5-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
This restaurant specialises in fresh international cuisines and premium oysters, offering a variety of small bites, single-serve plates, and larger sharing platters to suit different dining preferences. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
17:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
17:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (27)
Level4 2024-12-13
//09 12 24 晴天🌞14:00 天后 永興街@oysterc.hk@oyster_c_hk蠔門盛宴 ☺︎「天后」人氣高企蠔吧「𝘖𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘊🦪」原來唔單止生蠔出色,就連𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘭𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩都好高質唔怪之得中午放飯嗰陣座無虛席啦!🔻黑安格斯西冷牛扒配松露炒滑蛋 HKD$148ꕀ周打蜆湯 濃稠度剛好 將忌廉同蜆肉嘅鮮味互相融合安格斯西冷牛扒 口感豐富 肉質厚實 牛味濃郁 咬落去好多肉汁薯餅外層金黃酥脆 內裏柔軟帶顆粒感 非常香口當脆卜卜多士面上 鋪滿清甜車厘茄及黑松露炒蛋後又滑又脆 而突出嘅松露香氣 更係十分迷人🔻烤檸檬香草春雞 (半隻) HKD$88ꕀ周打蜆湯 濃稠度剛好 將忌廉同蜆肉嘅鮮味互相融合 燒春雞外皮香脆 裏邊雞肉嫩滑、𝘫𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘺而且醃得唔錯 食落去會有淡淡嘅香草味另外 亦可以滴上檸檬汁 用嚟增添雞嘅鮮味🔻凱撒沙律ꕀ份量超級多 表面灑滿芝士碎新鮮生菜搭配脆麵包粒 簡直係𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦脆再襯埋帶微酸嘅沙律醬 作為前菜好𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩同開胃ꕀ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-03
每晚供應6-7款生蠔,分別來自西班牙、法國等地,可按個人口味選出,價錢大概hkd60-68,價格相宜。來自法國南部 Brittany 新星的【水中花】口感爽口清新,前段是海水鹹味,後段才慢慢滲出甜味,味道較long lasting~ 果然沒有改錯名,令人一試難忘。除了一般的cocktail sauce外,更有泰式辣汁和紅酒醋可選。甘筍湯較濃稠的甘筍湯,入口香滑,味道豐富。沙甸魚沙甸魚肉質鮮嫰甘甜,配搭芒果沙沙,味道好fresh! 先吃一啖原汁原味魚肉,再沾上柚子汁,大大提升鮮甜味。安格斯西冷西冷煎到剛好pinku pinku,肉質有彈性,肉味較濃。伴碟有甘筍、茄子,smashed potatoes 是神來之筆,好crème!!冇牙婆婆都食到雲呢拿奶凍入口順滑即融,奶香味濃,out of standing 的意式奶凍! You made my day!-Overall 嚟講人均消費 $290 (2人),性價比高,價錢親民,服務貼心!仲有wine pairing !今時今日要好好珍惜!又係一間由頭好食到落尾的餐廳,值得推介俾大家去試下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-11
今日係天后開完會,就約同事食埋個Lunch先返公司!一向天后都係美食集中地,但好多都人多又唔夠清靜,想搵間靜靜地嘅餐廳🍴食個lunch傾下計!經過永興街,見到呢間之前都好出名做晚市生蠔嘅Oyster C,而家午市都有Set Lunch Menu喎,佢嘅品質都有保證,一於揀呢間啦!個Lunch Menu都好大眾化,好適合附近返工約朋友或同事食飯!我哋就Order咗個香煎澳洲薄切牛柳,個餐仲包埋餐湯同飲品!湯係店家自家製作,無味精入口嘅羅素湯好足料,而且味道好濃!跟住我地仲order埋湯牛同特色餐包配調製菇菌醬,個菇菌醬好濃郁味道同個湯超夾呀!另外沙律🥗亦估唔到嘅大份同好足料,我哋都話好啱我地口味,用上意大利醋汁調配,香味濃郁!到主菜上枱啦!牛柳係熱辣辣上枱,同廚師特製嘅牛扒🥩拌汁帶酒香味,同牛柳真係好絕配。選用上等嘅澳洲牛柳入口唔會好鞋好靭,煎得啱啱好添!店員亦介紹佢哋嘅晚市有好多唔同嘅特色套餐同生蠔🦪套餐,下次我哋都要去試下先❤️❤️Oyster C生蠔專門店📍 天后永興街9-11號地下A號舖@oyster_c_hk#OysterC #天后餐廳 #天后美食 #生蠔香港 #蠔吧 #生蠔專門店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-11
GET a FREEEE bottle of WINE (red or white, its up to u) when u order a dozen of ANY oysters !!!!開業已經20年嘅生蠔專門店oyster c門面低調(literally行過咗都唔會發現嗰隻🤣🤣🤣)主打來自法國嘅生蠔,本身見到OpenRice得八個評論都驚伏,食完就知係臥虎藏龍,門口仲有一堆簽名。而家只要嗌任何12隻生蠔,即送一支指定白/紅酒;每日5:30-7:30仲有非常之抵食嘅套餐,包前菜(有蠔!)、主菜、甜品同埋兩杯酒,兩個人$468咋,回頭率 💯💯🥹。as an oyster specialist, oyster c has opened for 20 yrs providing a large variety of oyster selections mainly from france. the shop front is rather lowkey so we were not expecting so many customers inside !!! the staff are super helpful & welcoming who introduced & gv recs for the oysters. the mvp for the night has to be ostra regal & the sauces were yums!!!! esp the cocktail sauce it tasted different from those i had before i assumed it was homemade hahaha. the best part is they actually hv a set dinner menu for 2 frm 5:30-7 where u get a everything frm starters (3 oysters!!), main to dessert PLUS 2 glasses of wine for only $468!!!𖦹 ostra regal $60 x4MVP !!! 法國皇室既指定生蠔,味道豐富有層次,第一啖帶溫和既海水味,鮮甜飽滿而且爽口!𖦹 ancelin $60 x4黎自法國南部深海水域既蠔種,蠔殼呈珍珠白色,鮮味特別出眾,比較creamy甘甜。𖦹 josephine $60 x4蠔肉肥厚、爽脆,入口時有非常突出的清甜味及適中的海水味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-12
🌟 最近去咗天后一間西餐廳,呢度有一個好大嘅窗戶,陽光灑入嚟,令餐廳環境非常溫馨。*牛油果雪梨雜菜沙律*:牛油果嘅滑嫩配上雪梨嘅清甜,雜菜鮮脆,整體味道非常清新,口感豐富。*周打蜆湯*:湯底濃郁,蜆肉鮮甜,口感豐富,滋味無窮。*焗香草包糠龍利魚柳配飯*龍利魚柳焗得香脆,包糠嘅香氣同香草嘅味道完美結合,魚肉鮮嫩多汁,配上白飯,撈埋汁食一流*黑安格斯西冷牛扒配松露炒滑蛋,牛扒肉質鮮嫩多汁,燒得外脆內嫩,配上松露炒滑蛋,蛋滑溜香濃,牛扒嘅味道更顯豐富。✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)