7-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
The shopfront of this Western steak house is decorated with purple colour which is very eye-catching; and the interior design features elegant vintage style. You can enjoy the popular dishes “Cheesey New Zealand Steak’ under a romantic vibe. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (674)
We went to a local steakhouse on a post-Christmas Friday, and had an impressive sizzling plate of steak. This iconic purple steakhouse is near one end of Soy Street. Without a doubt, we ordered their cheesy New Zealand tenderloin. It’s a hot pan of melted lava cheese on fire, poured over an attractive thick pair of succulent tenderloins. The steak was perfectly tender and juicy (ours was medium cooked). The melted cheese was highly remarkable by its notable hint of alcoholic flavour, that reminds me of a classic Swiss cheese fondue. Absolutely an indulgence. On the side, we had an assorted seafood pesto risotto that was loaded with refreshing flying fish roes, topped with a very crispy piece of giant deep fried fish fillet, and a tiger prawn. The rice felt almost like a salad version of risotto cos the dressing was light (instead of a heavy cream), mixed in with a lot of mushrooms, asparagus, and romaine lettuce. A healthy complement to our steaks! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-24
平安夜過嚟食飯 叫咗一個肉眼扒同埋一個雞扒卡邦尼肉眼扒係一個燒嘢食嘅平價牛扒質素 講真真係好難食 五成熟 都可以完全切唔開 切開之後入邊嘅肉質係非常差 食咗兩啖已經唔想食 側邊啲人都係叫咗肉眼扒 反應都係好失望。。之後雞扒卡邦尼 雞扒就還好嘅起碼都仲食得落口 唔會太老 但係個卡邦尼真係大鑊 未見過一個卡邦尼係好似加咗膠水咁樣 然後係冇味嘅 完全唔知食緊乜 雖然唔係好貴 但係質素嚟講完全唔值得係呢個價錢真係好bad trip 認真唔建議食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-22
舊式擺設,舊式電話,舊式桌椅,懷舊音樂,不鏽鋼碗碟等等,雖然明知一切都是刻意營造出來的懷舊氣氛,但是成功令人有放鬆舒服感覺。這間懷舊扒房價錢合理,2:30至5:00還有九折,想在旺角簡單鋸一個扒,食個鐵板或者生酮飲食,都是不錯嘅選擇。🏅鐵板吉列龍脷柳配薯菜~外脆內嫩,香氣撲鼻🏅鐵板奇津雞扒配薯菜~雞扒多汁又惹味,兩款都在熱騰騰的鐵板上送上桌,賣相十足。每份鐵板餐還附上羅宋湯和麵包,暖胃又滿足。甜品是雪糕,但想豪華一點的話,可以加$28升級成雪糕心太軟。飲品方面,有咖啡或茶,也可加$17升級為雪糕紅豆冰或其他特飲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-22
Spicy prawn pasta with arrabiatta sauce 辣蕃茄大蝦意大利粉 🦐🍝 $128 呢一個辣蕃茄大蝦意大利粉相當吸引,面頭有一大隻新鮮嘅大蝦🍤,爽口又夠fresh ,冇乜雪藏味,仲有少少新鮮蝦肉意粉,意粉就用咗酸酸甜甜嘅蕃茄醬🥫,開胃得來又唔會太辣,夠晒惹味,大人小朋友都啱食,而意粉嘅口感夠彈牙😋,煮嘅時間控制得啱啱好,都唔錯Sirloin steak with potato 西冷牛扒配薯菜 🥩🥔 $188 大大碟嘅西冷牛扒配薯菜可以自己揀熟嘅程度,我哋揀咗七成熟,成個牛扒🥩有9oz ,夠晒大塊,牛肉味夠晒濃郁,旁邊仲有夠晒健康嘅椰菜🥬、香脆可口嘅粗薯條🍟、少少洋蔥🧅,夠晒飽肚,適合同朋友share食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
吃扒位於旺角豉油街,附近一帶人流多。門面係紫色主題,非常引人注目👀裏面環境係走懷舊風,場內亦播放首首唔同嘅懷舊金曲🎼頗有氣氛。✿ 水牛城雞翼 $72雞翼比想像中好食,皮脆肉嫩,蕃茄味好香好開胃🍅✿ 特選肉眼扒配薯菜 $188朋友叫咗肉眼扒,油花分佈細緻,肉質特別香嫩多汁,脂肪較高,喺西餐廳都好常見。揀咗配黑椒汁格外惹味🖤✿ 西冷牛扒配薯菜 $188其實是牛前腰脊肉,表面帶有一層脂肪,油花分佈均勻。肉身較牛柳韌而骨少,肉質柔嫩及牛肉香氣,汁多味美。揀咗蒜蓉汁香味重🧄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)