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有些店常常要打著告急的呼籲, 有些店則在困難時間依然能夠站得住陣腳, 甚至低調地擴展營業, 嘉寶就是後者, 在尖沙咀店搬去更新更大的位置後, 更和茶芝味在旺角經營外賣店, 只希望生意能夠越做越好, 畢竟在這時代要經營一家食肆, 而且是連鎖食肆, 並不容易.來到這裡, 還是喜歡吃它的羊肉漢堡, 除了是因特製的羊肉漢堡扒充滿肉汁和柔和的羶香外, 軟熟口感的夾包, 香而不涸的孜然醬汁, 以及一隻手能夠掌握到的Size, 也是吸引我的地方. 薯條和雞翼夠熱燙, 就是叫即做的味道, 六十多元能在這區吃到一頓飽足的午餐, 實在是越來越難, 除了良心支持外, 其功能性也值得繼續幫襯.Kabo Burger is one of the local restaurant can sustain and expand her business in pandemic. The lamb burger is my all time favorite due to the nice texture, juicy and special limb aroma. The size of burger is alr
來到這裡, 還是喜歡吃它的羊肉漢堡, 除了是因特製的羊肉漢堡扒充滿肉汁和柔和的羶香外, 軟熟口感的夾包, 香而不涸的孜然醬汁, 以及一隻手能夠掌握到的Size, 也是吸引我的地方. 薯條和雞翼夠熱燙, 就是叫即做的味道, 六十多元能在這區吃到一頓飽足的午餐, 實在是越來越難, 除了良心支持外, 其功能性也值得繼續幫襯.
Kabo Burger is one of the local restaurant can sustain and expand her business in pandemic. The lamb burger is my all time favorite due to the nice texture, juicy and special limb aroma. The size of burger is alright that can be handled by one hand. It is extremely important as I don’t wanna eat with mess.