Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
It was started since 1984 and turned to modern style after renovation. It provides traditional Cantonese cuisines, including dim sum, homemade siumei and seasonal seafood, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
滷水醬牛展 薑蔥龍蝦煎腸粉 花雕屈東星斑 雙椒菠蘿炒安格斯牛 濃湯雞煲翅 蠔皇扣原隻二頭大鮑魚
Review (44)
Level1 2024-01-06
Dishes are nothing spectacular for the price they charge, the only one worth trying is the 鮑魚燒賣. Service is terrible, considering they charge a mandatory 10% service fee + appetizer nuts, they need to step up their quality. We had to ask them to add hot water even though the server walked by many times and chose to ignore the open pot lid. Asking them for anything (water, taking the bill, and even paying, felt like we were asking a favour)👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天和朋友到薄扶林至山頂遠足,行完想早些晚飯,諗住去尖東酒樓,應該沒有那麼多人,朋友提議去馥苑,即場致電訂了 6:30 pm 。 由中環坐船過尖沙咀也很方便,一行七人準時到達, 環境都算寬敞,只有一兩枱客 。片皮鴨做緊特價 $ 288,所以就揀咗一份。 侍應生會拎咗一隻鴨出嚟,比你哋睇下 ,然後即場喺你旁邊切片,份量都算多,味道都可以。個薄餅做得唔錯,唔太厚,好細心咁,每塊中間用張紙隔住,味道都好。都係一般片皮鴨嘅配菜,青瓜,大蒜。中式焗牛柳,只有六小塊,冇乜味道,太多醬汁。$ 198梅菜蒸菜心,味道尚可。$ 148咸魚煎藕餅 ,因為得六塊,所以切開咗,呢個味道唔錯,又香口。$ 168鍋燒銀絲中蝦煲, 其實佢整得唔錯, 粉絲做得好乾身,不過份量真係太少,三隻蝦剪開一半。$ 228每人送咗個紫米露糖水,呢個有驚喜, 又夠熱,唔太甜,味道不錯。埋單時,大家真的要查單, 最好自己計定大約幾多錢, 因為佢開頭畀我張單,計多咗我支忌廉汽水同兩樽啤酒, 好彩我發現,佢先同我改過張單,唔係就收多我 $ 122 。 如果係自己飲咗冇問題,唔係就唔抵啦。總括嚟講 :環境舒適,侍應生服務都尚可,食物味道係可以嘅,但份量就太少 ,價錢都唔平,酒水就更貴啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近與友人齊帶著兩位長老到尖東好時中心的馥苑酒家飲茶。對上一次到這間馥苑飲茶已經大約是三十年前嘅事,即係酒家都已經超過三十年歷史了。最開心係,酒家水準依舊好味,兩位老人家都好滿意,仲話以後要再嚟。 可能因為位處尖東,主要做寫字樓客戶,而宜家又少了遊客,我們11點到達時未有其他客人,到12點後才陸續有客人入座。侍應開茶及奉上嘅前菜是琥珀核桃,核桃脆口又唔太甜,大家都喜愛,掛住食,唔記得影相。我們點了7個點心,包括煎蘿蔔糕、叉燒腸粉、咸水角、雞包仔、鮮蝦菜苗餃、上湯鮮竹卷、山竹牛肉球,另外點了小吃“鮑汁鳳爪”,再加一個豉蒜龍躉片籠仔蒸飯。雖然唔會係貴價飯店那些講究精緻或創新嘅造型,但各款食物水準不錯,新鮮熱辣,用料品質幾好,好味道,不似那些連鎖酒樓用中央廚房流水式做出來嘅工廠點心。當大家食得飽飽時,侍應還送了紅豆沙糖水,就連送嘅糖水都沒有欺場,我們四人雖然已食飽,都把整碗糖水渴光。 埋單共$660,每人百幾,價錢合理。#香港 #香港美食 #點心 #飲茶 #尖沙咀美食 #馥苑 #hongkong #HK #Foodie #dimsum #tsimshatsuifood #FookYuen continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
馥苑飲茶都算出名,亦都歷史悠久,但尖沙咀依間就未試過,環境闊落得好緊要,有景睇而又舒服點心、炒野一般既都有,套餐都有既至尊蝦餃皇,大粒,食落好足料而有成隻蝦皮有少少厚既,但個餡都好味,筍味都夾同好味鮮竹牛肉球,都係大大粒咁,肉質腍,但牛味就唔太夠,正正常常上湯鮮竹卷,清清地,味道正常既,卷餡偏淡鮑汁鳳爪,賣相唔錯,食落八角味好重,似滷水多過鮑汁,有啲失望口感就正常,都好腍既北菇棉花雞,賣相吸引,份量大棉花(魚肚)果然係馥苑既賣點,好想食魚肚腍又多汁好味,推介雞滑肉質好味,應該係最好食既點心海參蠔豉燘伊麵,海參都ok,蠔豉真係好細粒,味道都唔錯既,伊麵都好味老火湯,白菜唔知咩湯,水加味精咁真係唔好叫整體黎講普通,棉花雞係最正,其他就無特別,睇埋價錢,實在唔抵,如果好想坐得好舒服傾野既都ok食嘢真係唔好,同九龍城馥苑簡直天同地#不如食返好時沙爹#附近兩枱都係傾野傾保險 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-07-31
Not value for the price. Food are stale. Could have much better choice for Chinese food in the area. No reason to settle for a pricy, mediocre, run-down Chinese restaurant. The food was mediocre. Can’t even cook a simple stir-fried dish. The decor is a bit aged. Not a good ambiance. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)