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流記是碩果僅存的港式艇仔粉, 沒有固定鋪位, 就是以自家的艇仔作廚房, 收到訂單後, 再安排食客在鴨脷洲或香港仔的碼頭處交收, 而且不定期休息, 要吃它的艇仔粉, 相當望天打掛, 這次能和老婆吃到也算相當夠運, 定價相對便宜, 一碗足料的艇仔河大約四十多元, 絕對能夠吃飽.艇仔河的靈魂, 對我而言是老闆在船上即叫即煮的風味, 當然大地魚湯底味道咸鮮, 被不少的港式雲吞麵店來得舒服而正宗, 河粉不會糊化又或是黏在一起, 口感層次分明. 配料多元化, 除了燒味外也有魚蛋, 當然不會期望它們是在船上燒製, 但如今在買少見少的情況下, 味道和份量又不差, 這充滿香港情懷的美食, 絕對值得保育.Lau Kee is the only boat kitchen in HK that prepare the HK style boat noodles. We need to catch up her opening hours, call to order and then pick up at the ferry pier as she prepare the noodles on boat. V
艇仔河的靈魂, 對我而言是老闆在船上即叫即煮的風味, 當然大地魚湯底味道咸鮮, 被不少的港式雲吞麵店來得舒服而正宗, 河粉不會糊化又或是黏在一起, 口感層次分明. 配料多元化, 除了燒味外也有魚蛋, 當然不會期望它們是在船上燒製, 但如今在買少見少的情況下, 味道和份量又不差, 這充滿香港情懷的美食, 絕對值得保育.
Lau Kee is the only boat kitchen in HK that prepare the HK style boat noodles. We need to catch up her opening hours, call to order and then pick up at the ferry pier as she prepare the noodles on boat. Very traditional HK style with nice taste and portion. It should be preserved until we lose her.