2010-07-22 13 瀏覽
The reason I visited The Big Apple was because I lost my patient in waiting for a seating in the Laksa Restaurant on the opposite side of the very same street. I did not want to visit the restaurant at first because its name 'Big Apple' and its green store front decor suggested healthy which I wasn't feeling healthy at that moment. Anyway there were five of us, which was very difficult to find a seating in Jaffe Road whereas The Big Apple was among the few restaurants that you could not see a qu
The reason I visited The Big Apple was because I lost my patient in waiting for a seating in the Laksa Restaurant on the opposite side of the very same street. I did not want to visit the restaurant at first because its name 'Big Apple' and its green store front decor suggested healthy which I wasn't feeling healthy at that moment. Anyway there were five of us, which was very difficult to find a seating in Jaffe Road whereas The Big Apple was among the few restaurants that you could not see a queue outside the restaurant. So there wasn't many choice, let's try it out!

Originally I thought The Big Apple was all about sandwiches, but later the waitress brought us a lunch menu and there were pastas and curry etc. $48 for a lunch set with a main dish and the soup of the day was pretty much in a nice price range you could usually find in Wan Chai.

Talking about the management of the restaurant, it was a total mess. The waitress were not thoughtful at all. They threw us several tissues and sets of utensil without knowing how many people we had. Then later on when I asked for knives, she really did give me a knife, one single knife for the five of us. She should had known that I was trying to get each of my friend a knife. Having said that, the waitresses fortunately had good attitude and I appreciate that very much.

1) The Veggie Soup
The veggie soup came promptly with a toast stick at the side. The soup looked absolutely fantastic, but tasted differently. The flavour was light and did not really give much taste. The soup texture was thin. There wasn't much veggie in the soup. And if there were, they were too soft, almost melted up and became an essence of the soup which gave no texture at all. Yet the toast stick was nice. It was toasted to give a slightly toasted edge, but overall was still hot, soft and spongy.

2) The Mushroom Soup
I had several sip of my friend's mushroom soup, and it tasted quite interesting. The soup gave a strong mushroom taste. The mushroom flavour seemed to taste fresh but somehow also tasted a bit fishy. The soup was not particularly thick, but it would taste nicer if they add more wiped cream in when cooking to make it thicker. The texture of the soup was enhanced by plenty of mushroom bits in the bowl.

3) Grilled Pork with Brown Rice
The sauce topping was AMAZING! It had a strong flavour, pretty sweet but was a perfect pair with the grilled pork. The dish came with a generous portion of pork. The pork pieces were thick, but the texture were very tender and soft. What was great about the pork was that they also had some burned bits at the end, like BBQ Roasted Pork's burned ends. The brown rice were nicely cooked too. The texture was soft and moist where usually they were made dry and coarse. I love the dish despite the dry green beans, and just wished there were more sauce on top.

Generally, I felt contented about the food quality the Big Apple offers. There were lots of pictures of their sandwiches and burgers on the menu and around the shop. Most of them looked appetizing, I will definitely try them out in the future.

Average Veggie Soup With Excellent Toast Stick
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Interesting Mushroom Soup with a fishy taste
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Brillant Sauce Topping and Tender pork on Nice Rice
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
10 分鐘 (堂食)
$50 (午餐)
Average Veggie Soup With Excellent Toast Stick
Brillant Sauce Topping and Tender pork on Nice Rice
  • Grilled Pork with Brown Rice