This cart noodles restaurant provides many different choices for the ingredients, with low price. Remember to add the satay sauce and their homemade sauce on top of the noodles before eating.
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Opening Hours
06:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
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Cart noodles you ought to try. I picked the house sauce dry mixed egg noodles, with five spice pork necks; braised beef briskets; rolled fish paste (生菜魚肉個種); plus very tender and sweet turnips. Everything tasted authentically Hong Kong, deeply flavourful, and in very tender texture (suitable for all ages including elderly/ kids). My best guess: The house sauce (秘製汁) was a mixture of beef jus, curry, five spice marinates and whatnots. It’s not spicy and complemented the noodles very well. Steamed rice rolls with three sauces was $12 and very good! Skin of these Cheung Fun was thin, soaked in the abundance of soy sauce, sweet sauce and sesame sauce. My all-time favourite. Don’t miss the free pickled radish (original/ spicy) available on the side, because both of them were fabulously delicious. Make sure to add them and take your noodles and rice rolls to the next level.
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好有泰國風味嘅一間泰西fusion餐廳😍每一樣都值得一試🇹🇭如果你鍾意泰國菜唔好錯過呢啲美味 😋=====================Food list📌🧋原味泰茶配自家奶茶雪條😍奶茶雪條滑溜溜甜度啱啱好搭配泰茶嘅香氣真係令人回味無窮 ☕️🍦🥭椰香芒果黑糯米 椰香味好濃黑糯米煮得恰恰好 芒果嘅鮮甜同椰奶嘅香滑完美結合食一口就停唔到 🥭🍚🧋泰式泡沫奶茶 奶泡厚厚嘅飲落去好有層次感香濃嘅茶味加上奶香真係一流 🥤😍🐣泰鹹蛋黃金單 就係另一個驚喜鹹蛋黃酥脆香濃咬落去有種滿足感真係好適合當下酒小食 🍳👍外脆內嫩味道好入味加上特製醬汁真係食到唔想停手 🍗🔥🇹🇭阿閒泰幸運炭烤拼盤🥰有多款肉類炭烤味道濃郁肉質鮮嫩伴隨嘅醬料都好有特色食完令我心情大好 🎉🥳
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車仔麵 🍜 四個餸 $63(紅腸、蘿蔔、魚肉春卷魚和五香豬頸肉)車仔麵一定要揀油麵,油麵彈牙爽口,蘿蔔鮮甜多汁非常之入味,再配埋我喺最鍾意嘅紅腸簡直一流😋😋。魚肉春卷好香脆,每一嚿都吸晒湯汁,味道濃郁👍🏻。五香豬頸肉肉質鮮嫩,都非常之爽脆入味,再配上埋佢哋嘅秘製汁,簡直絕配足料糯米雞 $24糯米雞非常之足料,巨型龐大😋,餡料非常多,有雞肉冬菇等等爽滑腸粉 $12/4條腸粉超滑溜,軟硬度恰到好處,味道一流
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在葵芳這一間車仔麵已經經營超過10年一直深得街坊鄰居的喜歡每天下午同晚上都有好多人過來食飯價格便宜 份量大方 不愧日日都咁好生意撈手工麵+魚肉春捲+雞中翼+蘿蔔+凍奶茶 $55撈麵的醬汁比湯麵更加濃郁 蘿蔔燉得好入味手工麵十分勁道 口感厚實魚肉春捲外脆內嫩 魚肉鮮美一定要食埋自家製菜脯 十分惹味撈埋麵一切食更加相口油麵+雞中翼+蘿蔔+豆卜+熱奶茶 $55雞翼醬油味出眾 雞肉嫰滑豆卜浸滿了沙爹醬汁 很濃郁成碗份量都好大 食完都好飽
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