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念川居和望月樓雖說有川菜和粵菜風格上的分別, 但畢竟是同一個集團營運, 有些菜式兩家餐廳也有提供, 當中最喜歡的必然是白玉黃金, 也就是將鹹蛋黃釀入豬腩肉之中, 蒸好再加上豉油, 材料簡單, 但其口感由軟到實, 由綿到化的層次, 以及油脂的香濃美味, 依然令人難以忘懷, 膽固醇超標也自然拋到九宵雲外去了.傳統點心如蝦餃和燒賣做得不錯, 至少基本的皮薄餡靚也能達到, 蘿蔔酥餅的外皮層次度高, 酥香而蘿蔔內餡並沒有出水, 吃起來口感很好. 牛肉腸外皮也能做到薄而不爛, 如果牛肉肉香再多一點, 又或者加點陳皮提味就更完美. 說是川菜餐廳, 但唯一點了和川菜有關的菜式就是辣子雞丁, 辣勁強而麻度一般, 雞丁口感香脆, 口水感有點乾但不至於柴口, 吃到最後要找雞丁, 當然又變成尋寶遊戲. (笑)Although Chuna Palace is focused on Sichuan cuisine, the Cantoneses dishes are quite well. My famous dish here is the pork belly with salted egg yolk tha
傳統點心如蝦餃和燒賣做得不錯, 至少基本的皮薄餡靚也能達到, 蘿蔔酥餅的外皮層次度高, 酥香而蘿蔔內餡並沒有出水, 吃起來口感很好. 牛肉腸外皮也能做到薄而不爛, 如果牛肉肉香再多一點, 又或者加點陳皮提味就更完美. 說是川菜餐廳, 但唯一點了和川菜有關的菜式就是辣子雞丁, 辣勁強而麻度一般, 雞丁口感香脆, 口水感有點乾但不至於柴口, 吃到最後要找雞丁, 當然又變成尋寶遊戲. (笑)
Although Chuna Palace is focused on Sichuan cuisine, the Cantoneses dishes are quite well. My famous dish here is the pork belly with salted egg yolk that is so meaty, nasty and soft in texture. With the soy sauce it is the natural deliciousness. The dim sums are doing quite well as well so we have almost forgotten to order Sichuan cuisine.