Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Modern China Restaurant is a traditional Shanghainese restaruant that has an innovative menu. Some signature dishes at this restaurant include their one bite xiao long bao (Chinese soup dumplings), dan dan noodles and wonton chicken. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Beijing, Sichuan, Shanghai Restaurant (2015)
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (377)
Level4 2021-05-16
週末食最愛的川滬菜 🥰因為在時代廣場買了禮物🎁而有一些美食coupons 就順理成章的在食通天這家菜館食晚飯雖然只有兩個人 但我倆都餓了一整天非常肚餓 又想食北京填鴨 所以就order了一整隻鴨(注意⚠️這裡沒有半隻可選) 見到侍應在我倆面前片鴨皮 香氣撲鼻 也就更肚餓了 🤤 —————————就一味片皮鴨怎夠喉呢 將鴨架滾一個濃濃鴨香味的湯就最正 加上嫩滑豆腐和軟稔上海大白菜 滿足感爆燈❤️❤️—————————另外 我倆還食了小籠包和賽螃蟹 前者皮薄到要用瓷羹幫手 否則就好容易穿 裡面滿滿的湯汁就浪費了 後者蛋白有點過火 不够嫩滑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-04-17
曾經幫襯過的菜館,上星期六趁有時代廣場飲食優惠券去試試。果然中招,清水一樣難食的花膠雲吞雞(276蚊),冇煎過淡而無味的鍋貼,像漿糊難食的雞絲粉皮,像垃圾一般銀芽肉絲所謂雙面黃(還好意思收人108蚊1碟),隔夜整定用微波爐返熱的荳沙煱餅(62蚊),連20蚊難食的花生和茶芥埋單要756蚊減番350蚊,最後要盛惠406蚊。我老婆一路食一路閙,想叫店長嚟反映,但見各店員太忙,我叫停她。如各位想去幫襯,請三思! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-04-01
一早想訂位,但七點無得訂。都無所謂啦,walk in 搏搏。唔知係唔係唔憂做嘅關係,招呼已經唔係幾好,都幾侮氣下。點左好幾味包括上海粗炒、小籠包、小黃魚和和尚戴帽等。其他都可以,但個「和尚戴帽」個皮就不敢恭維了。一黎到已係小暖。到食時已凍冰冰,加上薄cheap cheap .. 根本無曬興趣。。。又凍又黏埋一齊,要雙手十指先拉得開。問部長咁點。佢只答:「我哋啲皮係咁」。。就走左去。。呢個世代邊重有呢種皮serve 啲客㗎?🤷🏻‍♂️好失望! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-04-01
今日午餐黎到時代廣場13樓既金滿庭京川滬菜館,諗唔到平日都要排幾個人先可以入去。揀左香片茶,果然入口甘香👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻出餐速度都幾快,落單冇幾耐,一口小籠包就上枱啦,師傅包得好靚,小籠包裡面勁多汁,餡料豐富。豬扒炒飯性價比好高,豬扒炸得香脆,外脆內軟,肉質鮮美,炒飯一d都唔馬虎,係蛋炒飯黎!老壇酸菜魚魚片份量雖然唔多,但勝在配料豐富,有大量酸菜、米粉、荀片。味道亦無錯,下次會再encore😍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-04-01
呢間餐廳以前成日喺奧運食 水準唔錯 前兩日試咗銅鑼灣times square呢間 食到我懷疑人生😭叫左鐵板黑毛叉燒 椒鹽排骨 香蔥東坡肉 小籠包 招牌擔擔麵 而大部分食物都水準一般 甚至去到強差人意嘅地步😕首先 黑毛叉燒肉質一般 好多根 味道就尚可 椒鹽排骨完全係一舊味精肉 又炸得唔脆 成舊野係淋架 仲衰過茶餐廳啲小炒😠 東坡肉係超難食!!! Suppose東坡肉啲肥肉係入口即溶架嘛 佢個肥肉係略硬嘅 完全唔溶 個瘦肉係硬到似煲完湯啲肉 我咬左兩啖 成舊無食到🤢小籠包不過不失 算係比較正常嘅一道菜 招牌擔擔麵都係 只係麵質略淋 同埋個湯可以再濃啲 但都算正常發揮😌我食呢間完全係因為有得用coupon 如果正價食 諗都唔洗諗 就算有discount都絕不考慮😠🤯🤮I ordered a Barbecued Iberico pork, Spicy Salted Spare Ribs, Braised Pork Belly (Dongpo style), Xiao Lung Bao, and Tan-Tan noodles in spicy soup. Overall, their food quality was below average, if not unpleasant. The barbecued pork had a rather chewy texture, with quite some tendon in between. It tasted fine though. The Spicy Salted Spare Ribs was definitely full of MSG! And I could tell it wasn’t freshly fried, cuz the batter wasn’t crispy but very soggy. 🥴The pork belly was the worst. The fat didn’t melt right into my mouth as it was supposed to, but it had a rather tough texture compared to others. The lean meat was very tough. It should’ve been braised for way longer I think. 🤧 Xiao Lung Bao was average. Tan-tan noodles was not bad too, though the noodles were a bit too soggy for me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)