21 瀏覽
環境麻麻,餐具又唔乾淨。野細份又難食,仲要每個人收10$ 茶位費,10$都算啦,仲要加10%,姐係位位坐低就收你11$。唔抵食。孜然牛肉:牛肉又老又乾。一啲孜然味都冇。碗野有大部份都係辣椒。唔知自己食紧辣椒定係食紧牛肉。牛肉片到细细块一啲口感都冇。最惨係食到咁快嗰啲牛肉都老晒。啲野食係整定嘅,一啲镬气都冇。最慘係啲飯。啲飯系凍嫁。The environment is mediocre, the utensils are not clean, and the portion sizes are small and unappetizing. On top of that, they charge each person a $10 tea fee, which is already quite steep, and then add an additional 10% service charge. It seems like they charge you just for sitting down—$11 per person. Not a great deal
The environment is mediocre, the utensils are not clean, and the portion sizes are small and unappetizing. On top of that, they charge each person a $10 tea fee, which is already quite steep, and then add an additional 10% service charge. It seems like they charge you just for sitting down—$11 per person. Not a great deal