30 瀏覽
Sake Bar Chu Chu is one of the latest sakaba in Causeway Bay that combines all of my favorite things - sake, chargrill and a chilling cat! The selection of sake changes from time to time depending on the season. Their kikisakeshi are able to customize the sake picks according to each guest's budget and preference.◆お通し【ポテサラ】Appetizer Potato Salad◆レバー Liver◆つくね Minced Chicken◆せせり Neck◆阿波尾鶏手羽先の一夜干し Semi-dried Awaodori Wing◆牛すじ Beef TendonChargrill is so rare in HK because of the licensing issues an
◆お通し【ポテサラ】Appetizer Potato Salad
◆レバー Liver
◆つくね Minced Chicken
◆せせり Neck
◆阿波尾鶏手羽先の一夜干し Semi-dried Awaodori Wing
◆牛すじ Beef Tendon
Chargrill is so rare in HK because of the licensing issues and it requires a more skillful chef to handle. Thrilled to be able to have chargrilled yakitori here. The rich but not too sweet tare elevated the meat taste. Chicken wing had been dried overnight to create a crispier texture while concentrating the flavors. The gelatinous beef tendons simply melted in the mouth.
◆米茄子と肉味噌 Eggplant w/ Chicken Miso
◆ししとう Green Pepper
◆ぎんなん Gingko
◆漬物盛り合わせ【ザーサイ、らっきょう、牛蒡】 Pickled Mustard Plant, Leek Scallion, Burdock Root
◆きゅうり付け焼き明太子 Grilled Mentaiko w/ Cucumber
◆揚げ出し豆腐 Deep-fried Tofu
◆焼きおにぎり茶漬け【鮭】Grilled Rice Ball in Soup w/ Salmon
◆伊勢海老うどん Udon in Lobster Soup
The eggplant topped with savory minced meat was a standout. Followed by perfectly grilled gingko, green pepper, and piping hot fried tofu. Mentaiko and cucumber made the best combo for sake pairing. To sum up the meal, we ordered chazuke which the crunchy rice ball had absorbed the dashi, and a smooth and warming bowl of udon in creamy lobster soup.
Don't miss out their special promotion of buy-1-get-1-free beer/highball/sake that comes with a 5 skewer set. The restaurant also offers a tasting menu with sake pairing which guests need to reserve in advance.
◆醸し人九平次 SAUVAGE 雄町 純米大吟醸
SAUVAGE is a French word meaning wild. Dominant citrus and mineral. Compared to other Kuheiji brews, this is more of a karakuchi, with the boldness of omachi and umami spreading in my mouth.
◆黒龍 純米吟醸 秋あがり
Clean and refreshing on the palate. Mellow umami and hints of banana. Pairs well with yakitori.
◆澤乃花 辛口純米 花ごころ
A crisp, light taste that is unique to hitogokochi. Light flower aroma that enhances the freshness of the brew.
◆栄光冨士 逸閃 風刃 辛口純米酒
Eikofuji is famous for its namagenshu with fruity and floral aroma, but this limited edition sake is totally different.
Hiire, kasui and karakuchi - super rare.
Clear and refreshing on the palate, smooth mouthfeel and a sharp finish.