1-min walk from Exit L1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
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體現日本東京以酒會友的社交文化的時尚悠閒雞尾酒吧「room 3」[讀作room san(さん,日語中數目字3的發音)],以店內劃分出的三大用餐空間命名。 品牌經驗豐富的調酒師團隊擅長融會多國調酒技術及風味,創意變奏出一系列教人驚喜連連的雞尾酒。店內同時備有豐富多元的酒藏,如威士忌葡萄酒及香檳等;另有精緻的下酒菜單,讓賓客可以與親朋好友在三個風格迥異的用餐空間內分享多款別具創意的東瀛美點小食,享受微醺的樂趣。
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
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Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (346)
Level4 2025-02-02
H Zenter來過幾次都是去逛谷辰,之前有一次約朋友一起逛,朋友說不如試試這裡的餐廳,於是上網看見這間假日也有set lunch,而且有8折,於是就選了。 這間餐廳環境氣氛很好,職員有禮,另一邊廂有客人正在佈置生日會,這裡也很適合搞Event。 我們一人點了一個餐,然後Share食 日式燒汁白鱈魚扒拼大蝦配白飯 ($298) 白鱈魚肉質嫩滑,魚味鮮,煎得香口,皮亦煎得很脆即使淋了汁仍能吃到脆口口感。日式燒汁調味,帶有微微的甜味和鹹香。大蝦果然很大隻,背部介開了容易進食,大蝦爽口彈牙,煎得香口,啖啖肉 頂級美國燒汁肉眼扒拼帆立貝配白飯 ($368) 肉眼扒肉質柔軟,熟度是廚師發板,帶粉嫩,肉味香。帆立貝口感鮮甜且柔軟,夠大粒,熟度剛好。 亦會配上蕃茄,青瓜,粟米和椰菜絲,可以解膩。 每款set lunch都會附送沙律,蔬菜很清新,配上沙律醋很開胃,沙律亦有車厘茄,火龍果和蜜瓜,很鮮甜。 甜品是大福,外皮煙韌,內裡的忌廉甜度適中,口感輕盈,面頭舖上紅豆。 無糖日本煎茶:茶香很清新,有煎過的香氣。Set lunch份量都很多,很夠飽。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近同朋友去咗尖沙咀嘅Room 3預先慶祝農曆新年,餐廳環境舒適,適合大家聚埋一齊吹水。而且除咗飲品好靚之外,食物都意外地出色。核桃小甜魚,甜甜地嘅開胃前菜,啱曬一路食一路睇menu。無花果蟹子沙律,無花果增添咗微微嘅甜酸味,感覺清新。迷你蟹王蟹肉窩夫撻,蟹肉又多又鮮甜,食到好滿足。黑豚玉子燒,略帶鹹味嘅黑豚肉,配合甜甜嘅玉子燒,味道層次分明,非常吸引。日本豆腐,豆腐炸到酥香,同時保持彈牙,木魚亦好香。雞中翼,燒得啱啱好,帶有焦香。雞翼釀鮑魚,賣相特别,鮑魚仲好大隻。北海道辣味魷魚肝汁松葉蟹肉意大利麵,有好輕微嘅辣味調味,餐廳用咗煙韌嘅魷魚同好肉地嘅蟹肉,帶出唔同感覺嘅鮮味。天使麵吸哂啲汁,夠曬入味但又唔會太heavy。蔥拖羅三色紫菜TACO壽司手卷,炸過嘅紫菜加上鮮味吞拿魚蓉同軟熟嘅白飯,口感豐富,配合得天衣無縫。甜品菠蘿焦糖燒,燒過嘅菠蘿配上焦糖醬,甜而不膩,直情想一個人食哂。自家製紅豆布丁,香濃嘅紅豆味同滑流嘅布甸,簡簡單單但係做得非常出色。飲品方面,Empress雞尾酒放係一個發光嘅木盒入面,非常華麗,聞落去有少少煙燻味嘅感覺,原來係用咗紫蘇葉,調酒師仲用咗酸蘋果、青檸、同Jasmine,淨係感覺好特別好清新。Kissaten就有香濃咖啡味,飲落就滿滿焦糖嘅甜味,適合我個位酒量淺嘅朋友。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
收工去左位置好方便的日式居酒屋Room 3, 裝修由門面到餐廳內都好靚,Date Night Dinner for 2, 飲品Ananas Epice, 青檸味既Vodka,配菠蘿、檸檬、柚子但係又帶點辣,感覺清新。Emperore, 我個人口味好鍾意依杯Cocktail, 味道非常之有層次,有威士忌、苦艾酒、阿瑪雷托力嬌酒、法國麗葉開胃酒、朱古力味苦精酒,全部都係唔同既酒,竟然可以夾埋同一杯,好有驚喜,大讚!仲要用個發光盒做擺設來打卡,好有心思的Signature cocktails.小食有吉列蠔,炸得好脆又無腥味、迷你蟹王蟹肉高夫撻,蟹肉份量好多又好有鮮味。串燒有孜然黑豚腩,燒得剛好,肉質好嫰、西班牙黑豚玉子燒,味道好夾而且層次豐富、雞翼釀鮑魚,第一次食到依個組合,原來可以咁搭配,鮑魚仲要煮得好入味同淋、海膽帆立貝,依個真係最佳組合,好美味!主食有北海道辣味魷魚肝汁松葉蟹肉意大利麵,食落好多重味道,有辣味又有唔熟悉既魷魚肝汁,偏向惹味,再配合返松葉蟹伴意大利麵,好刺激到胃口!火炙牛海膽紫菜TACO壽司手卷,又有海膽,大滿足!最後甜品有自家製紅豆布丁同菠蘿焦糖燒,都係有水準! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-19
Mocktails:Sour Elf: This refreshing mocktail features homemade strawberry cordial, balsamic vinegar, fresh strawberries, basil, soda water, and edible flowers. The combination of sweet and tangy flavors, along with the aromatic basil, makes it a delightful drink.Pink Christmas: A festive blend of Seedlip Grove 42 Gin (non-alcoholic), Lyre's Italian Spritz (non-alcoholic), fresh grapefruit, elderflower syrup, fresh lime juice, grapefruit juice, honey, egg white, homemade orange water, and dried rose petals. This mocktail is a perfect balance of citrusy, floral, and sweet notes, with a creamy texture from the egg white.1. Crab Meat Mini Waffle Tart: The delicate sweetness of the crab meat pairs beautifully with the crisp, buttery waffle tart.2. Grilled Oyster: These oysters are a smoky, briny delight. 3. Sea Urchin with Scallop Skewer: The creamy, buttery sea urchin melds perfectly with the tender, sweet scallops. 4. Minced Chicken with Japanese Egg: The minced chicken is savory and well-seasoned, with a hint of sweetness from the mirin. 5. Chicken Wing Stuffed Abalone: This innovative dish combines the tender, juicy chicken wing with the firm, slightly chewy abalone. 6. Spain Duroc Pork Belly with Cumin Powder: The pork belly is succulent and rich, with a perfect balance of fat and meat. 7. Aburi Beef and Sea Urchin Seaweed Taco Sushi Hand Roll: This hand roll is a fusion masterpiece. The aburi beef is tender and smoky, while the sea urchin adds a creamy, briny note. Wrapped in crisp seaweed, each bite is a textural and flavorful delight.8. Spicy Matsuba Crab Pasta with Hokkaido Squid Sauce: The pasta is perfectly al dente, coated in a spicy, savory sauce that highlights the sweetness of the matsuba crab. The Hokkaido squid sauce adds a depth of umami, making this dish a standout.9. Caramelized Grilled Pineapple: The pineapple is grilled to perfection, with a caramelized exterior that adds a delightful crunch. 10. Homemade Red Bean Pudding: The red bean paste is smooth and sweet, with a subtle earthiness that balances the sweetness.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-14
晚上相約了朋友嚐嚐位於尖沙咀中間道 H Zentre 的Room 3餐廳位置很近港鐵站,餐廳風格很有格調,帶點日式藝術氣氛,我們坐在沙化座位,十分舒服!泡菜牛舌 - 朋友先點了最愛的牛舌,泡菜爽脆,牛舌口感軟熟牛味濃郁!溫泉蛋培根吻魚仔野菜沙律 - 沾上沙律醬及溫泉蛋伴吃更能帶出淡淡的魚香味!海膽帆立貝 - 海膽非常新鮮甘甜,帆立貝口感彈牙,帶出了原本的鲜味!西班牙黑豚秋葵 - 黑豚肉肥瘦剛好,口感爽彈,很惹味,秋葵清新解油脂感!蒜香燒日本蠔 - 鋪滿了蒜蓉燒味道極香,濃厚蠔味厚實肥美十分鮮甜!免治雞肉棒配日本蛋 - 雞肉有咬口,配上原隻溫泉蛋,將日本醬油伴好蛋漿,口感豐富!照燒雞腿肉 - 雞肉幼滑富油份,肉質爽脆有咬口!火炙牛肉日本溫泉蛋丼 - 肉味很香濃,肉質口感有咬口,脂肪比例平均,醬汁夠特色,丼飯加入日本溫泉蛋後,伴飯一流!松葉蟹明太子冷烏冬 -  稻庭烏冬入口腍滑,一絲絲的松葉蟹與青瓜環環相扣,一脆一軟,口感豐富!日式芝士蛋糕 - 小小的一件,意外地香濃,口感帶微硬,十分出色!炸榴槤球 - 味道平衡得很好,香濃榴槤肉份量多,底部的淡忌廉平衡了甘甜味!創意特色雞尾酒 OMAKASE Cocktail西柚口味帶微酸,加上血橙及莓果帶出甘苦的酒味,昇華不少!以高粱酒做底酒非常少有,青檸檬汁與橙汁中和了強烈的酒感,帶出了獨特的口感!食品水準高,串燒燒功拿捏非常好,選擇多,加上環境及店員的服務不錯,雞尾酒夠多創意,環境整體實屬精品級別,真心推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)