Restaurant: Hutong

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit C1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Hutong is a Sichuan restaurant that melds both modern and traditional flavors together. This restaurant elevates authentic dishes, creating an entirely different flavor. Some of their signature dishes include scallops tossed wtih pomelo segments, drunken crab and abalone carpaccio with spring onion oil. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Scallops Tossed with Pomelo Segments Japanese Sea Cucumber Slices Drunken Crab Raw Crab Steeped in Chinese Wine Abalone Carpaccio with Spring Onion Oil Chili-spiced bamboo clams Crabmeat & Turnip Rolls Turnip Wrapped with Crab Leg meat & Dark Sesame Sauce
Review (222)
Level3 2024-01-21
今日同屋企人一齊去咗間樓上餐廳食晏,真係賞心悅目嘅一餐!🎉 餐廳裝修得好有品味,坐低嚟心情都靚晒。首先,個千層金瓜塔勁惹味,金瓜夾心甜中帶香,啖啖肉感,外皮酥脆得嚟又唔會太油,食落真係一流!🥧 再嚟個肉鬆滑蛋飯,滑蛋做到曼妙得滴,同肉鬆嘅搭配簡直係絕妙,入口即化,肉鬆嘅咸香帶出滑蛋嘅鮮滑,真係嘆為觀止!🍚最令我驚喜嘅係個懷舊豆沙包,那個豆沙餡咬落去又甜又細膩,個包皮又軟又飽滿,食咗一個仲想再食!😋 簡直係大人細路都啱口味。至於珍珠奶茶,茶味夠濃郁,珍珠彈牙而唔會太硬,咖啡凍又夠味,飲一口暖笠笠,實在是滿足!🍵呢間餐廳嘅食物真係有屋企嘅味道,得閒一定要再嚟轉轉!係咁樣既環境下食嘅飯,味道自然不同凡響啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-28
*💭胡同早前為友人慶生,到了還未搬離北京道一號的胡同,坐享超美維港夜景🌃餐廳裝潢古色古香,連洗手間都超古典,有點被嚇倒🙈聖旨到📣顧名思義,真的是”蟶子”到😆蟶子已預先剪開一半,非常貼心☺️冷吃的蟶子還是第一次吃,鮮味彈牙有驚喜😍麻辣蝦🦐蝦球挺大顆,而且份量也算多,我們五個女生每人都分到兩粒😍蝦肉新鮮彈牙,但辣度和麻度也不太夠🙈北園松子魚🐟松子魚超大條😍炸粉不會太厚,配上酸甜醬開胃惹味😋胡同片皮鴨🦆終於到了最人氣的片皮鴨,師傅會推車到餐桌前即燒即切😍外皮燒得香脆,而且鴨肉不會鞋口🤤但美中不足是包鴨肉的餅皮有點太厚🥲包著一起吃餅皮會過厚,掩蓋了鴨肉的味道🙈整體來說用餐體驗不錯,環境超美,打卡一流😍值得一讚是由於餐廳燈光太暗,店員幫忙拍合照時會另外再打燈,非常貼心🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-08
宴請朋友的生日午餐,當然不能馬虎!🎂🥳尖沙咀海港城一帶地段,最能切合又食, 又可shopping的集中好地方😍北京道一號的多間食肆,其實都能俯覽維港靚景, 經朋友介紹下,我們選擇了這間川菜,因為大家都喜歡吃辣🌶️🌶️🌶️餐廳地方寬敞舒適,古色古香的裝修氣氛, 靚景不在話下, 還有包廂可以選擇....🥰$298 午市套餐:選擇種類豐富單是三款頭盤:芝麻帶子,芋絲春捲,黃金蝦球, 味道濃沃,胃口大開....😋小菜款式選擇了:肉碎生菜包及糖醋魚特色的飯後甜品, 款式頗有新意, 味道也不算太甜👍整體感覺良好, 下次會選擇晚餐時段再光顧, 欣賞下維港迷人的夜景😍💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-01
因為要去廣東道shopping想同朋友舒服食個晏所以選了北京道胡同之前去過幾次菜式幾有心思 味道也可以今日點了自選lunch set每位$298 唔可以話好抵始終北京道1號全海景格局舖租都佔咗一半啦頭盤是蝦春卷 原隻大帶子麻辣白肉主菜可以選兩款我們點了大蝦球 花椒鱈魚黑松露炒飯 擔擔面還有一個是什麼忘記了三選一我們點了炒飯多款甜品任選我們點了最喜歡的豆腐奶凍只可以說整體菜式都很精緻味道也可以 全部合格的每位$298再加一配合無敵大海景加講究古色古香裝修這個價錢是合理的不過沒有驚喜囉這個地方因為環境舒服菜式也比較精緻特別所以間中就會去也決定寫篇食評介紹下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-11-01
北京道一號的川菜館其實本人就吾系好食得辣不過我見菜單都有好多吾辣既選擇一行五人 叫左半隻片皮鴨 脆皮雞 酸菜魚 擔擔面 京蔥牛肉最吸引既當然系片皮鴨喇 大廚會推架車仔系你面前 用酒點火淋上隻鴨到 令到塊皮進一步收縮 熱辣辣 又脆身 脆皮雞都好食 塊皮又薄又脆 無乜油脂 吾洗擔心食到成口油 雞肉嫩滑京蔥牛肉 就咁食少少重口味 配飯食一流酸菜魚 作為吾系好食得辣既人㴝講 可以淨食到魚肉 夠味又滑 湯我就飲吾到喇擔擔面 太辣 我食吾到 同行友人話吾錯 不過吾食/淨系食小辣既人仕就避免喇總結最吸引系大廚在場即燒片皮鴨 一定要試一試記得預早book位 如果吾系無曬窗口位就可惜喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)