4-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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It is an IG-able restaurant. The decor features the neighborhood ethnic style in Spain. It serves traditional and creative tapas that taste good to pair with Spanish drinks. It is a nice place for a casual lunch, after-hours wind-down or date night.
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Additional Information
Dining duration:
Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
Afternoon: 90mins - Afternoon Tea Set Menu
Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
15:00 - 17:45
18:00 - 21:45
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
15:00 - 17:45
18:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 14:30
15:00 - 17:45
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 17:45
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 17:45
18:00 - 21:45
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥銅鑼灣有不少特色食肆,要讓客人有特別的感覺除了在食物上花功夫之餘,裝修及服務亦都要做得非常好。這間餐廳單開門面已十分吸引,因為就如走進了西班牙一般,亦有點像在葡萄牙的情懷。餐廳已提供西班牙菜式為主,除了肉類之外,也有不少海鮮菜式選擇,異以迎合不同顧客的口味。Causeway Bay boasts a variety of distinctive dining establishments. To offer guests a unique experience, it is essential not only to focus on the quality of the food but also to ensure that the decor and service are of excellent standards. This restaurant features a captivating façade, reminiscent of Spain, while also evoking a touch of Portuguese charm. The restaurant specializes in Spanish cuisine and offers a diverse selection of seafood dishes in addition to meat options, catering to a wide range of customer preferences.軟殼蟹海鮮飯 ($380)Soft Shell Crab Rice這個海鮮飯的飯和醬汁的比例做到恰到好處,不會太乾也不會過份濕潤,而且飯也不會太硬,雖然只有軟殼蟹鋪在飯上,但整到菜式的鮮味亦非常充足The seafood paella has achieved the perfect balance between rice and sauce, ensuring it is neither too dry nor overly moist, with the rice remaining tender. Although it is garnished solely with soft-shell crab, it succeeds in delivering a rich flavor.西班牙炸丸子(西班牙火腿、磨菇,大蝦) ($140)Croquetas (Iberico ham, muchroom, prawns)餐廳有三款不同的西班牙炸丸子,每款都各有特色,當中蘑菇味的一款充滿了菇的香氣,至於蝦肉那款則最有鮮味The restaurant offers three varieties of Spanish croquettes, each with its own unique characteristics. Among them, the mushroom-flavored croquettes are fragrant, while the prawn variety is particularly flavorful.48 個月手切伊比利亞黑毛豬火腿 ($230)Iberico Ham西班牙火腿充滿了油香及肉的香氣,吃後口腔還有回甘的感覺,不過旁邊的番茄多士,則較為失色,因為蕃茄醬過濕,所以令麵包非常腍,影響了口感The Spanish ham is infused with a rich aroma of oil and meat, leaving a delightful aftertaste. In contrast, the accompanying tomato toast falls short due to the excessively wet tomato sauce, resulting in a soggy texture that detracts from the overall experience.烤八爪魚 ($170)Octopus Leg 烤八爪魚腳不會太乾身,而且具有彈性,加上旁邊的醬汁十分開胃,是一款清爽的菜式The grilled octopus is not overly dry and possesses a pleasant elasticity, complemented by the accompanying sauce, making it a refreshing dish.大蝦紅辣椒薯仔蛋餅($95)Tortilla – Prawn & piquillo pepper這個大蝦薯仔蛋餅較為令人失,因為主得太過乾,而且蛋餅內只有薯仔,所以味道較為單調The prawn and potato omelette is somewhat disappointing; the filling is excessively dry and consists solely of potatoes, leading to a lack of flavor.烤粟米 ($90)Grilled Corn這個烤粟米焗得非常香口,配件牛油及芝士,是一道不錯的菜式On the positive side, the grilled corn is exceptionally delicious, enhanced by butter and cheese, making it a commendable choice.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥✅雖然說是西班牙菜,但亦不會是主打肉類,亦有部分非肉類的菜式供客人選擇While the restaurant primarily features Spanish dishes, it does offer some non-meat options for guests.❌無NIL🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修充滿著西班牙及意大利風情,令人有如置身外地用餐一般The decor reflects a charming Spanish and Italian ambiance, creating an experience akin to dining abroad.❌無NIL💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅待應生非常親切有禮,而且還會為生日的朋友獻唱生日歌,營造更歡樂的氣氛The waitstaff are exceptionally friendly and courteous, even singing birthday songs for guests celebrating special occasions, thus fostering a festive atmosphere.❌因為部分枱設於房間內,所以若果要等候待應生幫忙則要花一點時間Due to some tables being located in private rooms, waiting for staff assistance may require a bit of time.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅以食物的份量計算,定價算是公道In terms of portion sizes, the pricing is considered reasonable.❌由於定價在中上水平,與同區其他餐廳食肆相比,未有太大驚喜Although the prices are positioned in the mid-to-high range, there are no significant surprises when compared to other establishments in the area.
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PIRATA group旗下的西班牙菜餐館🇪🇸主要係聽聞過佢哋嘅生日慶祝超熱情!! 今次趁住朋友生日一試 的確不負所望(˶’ ᵕ ‘ ˶)🎂店員送上蛋糕嘅時候 會group埋一齊唱生日歌 加上搖鼓伴奏♪ 節日同慶生之選絕對冇錯!! 最後仲會送上一張拍立得留作記念⋆͛♡⋆͛.Dinner氣氛真係超級好🧡餐廳裝修充滿南歐情調 燈光朦朧 牆壁用上藍白花磚作裝飾 彷彿去咗外國嘅餐館💐兩層嘅座位全部滿座 用餐氣氛超級熱鬧同温暖🥹.BITES❈ TORTILLA Chorizo Ibérico辣肉腸薯仔蛋餅| $95 (Rating: 9/10)Tortilla應該係食西班牙菜必嗌嘅前菜吧!薯仔同洋蔥經過炒香 再同蛋漿焗成厚厚嘅蛋餅 再配上沙律醬🥚每次食都覺得好滿足 加上辣肉腸增添少許鹹香.❈ PATATAS BRAVAS (v) 炸薯粒配辣茄醬(素) | $75 (Rating: 8.5/10)薯仔一層薄薄嘅皮炸到微脆🥔精粹在於嗰個微辣同微酸嘅茄醬🍅甜甜酸酸辣辣超級開胃 不過缺點就係薯粒份量頗多 作為前菜都幾飽 幾個女仔都食唔囇.MAINS❈ SLOW COOKED BEEF CHEEK 慢燉牛面頰配松露薯蓉 | $190 (Rating: 10/10)請大家一定要嗌😭❤️OMGGG I rated this 10/10 !!!!!!經過慢燉 嗰種入口即溶嘅肉質 一絲絲嘅牛肉混合少少骨膠原 肉質軟腍得嚟又好滑🥹味道上冇晒肉臊味 好簡單又好濃郁嘅牛味 加上少少鹹香 已經好好食🥲配搭嘅松露薯蓉柔潤軟滑 成個dish真係💯.❈ ARROZ NEGRO (S) 傳統墨汁香辣魷魚焗飯| $150 (Rating: 8/10)Arroz Negro按字面解作黑色的飯 黑色來自於墨魚汁 西班牙飯吸滿墨魚汁嘅淡淡嘅鹹香🦑配上幾粒香辣魷魚 同埋表面嘅Aioli蒜泥蛋黃醬 味道上都好豐富.DESSERT ❈ CHURROS 西班牙油條配朱古力醬 | $70 (Rating: 9/10)即炸至金黃色嘅churros外酥內軟 淡淡的麵粉甜香同表面嘅一層砂糖💛熱辣辣咁沾上朱古力醬 超級邪惡.DRINKS❈ PAFEO DEL PRADO | $68 (Rating: 8.5/10)熱情果香嘅mocktail 加上coffee syrup同ginger beer.❈ PUERTA DEL JOL | $88 (Rating: 9/10)Palomino Sherry雪利酒作為base 加入Vermouth 苦艾酒同葡萄柚🍇入口微甜最後帶少少苦味作結
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今次嘅用餐體驗實在令人驚艷!Calle Ocho一直以充滿西班牙風情嘅裝潢同美味的Tapas聞名。從精緻嘅餐點到舒適嘅用餐環境,每一處細節都展現佐餐廳嘅用心。無論係同朋友聚餐還是情侶約會,呢度係唔錯嘅選擇。✨全新登場限定餐牌✨:SUCKLING PIG SET DINNER $498/pp🔸SOPA首先係WHITE BEAN AND CHORIZO SOUP。湯品以豬肉同番茄湯底為主,搭配韭蔥、紅蘿蔔同羽衣甘藍,味道濃郁而豐富。湯嘅口感溫潤,每啖都充滿佐食材嘅鮮味~🔸PRIMERO接下來三樣開胃菜同樣令人期待:1. CHICKEN MEATBALLS WITH ROMESCO:雞肉丸搭配Romesco醬,口感豐富,肉丸紮實多汁,Romesco醬則帶有堅果嘅香氣同微妙嘅辣味,非常開胃。🤤2. MUSSELS A LA MARINERA:以番茄醬、蒜同龍蝦湯烹製而成,每個青口都飽滿多汁,充滿佐海洋鮮味。醬汁濃郁,搭配麵包一齊食更係美味無窮!3. GEM LETTUCE SALAD:沙律以生菜為主,搭配培根、鯷魚同蔥油醋,口感清新爽脆,係平衡味蕾的絕佳選擇!幾特別嘅蔬菜🥬🔸SEGUNDO重頭戲當然係SLOW COOKED CRISPY SUCKLING PIG!呢道菜以慢煮嘅脆皮乳豬為主,搭配蘋果醬同苦艾酒醬汁,乳豬皮脆肉嫩,入口即化,搭配蘋果醬嘅微酸同苦艾酒醬汁嘅香醇,讓口感更加豐富,令人回味無窮。搭配的ROASTED BABY CARROTS🥕,以小茴香優格、脆羽衣甘藍同開心果點綴,為乳豬增添佐清新的口感!好特別😋🔸POSTRE最後以MANCHEGO CHEESECAKE作為結尾。呢款芝士蛋糕搭配莓果同橄欖油醬,口感綿密,芝士味濃郁,莓果嘅酸甜則為蛋糕增添了層次感~
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✨除夕夜當然要同要感恩嘅人食餐好啦~專誠book咗呢間西班牙餐廳好好享受同回顧呢一年🥂今晚點咗呢度全新登場嘅限定Menu🐖SUCKLING PIG SET DINNER - 498pp - PRIMERO -🐚MUSSELS A LA MARINERA使用嘅青口新鮮,濃郁嘅lobster broth、Tomato sauce同garlic 熬煮而成,湯汁飲落非常順滑。🥬GEM LETTUCE SALAD幼嫩嘅生菜巧妙地配上anchovy鯷魚同Bacon碎粒,食落鹹香又鮮味,用上shallot vinaigrette畫龍點睛。🍅WHITE BEAN AND CHORIZO SOUP呢款係我個人十分喜愛嘅湯,非常濃縮嘅蕃茄配上豬肉末、豆子,用上韭蔥、紅蘿蔔、羽衣甘藍攪拌,提升咗湯嘅天然甜味。🐤CHICKEN MEATBALLS WITH ROMESCO呢款meatball嫩滑得嚟感覺健康,原來用咗切碎嘅水煮蛋混合埋烤香過嘅杏仁,同雞肉攪拌砌成,食落香滑又低脂,好適合做中段嘅小食。- SEGUNDO -🐽SLOW COOKED CRISPY SUCKLING PIG最驚喜就係呢個西班牙烤乳豬,脆嘅程度係世一,入面嘅肉質仍保持到嫩滑,配上酸甜嘅Apple confit, vermouth jus 中和番乳豬少不免嘅油膩感,真係食過嘅西班牙乳豬中嘅best of the best!- POSTRE -🍰MANCHEGO CHEESECAKE呢嗰cheesecake 係估唔到咁濃郁,本身冇對set dinner後嘅甜品抱好大期望,呢個真係有震撼到,鍾意食cheesecake 嘅人包保滿意👍🏻
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今日難得見朋友就約左係呢間家風格獨特既西班牙餐廳環境好靚, 超有feel!仲要今次試郁咗全新登場限定餐牌!🔥整體體驗都好好😍.💎$498 Suckling Pig set dinner (per person).💎White bean & Chorizo Soup濃郁既湯底散發著香氣四溢的醬香白豆的細膩和西班牙香腸的肉香相得益彰每一口都充滿了溫暖和舒適感😇.💎Chicken Meatballs雞肉丸入口十分多汁,入口即化搭配的番茄醬讓整道菜更加突出層次帶有微微的甜味和酸度,十分誘人😆.💎Mussels marinera菜式鮮味十足新鮮的青口煮熟後吸收了醬汁的風味肉質鮮嫩,彈牙十分推介.💎Gem Lettuce清脆的生菜與清新的橄欖油和檸檬汁調味為整體餐點增添了清新的口感🫶🏻可以說是一場味覺的刷新.💎Suckling Pig這道菜的外皮金黃酥脆,散發著迷人的香氣肉質卻是柔軟而多汁,輕輕一撕便能露出細膩的豬肉🤩肉與皮的完美搭配,絕對是一次難以忘懷的味蕾享受搭配的 Baby Carrots 清甜可口使整道菜品更加豐富多樣讓我不自覺想要一口接著一口.💎Cheesecake這道西班牙芝士蛋糕的口感輕盈而絲滑甜度適中,搭配了淡淡的果味😆為整頓豐盛的晚餐畫上了完美的句號💎$68 Cava Baja 這款氣泡酒清新爽口輕微的果香讓人心情愉悅😍.💎$100 Moscato d'Asti Vajra Piemonte它的甜美和氣泡感使得它與美味的菜餚形成了完美的搭配🥳.💎$45 BELU sparkling water
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