pork Broth) $98
The soup is full of shrimp aroma with a slight flavour of pork broth. You can choose between thin or thick straight for noodle type, and we have chosen thin straight for this ramen. The ramen is flooded with sergestid shrimp, which creates a layering when you consume together with the noodle. The soft-boiled egg was cooked with soy sauce and the inner yolk is sticky in texture. We like the choice of leaner part of barbecued pork, that reduces the overall greasiness.
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黑丸 (Soy Sauce Pork Broth) $88
The soup is rich in soy sauce and more condensed in texture. But we are more preferred the shrimp soup due to its freshness. Thick straight is chewier but cannot absorb as much soup as the thin one. Overall, we recommend shrimp pork broth, as the soup is more appealing in both taste and texture.
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日本式餃子 (Japenese Style Dumplings) $35 / 5 pcs
Three flavours are available for the dumplings, and we have chosen Osaka style. Dumplings are served with bonito flakes and salad dressing, that gives the sourness and reduce the greasiness. It is a nice choice for sides as it is appetizing.