Restaurant: | PEKING GARDEN (Star House) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here,
Restaurant: | PEKING GARDEN (Star House) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here:
用餐日期:2022年2月5日 星期六
Family day 活動:飲茶 (COVID--19疫情下,已經大幅減少上茶樓的次數)
我們的dim sum lunch,包括以下的:
只有90分鐘用餐時間,但重頭戲片皮鴨等左45分鐘先上,食到一半已經last order,搞到最後食得好趕
一食 食到油膱味🫤臊味🫤
北京填鴨 ($460) - 北京填鴨不會太肥,鴨皮很香脆,鴨肉肉嫩多汁,雖然配料只有青瓜及大蔥,但因為鴨本身味道已做得很好,所以雖然只有少許配料,但都好好味,值得推薦。
蜜汁火腿 ($230) - 此菜式好像不是很多食店都有,難得此店有,當然不錯過啦!少少鹹味的火腿配上甜甜的蜜糖再加上一片很脆很脆的腐皮,外面再夾上一層軟熟的包,口感及味道都十分之豐富,正!
生菜片鴨鬆 ($138) - 鴨鬆醃料味濃配上生菜變得濃淡適中。
鹵水鴨舌 ($135) - 鹵水不會過鹹或太淡,味道正常,可能本人教喜歡麻辣鴨舌,所以對這個菜色就只是一般。
小蔥皮蛋拌豆腐 ($68) - 這個豆腐食落感覺比較清新,可中和之前較濃味的菜色。
蝦餃 ($40) / 蝦醬蒸魷魚 ($ 40) - 相比起小菜,這兩個點心就較為遜色一點,蝦餃的皮比較厚; 蝦醬蒸魷魚就普普通通。
Had a really enjoyable dinner with group of friends. Nice decor not luxurious but certainly way better than the usual chain restaurant decor
Fortune chicken - “Phoenix on fire” in my dictionarymaybe they should use this naming . This is absolutely fun experience! Highly recommended to have this with group of friends! The chicken stuffed with mushrooms and abalone and wrapped in lotus leaf is baked for 6 hours per the staff. Full of flavours, eat with the stuffingsYou will be given a gold hammer to break the baked crust of this creature! There is a souvenir which is a miniature silver hammer shaped like the gold hammer. The staff will also take a group photo and print it as souvenir too, how nice!
Dragon cucumber roll - at least 100 cuts into the cucumber per staff, nice play of knifing skills! Served with Japanese sesame sauceThis will be drawn out and cut into pieces and you will see the dragon!
Vegetables sauteed with stock - this is made from the stem of a kind of lettuce, crunchy !
Peking duck - good but overshadowed by the fiery phoenix experienceDefinitely order this if you do not order the chicken dish.
Fried dim sum glutinous rice ball with water chestnut filling, nice presentation, but the tree is made of plastic please don't attempt to eat it haha
Fish soup - good flavour but avoid it if you are particularly worried about the light fishy smell, to me it tastes wonderful!
Sichuan spicy soup - other branches may not have this authentic taste in this chain restaurant!
Jellyfish - crunchy but touch too salty
Sweet n sour fish - not the usual fleshwater mandarin fish used, seems that grouper was used looking at the shape of the fish head. The fish is trying to jump out of the pond of red sauce! Nice work! Balance of sweetness and sourness plus the crunchy fish is great balance!
Traditional chinese design uses gold wordings with black background, gold with gold background is one level up or just too much?
Nice decor and ambience!
- 北京片皮鴨
- 小籠包
- 九展豬大腸
今次我們點了匯豐信用卡的四人套餐,雖然上菜十分慢,而且每次都是吃完一碟菜式之後才上下一碟,可是全部菜式都只是微暖而已,北京填鴨更是凍的,明顯應該一早製作好,同時人手嚴重不足, 侍應經常不見蹤影,總結來說這次用餐體驗真的十分一般
總結來說,可能我們一開始對北京樓的期望比較高,認為它是一間比較高級的 酒樓,而且 Openrice的評語亦相當不錯,的而且確它的環境是幾舒適的,但是無論是食物的質素,抑或是侍應的服務態度,都比一般的酒樓水準差,下次我們都是吃「城中鴨子」算了
雖然 #星光行 外貌係比較舊啲,不過上到3樓,#美心 嘅 #裝修、#設計,一樣唔會令人失望😉 話明要食好啲,點可以失禮嘅呢,我哋五個人叫咗隻 #北京填鴨,再加咗五個 #主菜、最後仲嗌埋 #甜品… 認真豐富🤩 隻鴨嘅味道不負所望,鴨肉連皮入口加埋啲 #青瓜 同 #蔥絲、#甜醬 又會太肥膩😉 不過最令人喜出望外嘅居然係佢哋嘅 #釀豆腐 、#黃金蝦,#豆腐 口感淋滑,同個 #醬汁 都好夾😉 #鹹蛋蓉 配上 #大蝦 又點會唔好食喎🤪 不過要彈嘅地方都唔少,#松子魚 炸得唔夠透,平時可以食埋入口嘅 #魚骨,硬到有啲離譜😅 仲有碟 #雜菜 份量確實太少,每人夾多兩吓都已經冇晒😅 #糖醋排骨 煮得太老身,咬口唔掂😅 仲有呢佢哋嘅 #拔絲蘋果 味道好古怪,#糖漿 做得唔夠脆,就連 #蘋果 都唔多靚、口感有啲似又硬又淡嘅 #雪梨😅 不過最搞笑莫過於嗰碗 #酒糟丸子,前後等咗40分鐘,中途曾經追過單,經理話安排緊… 點知最終又話煲壞咗😅
不過整體嘅 #服務、同埋 #食物水準 都幾好嘅,加上我哋嗰晚用 American Express Hong Kong #信用卡 埋單,全單又有七五折,加上 #地方環境舒服,都算係一個唔錯嘅選擇😉
- 前菜