4-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
16:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
16:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level3 2020-01-15
這個酒吧的前身是Butler,一間我很喜歡的日本Whiskey Bar 。之後轉手成為bar deluxe,開張不久我就立刻去試試,看能不能追上前手的水準。這裏跟上一手一樣,有用新鮮日本水果製成的cocktail ,味道還可以。另外亦有很多不同種類的威士忌,我認為暫時是中環最好的威士忌酒吧。由於之前每一次來都是飲日本水果雞尾酒,加上自己有少少喉嚨痛,這一次嘗試一點新的。我問酒保也沒有熱的飲品,他說可以幫我安排。最後她用了威士忌,肉桂,檸檬和蜜糖,幫我弄了一杯很適合冬天飲的酒精飲品。聞上去有很重的酒精味,但是看上去又不會覺得很strong,甜甜的很容易入口,喝完之後喉嚨很舒服,很推介想飲熱飲又想飲酒的女士們。如果第一次來的,還是看日本水果cocktail 吧,還是比較出色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-16
A nice japanese style whisky bar located in the heart of central. It has a stunning mountain view and feels private to enjoy the view of Hong Kong before sunsets. Not a lot of places provide sqaure cube ice carving so this could become one of my favorties to go to.Ordered a smoky old fashion which was wonderful and they also provided some light snacks for you to enjoy along with your drink. Will come again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一間有質素的酒吧,總可讓人摸著酒杯底,跟好友分享心事。雖自問酒量淺,但上星期工作實在不太如意,所以老友便在放工後帶我到中環雲咸街Bar de Luxe減減壓。酒吧位於一座商業大廈的頂樓,居高臨下,可飽覽中環夜景。當晚,熱情好客的經理見我們第一次來,便跟我們分享酒吧的故事,原來這是一間日本酒吧,由日本 BAR HIGH FIVE老闆Ueno Hidetsugu開設,他徒弟亦在此擔任高級調酒師。由於Ueno對具傳奇色彩的日本輕井沢Whisky有一份熱情,所以在店內放滿他的珍藏。這裡環境寬敞舒適,裝修時尚雅緻,設大型吧枱及多個雅座。吧枱放滿海量美酒,主要以日本Whisky為主。平日關係,人數不多,場內氣氛很優靜,適合三五知己談心。這裡更設有VIP房,環境揉合中日元素,令人猶如置身家中,跟朋友齊齊開懷暢飲。Peach Bellini (HKD218)酒吧經理知我酒量淺,於是推介我飲這杯以進口日本蜜桃、桃汁及Moet & Chandon Rose調製的季節限定雞尾酒。每一啖都可感受到蜜桃的香甜及玫瑰香檳的清香,很順口。Nostalgia (HKD168)調酒師選取白蘭樹下、佛手柑酒、日本檸檬果醋及檸檬汁調製,送來時有著陣陣草藥味,好特別,經理告知原來白蘭樹下蘊含白蘭花陳皮、當歸等,所以會有草藥的香氣及甜味。朋友飲到佛手柑酒的清香及果醋味道,覺得層次很豐富,夏日飲最適合!大家傾得很投入之制唔想走住,決定來多Round,於是經理推介了兩杯酒味較濃的Cocktail。The Hidden Gem (HKD168)調酒師用上日本威士忌、日本香料Yomogi herb liqueur以及Averna Amaro調製。經理送來時,叫我們留意杯中的一大粒正方形冰,原來是手切的日本冰,朋友飲了幾啖,覺得這粒冰真的能勾勒出Whisky的苦甘及柑橘的清新,入口柔滑、濃郁。Cigarette (HKD178)我飲的這杯富多重層次的豐富口感,以Kilchoman Islay威士忌、甜苦艾酒、bitter truth EXR amaro及自家製Roasted tea bitter調製而成。本身Kilchoman Islay威士忌的煙燻味與堅果、柑橘、草藥味的組合已非常恰當,加上甜苦艾酒及少量餐後酒,即突顯那份甘甜及自家製的茶香。這個地方跟Cocktail都很有水準,服務亦一流,我們已約定下次要再來談心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-24
行到邊食到邊~中環今晚陪朋友去傾心事!朋友搵到一間位於中環雲咸街8號30樓日式酒吧!咦,咁似早排睇愛回家講嘅日本調酒大師😚。我地唔太熟日式雞尾酒, 食壽司有omakase,今次交俾型仔調酒師發辦啦!-HK$218Seasonal Fruit Special~調酒師介紹第一杯較易入口嘅PEACH BELLINI給我熱身一下。這個雞尾酒選用日本季節性水果-水蜜桃。新鮮🍑汁制成冰粒及 Moet & Chandon Rose 調製而成。玫瑰香檳加水蜜桃出來效果飲落好順口又帶出🍑自然甜味。望住半山景真係好舒服同放鬆☺️。-HK$168Nostalagia~我第二杯雞尾酒是調酒師推介夏天必飲😌。以白蘭樹下、佛手柑酒、日本檸檬果醋及檸檬汁調製而成。聽調酒師講解原來白蘭樹下蘊含白蘭花陳皮、當歸等⋯怪不得我聞到草藥的香氣。呷一口後先嚐到淡淡的柑橘的甜味後再感受檸檬微酸。-HK$178Cigarette~朋友的雞尾酒味道較為強烈及一絲煙燻味。好像吃雪茄感覺是因為內有以威士忌 Kilchoman Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky Machir Bay、自家roasted tea bitter 及多款酒調製而成。HK$168THE HIDDEN GEM~調酒師見我朋友還滿懷心事,仲未夠喉。再推介皇牌雞尾酒內含有日本威士忌、日本香料 Yomogi herb liqueur 及 Averna Amaro 調製而成🥃。我見這杯酒內有一塊好大的冰塊。我好奇問調酒師?他説原來日本調酒大師上野先生對每件事非常嚴格。細緻每塊冰塊也要自己親手切割出來。朋友説怪不得這杯澀中帶有甘甜又有精雕細琢味道。-同朋友吹吹水之餘又知道日本人對每個調酒步驟一絲不苟神精,形成自成一格的日系雞尾酒。下次Happy Hour都會同朋友嚟呢度😉-🍸:Bar De Luxe📮:中環雲咸街8號亞洲太平洋中心30樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-07-30
My friends and I went to have a cocktail Friday evening, we all tried a specialty signature cocktail. All the cocktails were good except for "The Ceremony" which had green tea liqueur. It tasted like it was made from cheap midori shot that you down and never wish to have ever again. When we told the server that we didn't like it, the server replied, "Sure, can I get you another cocktail." We ordered another cocktail and it was fine. THE PROBLEM CAME WHEN WE WERE PAYING. We were charged for the cocktail we did not drink and the bar blamed us for ordering the cocktail. We saw "The Ceremony" on our bill and asked why we were charged the cocktail since we only had one sip. The cocktail was still full and on the table when we were paying. The server responded, "Well, I warned you it was a strong cocktail but you still ordered it" We told the server that the issue was not that it was strong, the issue was that it did not taste good. Typically bars offering good service will not charge you for a cocktail/item you do not like. The more the server talked, the issue just got worse. So the server says, "Well, let me ask my manager since I'm just a small potato and can't do anything." He went to talk to the manger and comes back and says, "My manager will not take it off the bill for you." The server proceeds to say, "If you didn't like it, you should have said so and asked right then and there to take it off the bill." OHHH, so it's OUR fault that your bar made a cocktail that tasted bad and that it's OUR fault that we didn't ask for you to take it off our bill right away? The first page of their menu talks about the bar's motto how they aim to provide each guest with amazing service. Our bill came to over $1100+, the bar did not do what they set out to do; we had a horrible experience and will not be returning. This bar is not worth the $178 cocktails they are charging. Did I mention that at 11:30PM, the server came to us and said, we ran out of ice and will not be making anymore cocktails. Ok thanks bar that is poorly run, your servers aren't empowered to do anything and to the bar manager, I do not understand why you did not take the cocktail off our bill. Why all this fuss over a cocktail that cost you about $40 to make? I do not recommend anyone to come here. I do not mind paying for an expensive cocktail that is thoroughly enjoyed and where the service is good. It's the principle of paying for a cocktail that we did not drink and the lies that you tell on your bar menu about providing good service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)