Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. captures the charm and American spirit that made “Forrest Gump” a smash hit, featuring down-home decor reminiscent of the movie’s setting in Alabama. Now branded as an American icon, the restaurant showcases memorabilia and still-photos from the movie, along with reproductions of script pages, storyboards and even some costumes. Scrawled “Gumpisms” grace the varnished tabletops inside and guests can try on plaster casts of Forrest’s running shoes at the famed bus bench in front of each restaurant location. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
有Private Room
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Kid-friendly Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (419)
Level4 2024-12-04
人越大,時間好像過得越快,忙這忙那,再次坐下來正正經經記錄著自己的食記已是一年過後的事。身份轉變了,生活環境也不一樣了,執筆時有點生疏,又有點熟悉,還幸這仍是自己喜愛做的事。另一半是個很有行動力的人,他訂立了目標後無論多辛苦也會盡力完成。是日他難得放假,我們睡到自然醒後往山頂走走,享受一下久違了的二人世界。一心想著來吃薄餅,怎料門口圍上圍板重新翻新,另外有近三分一的餐廳都在裝修當中,打爛我的如意算盤,那就光顧開業多年的阿甘蝦餐廳嚐嚐看。阿甘海鮮薈 $208到達餐廳之時正值下午茶時間,吃些小食就好;點了一盤招牌炸物,有炸蝦、炸魚薯條和海鮮球,每樣數件,吃得過癮。全部炸物皆新鮮熱辣,炸蝦爽口,炸魚滑溜不腥,海鮮球口感彈牙,頗有驚喜。凱薩沙律 (side) $55怕炸物吃太多會膩,來一客沙律清新一下;羅馬生菜脆身帶少許甜味,雖然是配菜但也有滿滿的一碟,份量比想像中多。先待食物期間見隔壁的食客到來慶祝生日,奉上甜品之時全部侍應也會圍著他們唱歌助慶,主角開心之餘又有點尷尬,看起來歡樂好玩,加上無敵的維多利亞港風景,能多年來在山頂也屹立不倒果然有其過人之處。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港嘅山頂阿甘蝦餐廳係一間我帶遊客去山頂嘅時候經過無數次嘅餐廳,總係將佢當係一個花巧嘅旅遊陷阱。不過,我最近嘅訪問證明咗我完全錯。餐廳唔單止可以望到令人嘆為觀止嘅城市景色,仲有出奇地出色嘅食物。大蝦係呢個餐嘅明星 — — 大隻、多汁,而且炸得完美,有一種令人滿足嘅咬口。魚菜同樣令人印象深刻,嫩滑,仲充滿香濃嘅調味料,令我想食多啲。食物好正,我第二個星期就返左嚟再食。即係咁,我兩次嚟嘅服務體驗都係截然不同。第一次嚟嘅時候,職員好熱情,好細心,仲經常 check 我哋枱,令到個餐更加愉快。可惜第二次去係服務方面令人失望。啲職員似乎冇興趣、難以接近,甚至唔歡迎,我哋要自己去搵佢哋嚟協助。同第一次去係一個令人失望嘅對比。雖然服務唔一致,但係食物同景色令到 Peak Bubba Gump 蝦公司成為一個突出嘅用餐地點。我真係希望佢哋解決服務問題,因為我好想返嚟食另一個難忘嘅餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-07
在太平山顶二楼的一家餐厅,很美式风格,口味及环境都还不错,但是下午要5点后才能入场就餐,在外面等了半个小时~菜品种类不多,休闲喝茶喝喝酒还不错,接待人员最好按照语言来分配吧,他说的我听不懂,我说的他装听不见 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
阿甘正傳🏃🏻‍♂️+ 維港view🌃 + 美國風🇺🇸 + 大量🌿同🧈 = 💯 今次做偽遊客上山頂揾食😛揀左食美國dishes既阿甘蝦餐廳!美國風就係大大碟再加勁濃味既代表唔好諗住會食到al dente既意粉🍝但係你會食到香到不得了既蒜香牛油意粉(可能同黑白大廚入面既“隱藏天才”蒜油意粉有得battle下)-同男朋友黎食 叫左一碟意粉一份炸蝦已經飽到傻 加埋飲品同維景view Total先500蚊左右 抵啦! 未食就記得影 // #相機有得食先⚡️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was a very happy day with my two kids at the amazingVictoria Peak. My kids and I craved some excellent Western food with a niceview, so we went to this pathetic restaurant called Bubba Gump. The guy at thecounter told us that ordering a dish per person is mandatory as if we wereplanning to sit there with a glass of water all afternoon. His attitude wasunfriendly and unwelcoming. So I asked if there was a minimum charge, and wecould reach that. He insisted that it was mandatory. I said ok. He said it wasalready 3 pm, and the last order must be before 345 pm. I understood and saidok. Then we went inside, and he offered us the worst table in the house. A fewtables with a nice view were available, and he refused to give us that. It wasshocking, and this is the worst customer service I have encountered in HongKong, especially at Victoria Peak, where most restaurants have already closeddown because of the fragile economy and challenging F&B business. I don’trecommend anyone go to this restaurant, and I am sure they will be the next oneto close down because of this arrogant attitude. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)