2023-04-06 164 瀏覽
中環區都可以話係最多打工仔嘅地方大家嘅節奏都好急速,想喘一口氣都難🙈 今日黎到開左8個月左右嘅 @pondsidehk ,佢地想俾到大家一個喺繁忙社會中可以放鬆嘅空間💆🏻‍♀️ 聽講好多人都會過黎買杯咖啡喺出面嘅吊藤梳化嘆足成個晏晝🏖 裡面嘅裝修以雲石同暗啞色系為主,坐喺窗邊仲可以欣賞出面嘅人造瀑布添😍 佢地除左每個星期都轉lunch menu,都會時不時更新下main menu,每次黎都可以試到唔同嘅菜色👍🏼Central is known for its busy vibes, therefore Pondside hopes to create a comfortable and quiet ambience with its nice interiors and artificial pond and waterfall for people to relax by. 煎帶子配海膽汁 $188Seared Scallop w/ Sea Urchin Sauce 煎帶子嘅外層金黃酥脆,內裡鮮嫩多汁,外面包左一片青瓜去增加爽脆嘅口感😋 配埋海膽汁一齊食帶有濃郁嘅海水味,令人回味無窮🌊
中環區都可以話係最多打工仔嘅地方大家嘅節奏都好急速,想喘一口氣都難🙈 今日黎到開左8個月左右嘅 @pondsidehk ,佢地想俾到大家一個喺繁忙社會中可以放鬆嘅空間💆🏻‍♀️ 聽講好多人都會過黎買杯咖啡喺出面嘅吊藤梳化嘆足成個晏晝🏖 裡面嘅裝修以雲石同暗啞色系為主,坐喺窗邊仲可以欣賞出面嘅人造瀑布添😍 佢地除左每個星期都轉lunch menu,都會時不時更新下main menu,每次黎都可以試到唔同嘅菜色👍🏼
Central is known for its busy vibes, therefore Pondside hopes to create a comfortable and quiet ambience with its nice interiors and artificial pond and waterfall for people to relax by.
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煎帶子配海膽汁 $188
Seared Scallop w/ Sea Urchin Sauce
煎帶子嘅外層金黃酥脆,內裡鮮嫩多汁,外面包左一片青瓜去增加爽脆嘅口感😋 配埋海膽汁一齊食帶有濃郁嘅海水味,令人回味無窮🌊
The scallops were seared till golden brown, which coupled with the uni sauce had an explosion of freshness from the ocean.
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牛油果芒果辣蝦沙律 $128
Avocado Mango Salad w/ Spicy Prawns
沙律裡面有生菜、椰菜、番茄、紅蘿蔔絲等,望落色彩繽紛令人食指大動😜 煎香左嘅大蝦同辣粉完美結合,夠曬惹味🦐 而牛油果同芒果嘅甜味同酸味為簡單嘅沙律增添豐富嘅層次感🥗
This colourful salad has lettuce, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and many more elements. The prawns were seared with spicy seasonings, which amped up the flavours of this dish.
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石鍋牛丼飯配溫泉蛋 $188
Stonepot Gyudon w/ Onsen Egg
呢個係佢地嘅新品之一,上檯個刻就聞到由牛肉同米飯散發出嘅誘人香氣,用石鍋盛載可以保持熱辣辣嘅溫度🔥 牛肉肉質鮮嫩,油脂分布較高,滿嘴充滿油脂香🥩 加埋溫泉蛋、牛肉汁同醃菜令味道更豐富之餘仲可以減低油膩感😎
This is one of their newest items. The beef had a high fat content and was very tender. Mixing the sauce, kimchi and onsen egg into the rice created a flavour explosion.
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銀鱈魚西京燒 $268
Saikyo Miso Glazed Black Cod
銀鱈魚同西京味噌同酒醃製,再放喺炭火燒烤,令魚肉保持鮮嫩嘅口感同時又有一啲微微炭燒香味🐟 拌菜有綿密嘅蕃薯泥、雜菜、泡菜同埋炸到脆卜卜嘅薯格,相當豐富🥳
This juicy and delicate cod was marinated in saikyo miso before grilling, which brought out the freshness of the fish. There were mashed potatoes, veggies and fries as sides, which filled me up quite a bit.
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甜品方面叫左兩款是日蛋糕😛 榛子牛油忌廉蛋糕($68) 有三層海綿蛋糕,中間同外層鋪滿榛子碎同入口即溶嘅牛油忌廉,一次過食到三種口感🍰 士多啤梨雲呢拿慕斯 ($68)質地較柔軟,喺雲呢拿慕斯中間放左一層士多啤梨果醬,佢嘅酸味可以平衡返慕斯甜膩嘅感覺🍓
For desserts we got their cakes of the day which were Hazelnut Buttercream Cake and Strawberry Vanilla Mousse. Both of them were creamy and packed a punch of flavours.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Avocado Mango Salad with Spicy Prawns
  • 餐包