4-min walk from Exit A2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:00
Tue - Thu
12:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sun
12:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
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10% Service Charge
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Review (108)
Level4 2025-03-12
一個繁忙嘅工作日,相約喺灣仔享受一個法國午餐,都係偷得浮新半日閑😅餐廳喺灣仔一棟商業大廈嘅高層,景觀開揚,不過正值下午一點,太陽有啲曬,坐窗邊的話記得帶揸防曬🧴Restaurant Week優惠$198pp,抵👍🏻重點係牛油都有刻餐廳名LS,幾有❤️Bread Basket麵包有多種選擇,全部都好食😋AppetizerEscargot Vol-au-ventWith garlic butter, mashed potato呢個係一個幾特別嘅前菜,蝸牛酥皮盒😋Chef Selected Daily Soup磨菇湯,非常香濃,好正😋😋😋MainRAL Black Pork loinWith black garlic puree, Braised red cabbage and grill apple主菜,煎豬扒,都係嫩,不過味道冇乜特別,食唔出感覺😅Fish of the Day金目鯛好有驚喜,日式處理,個魚皮炸到反起,而魚肉又好滑👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Daily Dessert 1 (+$38)Daily Dessert 2 (+$38) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Tucked away in an intimate upstairs setting, Les Saveurs Private Kitchen is a hidden gem that’s perfect for a quiet date night or a relaxed evening with fine food and wine. It strikes a balance between elegant and approachable—small and cozy, yet never too formal—making it an ideal spot to savor beautifully crafted French cuisine while enjoying unhurried conversation. For our visit, we indulged in their Valentine’s Day Dinner Menu, a thoughtfully curated experience that took us on a journey of flavors.Amuse BoucheThe evening began with a delightful amuse bouche—a bite-sized tuna tartare that set the tone for what was to come. Light, fresh, and full of finesse, it awakened the palate in anticipation of the meal ahead.Foie Gras TerrineA luxurious starter, the Foie Gras Terrine was rich and creamy, complemented by raspberry jelly and soft, buttery brioche. The tartness of the raspberry added the perfect contrast to the dishBaked Sea Scallops in ShellsPresented beautifully in their shells, the Baked Sea Scallops were topped with celeriac truffle gratin and vichyssoise sauce, making for an indulgent combination of flavors and textures. As a special touch, the chef opened the shell in front of us and shaved fresh black truffle directly onto the scallop—a moment that added to the experience and intensified the dish’s earthy aroma.Lobster BisqueSilky-smooth and deeply flavorful, this Lobster Bisque was accompanied by a lobster ravioli that soaked up the richness of the broth. A subtle hint of tarragon brought a fresh, herbaceous note that tied everything together.SorbetA vibrant, fruity sorbet served as a palate cleanser, refreshing the taste buds before the arrival of the main coursesAustralian M6 Wagyu Beef Tenderloin The Wagyu beef was beautifully tender and cooked just right, though a touch more seasoning could have brought out its richness even further. The velvety mashed potatoes and sweet, mellow onion purée made for excellent pairings, while the beef jus tied everything together with deep umami notesLamb Two Ways The lamb rack was juicy and flavorful, while the lamb roll had a melt-in-your-mouth texture that showcased the chef’s skill. The rosemary sauce enhanced the dish’s depth, and the confit cherry tomatoes added just the right amount of sweetness to balance the richness of the meat.Dessert: Raspberry and White Chocolate MousseTo round off the meal, we indulged in a Raspberry and White Chocolate Mousse, paired with mixed berry and lychee sorbet. Light yet satisfying, the dessert had a wonderful interplay of creamy sweetness and bright, tart notes—an elegant finish to an exquisite meal continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-20
過份地overpriced 叫左嗰$688+10% service charge既set 最尾埋單每人接近$800 食物質素尚可 但環境嘈到好似去party room咁 呢間係主要做private room 會接group gathering既客 但係隔音其實可以做好d? 我明白香港租金貴生意難做 不過你叫得private kitchen都要有private kitchen既環境 咁樣對2-4人黎食飯真係好唔公平 我地全晚基本上講野都好辛苦 亦完整咁聽到隔離枱既對話 環境完全唔ok以上直接同餐廳反映過 佢地好surprise我覺得嘈 覺得間舖細無辦法 我就覺得如果你地真係咁覺得 不如你地直接叫restaurant 你叫得private kitchen 收得比出面貴 就要up to private kitchen standard 同埋一定可以改善隔音既情況 不會再幫襯 不愉快既用餐經驗 仲要揀重要日子黎 我好少寫食評 不過真係有好大改善空間 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
五年前由未搬舖食到搬舖🌈個時晚餐888+10%估唔到而家一樣仲有多一個抵啲嘅選擇 688+10%我地叫哂2款餐 可以試哂唔同款式🫶🏻晚餐同午餐嘅質素都好好❤️今次同朋友慶祝生日想帶佢食我覺得好味 + 擺盤靚嘅餐廳🥰我未食開胃菜之前 忍唔住要先食咗佢嘅牛角包先真係唔好意思,我次次嚟到都追加佢嘅牛角包,因為好鬆脆 🤭🤣牛油果嗰個前菜 好惹味但係帝王蟹加魚子醬嗰個又好鮮甜🤤魚子醬煙三文魚水準依然不變入口即溶加埋煙燻嘅香味,喺個口裏便揮之不去🥹真係佢哋皇牌 如果你哋去食午餐都一定要加👍🏻佢個黑松露米型意粉好香❤️龍蝦湯加米脆脆好香濃你沖嘅主菜 我哋揀咗和牛同埋魚因為依啲魚嘅魚皮+魚鱗嘅製作方法,我好鍾意如果美中不足嘅就係佢嘅魚肉唔夠嫩滑,可能要再縮短少少烹調嘅時間🫶🏻個甜品有朱古力脆脆嘅甜品同埋牛奶布丁嘅甜品都好好味,最緊要係擺盤都係好靚🌈希望多啲人知道多啲人試吓依間餐廳🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-14
fine dining不常食,只有在大時大節把金一揮,讓錢錢變成好味嘅食物偶爾發掘到一間位於灣仔的fine dining餐廳,食物質素很有驚喜喔💭第一道前菜:松露鵝肝千層酥酥餅內餡是有蘑菇粒的鵝肝醬,食起來很creamy 有些蘑菇增加口感。表面有黑松露磨片,有淡淡的菌菇香味。整件千層酥吃起來鵝肝味濃厚,但一點也不膩!碟邊有朱古力醬及朱古力粉,但個人覺得不太喜歡又鹹又甜的感覺。❤️第二道前菜:42度煙燻三文魚配魚子醬侍應介紹這是餐廳的signature!整餐食完後它當選為我心目中的mvp!超級好味!上餐時已經聞到煙燻木香,開蓋後蘋果木燻煙飄散,香氣更加濃郁。三文魚非常嫩滑,富有油脂香味。三文魚上鋪了一層12年魚子醬,與三文魚很夾。🦞龍蝦湯:就是滿滿的龍蝦濃縮湯,碟邊搭配了一小塊脆米,也是龍蝦味的喔🐳海膽蟹籽燉蛋海膽沒有去到很鮮甜,底下燉蛋有甜味,但我覺得比較膩。🐟🦆主菜:甘鯛/鴨胸可能是前菜比較驚艷,主菜就顯得有點失色,沒有驚艷的味道,不過不失。🍮甜品:奶凍panna cotta不過不失啦📍Les Saveurs Private Kitchen(香港灣仔軒尼詩道)整體食物質素都不錯,但星期六全晚都只得我們一檯客人,寫咁多都係希望佢繼續好好地等我以後仲有機會再黎🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)