4-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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It is an IG-able restaurant. The decor features the neighborhood ethnic style in Spain. It serves traditional and creative tapas that taste good to pair with Spanish drinks. It is a nice place for a casual lunch, after-hours wind-down or date night.
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Additional Information
Dining duration:
Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
Afternoon: 90mins - Afternoon Tea Set Menu
Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:45
11:30 - 21:45
11:30 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
公司其中一位外籍同事生日,她的老公跟老師組了一個秘密飯局,特意邀請了一大班同事來幫她慶生。我地一行有十多人,坐低之後我望着餐牌,完全不知道那些好吃於是我放棄點餐,直接由西班牙籍同事發板。🍽️西班牙薯仔蛋餅 (素)西班牙菜經典之一,味道唔錯岩晒我食素既同事🍽️西班牙炸丸子(西班牙火腿)這個超正,必點!🍽️牛頰肉呢碟又係好味,唔係佢地推介可能會miss左🍽️西班牙海鮮燉飯經典中既經典,食西班牙菜必點。好味,絕對唔會伏。呢間餐廳最驚喜唔止食物,仲有氣氛。差不多每隔十多分鐘,就聽到有人唱生日歌很多人選擇這邊慶生,是因為店內的員工會加入一起唱,打着拍子,搖着鼓,氣氛超好
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Terrible ServiceThe service is terrible for this price range. **Food:** Room temperature, flavor is so mid, not authentic at all. **Service:** Both the receptionist and server were rude. We came to celebrate a friend's birthday, but the waitress forgot and served an ordinary dessert while singing birthday song for the table next to us, RUINED the celebration. NOT RECOMMEND AT ALL.呢個價位嘅餐廳嚟講服務可以用係驚嚇嚟形容,從來冇寫過食評,但今次用餐體驗實在太差入到去,前台職員搵唔到我booking 講電話no. 又聽錯重複幾次都係聽唔明,黑着面唔耐煩咁叫我重複,未落單已經覺得態度差。坐低落完單返轉頭話我嗌嘅sold out,叫我轉第二樣嘢,最後兩個人嗌咗dinner set加咗一jar sangria上菜極慢,大半個鐘仲上緊前菜,食物係常溫,味道極普通,餐廳環境嘈雜,以為落咗club。本身已經Remark咗喺慶祝生日,但去到最後係幫隔籬兩台上晒寫晒happy birthday既甜品,我哋只係上咗個普通甜品,仲要當住我地面幫隔籬枱唱生日歌😓成個驚喜冇晒。最後,埋單嗰陣,張單仲係顯示我哋本身嗌嘅嘢,唔係最後改咗order嘅嘢,我提醒侍應改返價錢,佢黑着面咁拎入去同經理講,咁佢哋餐廳又懶先進用system埋單,system未及時更新到價錢,但又係咁催我哋埋單,成件事好黐線,乜嘢服務?人均500餐廳但係係人均50既服務。
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On a busy Friday night, we walked in without any reservations, and the receptionist served us warmly with a big welcome. As we were brought to the table, she was very cheerful and wishing us a happy Friday and told us that she will later bring us some drinks that will be on the house. After the waiter had taken our orders, he then brought the drinks menu and insisted us to select two free drinks from the menu, he noticed we were quite hesitant with the selection and decided to introduce the drinks one by one, extremely caring and thoughtful.All the dishes were excellent, very exquisite, tasted really authentic. Ingredients used were fresh, especially the squid used. Previously when we tried the suckling pork, it was amazing, especially the apple sauce used as the base. This time we wanted to try the iberico pork pluma. Again, apple sauce has been added to the side to balance the grease from the pork. The combination was really good. The highlight of the evening was the Chorizo Tortilla, omelette on top of creamy potato slices, with some chorizo slices on top. The taste of chorizo was very strong and tasted extremely well with the omelette and potatoes. Strongly recommend this tapas.Throughout the entire dining experience, all the staff were serving with a big warm smile, and extremely friendly. Even when the foods were brought to the table, the staff were serving positively with a lively attitude. This was our second time here, and we really enjoyed the service provided. Will definitely come back again and again.
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Originally I was expecting a certain standard quality from the Pirata group, but for this restaurant, it was literally the worst dining experience I ever had in this price range. I couldn’t imagine how it can unexpectedly fail in every aspect they tried to provide:- Poor food quality - Room temperature for every single dishes- Half an hr just for serving one ‘drink’ (even for checking the bill)There’s no way to have any excuse justifying their incompetence, given that there are still half of the empty table needed to serve.What else I can say😂Good Luck Everyone~
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Calle Ocho係PIRATA Group旗下既西班牙菜餐廳🇪🇸認識哩個group既餐廳都應該會知道係超有氣氛同朋友慶祝生日既時候🎂啲員工會過來唱生日歌同影即影即有📷✨可以比朋友一個suprise .ᐟ.ᐟ 餐廳設有兩層非常大而且有西班牙風裝修有西班牙特色既瓷磚 環境好靚都有啲影相位而二樓感覺似係家庭式多啲享用套餐都較為划算☑️套餐當中每位可以揀🔺兩個小食、一個主菜、一個甜品🔺分量剛剛好,以實惠價錢食到地道西班牙菜Dinner Set $348/Person•TAPS• 🐖西班牙黑毛豬可樂餅 IBERICO HAM CROQUETAS🐟醋漬白鯷魚ANCHOVIES MARINATED IN VINEGAR🥖蕃茄麵包PAN CON TOMATE 🌶️西班牙辣肉腸拼盤CHORIZO Y SALCHICHÓN🦑酥炸魷魚圈CALAMARES A LA ANDALUZA•MAIN•🦀SOFT SHELL CRAB RICE (FOR 2 PEOPLE)•DERREST•CHURROSCREMA CATALANA
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