6-min walk from Exit A, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
Inspired by the Chinese sage Confucius, this restaurant offers Chinese fine dining, mainly in Shandong cuisine and dim sum. It uses seasonal and exquisite ingredients. It is suitable for business meeting, private party and family gathering. continue reading
Additional Information
In Accordance with the Government’s regulations regarding COVID-19, Kong Fu Zi/ Angel & Devil will implement below precautionary measures starting from 9 December 2021: From 9 December 2021 onwards, guests entering all catering business premises and scheduled premises are required to use the “Leave Home Safe” mobile app in accordance with the government's latest social distancing measures under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance. Elderly aged 65 or above and children aged under 15 are exempted from using the “Leave Home Safe” mobile app but are required to complete the personal information registration form; Children aged under 15 who are accompanied by an adult in entering catering premises are not required to use the “Leave Home Safe” mobile app or complete the personal information registration form, as the accompanying adult has already fulfilled the applicable “Leave Home Safe” requirement.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (156)
Level2 2022-12-23
友人已和家人吃過數次,極力推薦這家中菜。今次我哋一行3人試試假日午市的點心艷影蝦球,算是這家招牌菜式。是有點像炸雲吞的美味版配以芒果汁,吃下開胃香脆,一碟6件,必試黃金窩巴,是以咸旦黃的窩巴,缺了個醬汁的窩巴好像缺了些什麼,但齋食都可口梨子咸水角,打卡用的梨形咸水角,味道也不俗蟹粉小籠包,除了蟹粉外,它是不厚粉的稱職小籠包還有一些忘記拍照的點心,類似鬼馬腸粉,基本上這家中菜沒有任何伏味/不合格的出品,可以放心約人嚟聚餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-12-07
親身經歷:4/12參加好姊妹的婚宴疫情超過三年又停晚市黎到2022年終於可以拿着檢測棒如常參加飲宴仿彿回到以前可惜這間酒樓卻不濟💢第一宗罪音響設備時常失靈宣誓儀式時失靈一對新人進入會場時的關𨫡時刻又失靈不斷重複的失聲令揸咪的司儀也講到掹掹地!💢第二宗罪員工欠禮貌招呼不周未開席有賓客一坐低想要橙汁A員工想也不想便答冇!唯有找B員工叫斟橙汁喇!💢第三宗罪食物被克扣此酒樓由員工分一碟碟上比賓客但很多圍不足十二人正如我坐第九圍得九個人但員工永遠上九份食物有賓客想取多一份永遠答冇乳豬兩件鮑魚一隻蒸魚一件蝦球一件鷄兩件炒飯失縱雙輝美點及百年好合要追問才有(最後上枱只有六件雙輝美點四碗紅豆沙大佬呀人地full pay一圍酒席!點解酒樓永遠提供不足食物比賓客?????💢💢💢💢💢上述乃真人真事絕無虛構如仍想幫襯自求多福完真黒店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-12-06
好幾年沒冇食蟹來試一試大閘蟹宴 $488+10%+茶位頭盤凍鮑魚 - 擺盤特別,職員還要專登叫你準備相機😂, 味道正常,沒有超特別另一頭盤的叉燒及蝦就做得好好 整體上餐飯嘅水準都好高!唯獨是蟹粉小籠包就一般但整體好滿意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🦀孔夫子🦀📍:觀塘駿業街58號Club East 洞天3樓⏰:11:30am-3:30pm,6:00pm-10:30pm為左慶祝同👦🏻拍拖999日💓專登揀咗間高質嘅中菜廳食晚餐慶祝😍呢間中菜館 @kongfuzihk 主打食魯菜同點心 以時令既高級食材入饌 菜式華麗又有特色 好適合私人宴會或家庭聚會等 近排見佢哋推出咗期間限定大閘蟹宴 價錢同質素成正比 啱晒鍾意食大閘蟹嘅我地✨🦀金秋大閘蟹盛宴 $488/位🦀 ▫️龍皇吐霧酒香鮮鮑魚呢款菜式打卡一流 不過我嗰日坐正風口位 乾冰吞雲吐霧嘅效果好似打風咁😂搖搖欲墜 不過打卡一流📷鮑魚帶有清酒既香甜味 口感爽彈 非常入味!▫️孔門叁彩碟|黑毛豬叉燒•陳醋水晶肴肉•艷影蝦球呢三款都係孔夫子嘅招牌菜😍厚切黑毛叉燒香甜軟腍又厚身 食落啖啖肉 水晶肴肉上面嗰層陳醋啫喱非常開胃 酸酸地口感一流 艷影蝦球系當日既至愛💓蝦球大大隻 外皮酥脆 蝦肉咬落爽口彈牙 非常美味!▫️蟹粉蟹肉千絲豆腐羹滑嫩既豆腐配上湯羹 口感滑溜 加埋蟹粉同埋蟹肉 份量好多一啲都唔孤寒 食落清甜暖胃😍▫️清蒸大閘蟹公(1隻)呢個足足有五兩嘅大閘蟹 11月都仲有大閘蟹食😍滿滿既金黃色同白色既蟹膏 夠晒黏口 好滿足😍▫️蟹粉蟹肉扒菜苗菠菜苗好幼嫩 呢個季節食就啱晒 加埋蟹粉、蟹肉、芡汁 味道好夾 平時唔食菜既我都食咗好多🙌🏻▫️蟹粉小籠包咬落去啲汁必晒出泥 皮薄餡鮮 一人一粒唔夠喉😂▫️日式海鮮炒飯炒得乾身而且粒粒分明 食落爽口亦都好多芥蘭同鮮蝦 份量多到好滿足😍食完即刻超級飽!▫️薑茶湯圓食到最後要飲返碗薑茶 裏面每人有兩粒黑芝麻湯圓 配上辣到喉嚨唔係好接受到嘅勁爽薑茶 成個人即刻暖笠笠 驅寒一流🙌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-20
大閘蟹嘅季節啦,知道洞天孔夫子推出全大閘蟹宴($488/位),真係好吸引😋,就去試下啦,黃油好香,爆曬蟹膏架。 每道菜都非常出色❣💖✨龍皇吐霧酒香鮮鮑魚店員一開始就話準備好未,原來好似變魔術咁,龍皇吐霧左個水晶球🔮,冰震鮑魚口感彈牙,配醋汁調味非常開胃既餐前小食,又非常吸睛😆。✨孔門叁彩碟-黑毛豬叉燒 •陳醋水晶肴肉•艷影蝦球集合左餐廳招牌菜食,每件都非常出色,自家製作黑毛豬叉燒非常入味,艷影蝦球外脆內軟,肉質爽脆,陳醋水晶肴肉凍盤,水晶表面層用醋汁醃制,口感很特別,做乜非常出色。✨蟹粉蟹肉千絲豆腐羹吃到蟹的鮮味加上係啖啖蟹膏,豆腐蝦滑。✨清蒸大閘蟹公(1隻)5兩真係好正好大隻🦀,清蒸大閘蟹精華係晒蟹入邊,大閘蟹膏質地好傑身,且香濃💯✨蟹粉蟹肉扒菜苗🦀菜苗炒得很出色,加上啖啖蟹粉蟹肉都非常多,每一啖都食到❤️✨蟹粉小籠包勁多香濃蟹粉汁喺小籠包裏面,回味無窮✨日式海鮮炒飯炒飯炒得很堅韌,雖然我很飽但我堅持吃完整個炒飯,粒粒炒得乾身,配料帶子哈哈墨魚很足料。✨薑茶湯圓好重薑味🥳,一定可以驅逐寒氣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)