Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station/ Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit D, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
A la folie座落於旺角新世紀廣場,為JC Group旗下另一法式蛋糕及咖啡室,由曾任東京六本木Grand Hyatt酒店糕餅總廚的加籐智彥主理,每天新鮮製造達20款蛋糕及麵粉。蛋糕款式簡約高雅,全是由食材的天然顏色做出賞心悅目的精品,味道層次豐富;小店格調時尚輕鬆,裝潢以製作麵包蛋糕的麵粉棒為主題,尤以天花上的一個個麵粉棒最為突出,而一身金黃色調又讓人彷如置身50年代的美國百老匯,華麗璀璨,燈光閃爍。店內設有大型玻璃餅櫃展示各款精美蛋糕,並有舒適雅座供客人一邊慢嚐咖啡, 一邊細味新鮮出爐的麵包及咖啡。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (53)
Level4 2015-10-19
數天前經過A LA FOLIE的餅櫃,被粉色的2 Girls深深吸引着,老公看在眼裏,想不到第二天,這件蛋糕便出現在我的面前了。   2 Girls($42)藝術感的造型,淡蜜桃粉色,再綴上兩朵純白糖花,甚有美感。青蘋果軟慕絲下是啤梨味海綿蛋糕,食味清淡,下層有一片茶香果凍,不覺茶香之餘更帶苦澀,造型雖美,但味道不討好。 Reverie($42)以粟子忌廉圍繞着,像蕾絲裙子。甚具層次的蛋糕,面層的栗子忌廉輕軟幼滑,內層是忌廉海綿蛋糕,可惜整體來說栗子味猶有不足,幸而蛋糕內混有不少栗子顆粒,不過栗子迷該會失望的了。 這家的蛋糕雖不算太出眾,但造型吸引,部分蛋糕味道也算不俗。這次嚐到的卻只是一般而已,感覺是有點退步了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-06
From time to time, I like to re-visit some of the cake shops that failed to make an early impression on me and give them a chance for redemption. Today, it's A la Folie Pâtisserie's turn to make good on their second try.In case you haven't heard, A la Folie Pâtisserie is a cozy café and patisserie situated in the newly renovated MOKO (or Grand Century Plaza as they previously called it). Apart from their Japanese influenced pastries, the little café is also offering a small selection of salad, burgers and french toasts for a limited time.Their hottest item has got to be the Sexy Lady, featuring creamy chocolate truffle wrapping around delectable raspberry sauce that was cooked in balsamic vinegar. It became the talk of town after local comedian Jim Chim Sui-man (詹瑞文) bought one for actress Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍)'s birthday.But I decided to go a different direction starting with Le Matcha ($42) which features a nice blend of Valrhona chocolate, cointreau syrup, green tea and soy beans.A la Folie Pâtisserie's Milk Tea Opera ($40) strikes a good balance of flavors between milk tea and coffee. It's a little sweeter than a typical opera cake but I like the eight layers creating a very satisfying bite.This was a little better than last time. I certainly won't mind coming back some other time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天和姨姨去新世紀廣場逛街,看見這間甜品蛋糕店的生日蛋糕很漂亮,好像很好吃的樣子,size又偏小,適合幾個人吃,於是買了一個生日蛋糕回家吃,蛋糕名稱是法國朱古力香蕉蛋糕。怎料……這個蛋糕十分難吃!蛋糕樣子方面,size適中,外形挺漂亮的,蛋糕上面有2件香蕉馬卡龍。味道方面,這個蛋糕90%都是(香蕉mix朱古力的溶醬),這些(溶醬)很難吃!我想吃的是蛋糕,不是想吃這些東西!可惜只得10%都沒有的份量是蛋糕,蛋糕味道一般……還有香蕉馬卡龍都很難吃!唉,這個蛋糕真的很難吃,很失望!價錢方面,這個蛋糕一點都不便宜,好像$230,但完全不好吃!總結來說,我對這間蛋糕店的蛋糕真的很失望,又貴又不好吃,不會再有下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-11
全城沸騰的36.2度,令女士的妝容面目全非。想在花叢堆中歎咖啡,無奈花店本身已經塞滿人,於是躲進旁邊的大型商場涼冷氣,發現同樣面目全非的還有A la folie。因為加藤師傅的離開,曾經令我非常著迷的拉糖蛋糕已經不存在,剩下的蛋糕看起來有點空洞。原本放眼望去有三十多款的麵包,現在透明櫃內只是空空蕩蕩,是因為麵包師離開了嗎?失卻了兩個來頭不少的師傅,整間店仿佛頓時失去靈魂,找不到一點個人特色。點了一杯Fruity fruity($33),雜果賓治口味的沙冰尚算幼滑。粉桃紅的顔色很討人喜歡,入囗味道有點像西柚,又有點像芭樂,裡面嚐有點果籽類的沈澱,質感清爽,但味道稍嫌甜了一點。無論如果,總算為熱爆的天氣稍稍降溫。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-24
買三個蛋糕有九折,因為有兩個人,一人選一個,再一齊選多一個,便買了三個回家吃,做飯後甜品。中間的Tofu cheese shooter$38,(8/10)芝士同豆腐原來融合一齊幾match,芝士中透出淡淡豆腐清香,不過就是覺得豆腐味太淡,如果可以再濃一點就更好。右邊的Prima Donna$48(7/10),外表好吸引,雖然整個都係朱古力mouuse,但唔會好甜,唔會令人食到生嫌。左邊的綠魔$42(2/10),外表非常奇特,味道亦都唔太討好。其實它是一個青檸味蛋糕,海綿蛋糕其實只有淡淡青檸味,不過裏面有一粒好酸的嘟喱,破壞了蛋糕的味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)