This pet-friendly cafe is designed with an industrial style in grey color. It is very stylish and IGable. It serves Western style dishes such as all day breakfast, burger and pasta.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
PORTON喺元朗No.1 cafe日頭咖啡店晚上變成西餐廳,裝修以灰色水泥牆為主調走工業風路線✌🏻係型嘅,周圍都系打卡位,門口仲有bar枱位過嚟打卡就啱,原來仲係寵物友善餐廳,可以坐住門口位打卡~午餐好抵食80幾蚊已經包主菜,沙律或餐湯,餐包,嘢飲仲有半價,性價比幾高。伊文士汁安格斯牛柳粒意大利麵超級推薦,職員話係燒汁溝忌廉,自家做嘅汁,真心好香濃好好食,意粉係比較粗身口感軟滑,可以掛到好多汁👍🏻頭先餐包未食曬,放落去點啲忌廉汁食就更好食,牛柳粒大大粒咬落去鬆軟幾香口。燒西班牙黑毛豬鞍配燒新薯沙律菜佢哋嘅黑毛豬安超級厚肉,賣相好掂😌食落去同樣好正,肉質鮮嫩,邊邊位焗到有少少脆,整體感覺都好好。側邊嘅燒薯仔,邊邊位置脆好好食。芒芝雪山有Croffle雪糕芝士蛋糕同新鮮芒果,佢哋嘅雪糕入邊有雲呢拿籽係靚雪糕可以放心食,croffle夠脆 配上芝士蛋糕同雪糕好好食,新鮮芒果酸酸甜甜做點綴。Yuzu latte比平時嘅latte多了種淡淡柚子香,同時中和左咖啡嘅酸味,啡得黎帶清爽感。
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Proton is located nearby the center of old yuenlong, not hard to find this grey factory-styled cafe shop hahamushroom soup is yummy with full of mushroom meats haha and the taste is rich Garlic bread is soso, can’t taste any garlic there sadGrilled Australia Sirloin Steak All Day Breakfast having a long piece of thin steak, a potatoes hash brown and some salad as side, hash brown is so crispy and warm, salad is unexpectedly good with vinegar sauce i think not sure what sauce is it with a very good level of sweetnessSeared Grouper, Blue Mussels homemade pasta with white wine cream sauce, looking good but with relatively small portion, having three pieces of groupers and few pieces of mussels, seared grouper is crispy with pepper flavor even fish quality isnt high a bit dry but mussels are good i missed my days in australia going back again soon haaa, and i like the yummy cream sauce so much, such a lovely pasta we got together haaa, enjoyable oneProton Snack platters including fried shrimps, fried chicken, fried chicken wings, soft crab and fries i like dipping my fried shrimps insides salad cream in truffle haha soso yummy yaya, and soso crispy i finished the whole shrimp ohmygod!!!even the shrimp tail hahaa, so lovely one, very well fried yaya, and soft crab is niceee too with many roes inside so nice my favorite part of crab haaa so satisfiedRose Honey Chicken Wings are so good and i love the rose honey sauce soso much, you can taste a wave of rose flavor in your mouth while enjoying super crispy chicken wings, indeed soso lovely, with five large pieces of chicken wings yaya, this one is much better than the one in platter loll Matcha Chocolate having so rich matcha flavor and strong milk taste but i can’t feel any chocolate sadly lolll even this is chocolate loll, but overall it’s so good hahaMocha is quite nicee with very strong coffee but again lacking of chocolate taste which i love the most sosad i like sweeter more outsides:insides:menu:The food quality is pretty high and so relaxing sitting here to enjoy your afternoon here haha
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屯馬沿線🚈找美食 ⇒朗屏🚏B2出口 經元朗廣場過天橋🚶♀️ 大約9至10分鐘😆今日來到這間 Cafe 同細妹慶祝生日🎂Cafe 樓底高 空間感大 以灰色為主色調 設計時尚👍 有室外座位 是一間寵物友善餐廳 歡迎帶🐕🦺🐕🦺開餐😚Lunch Set 奉送 麵包 /沙律/或 餐湯 🍔🍝🥘🔪🥩🐟🥗#安格斯牛肉漢堡配日本蘭王雞蛋咖喱飯💰88咖喱配漢堡扒是一個最佳嘅組合😚漢堡扒 大件牛肉味幾濃郁➕️蛋香濃郁🥚yummy#Alldaybreakfast 💰110高熱量脆煙肉🥓 德國腸 薯餅🥔 班戟 🥞沙律🥗煎蛋🍳有夠邪惡😈幸好有一杯健康有盈的鮮果乳酪中和一下😆#黑松露焗脆薯條 💰60香口噴香🍟是一個不錯的熱氣小食😚#污糟提拉米蘇 💰80⁸ 外型吸引 打咭一流📸 入口綿滑有咖啡香氣 甜道適中😋跟餐飲品半價優惠🍹🍍Pineapple Espresso Tonic 💰25🍋Golden Beach Yuzu Lemon Pineapple Soda 💰30
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被門面黃色射燈打卡able位而吸引設計有別於文青cafe 簡約水泥裝修對比附近餐廳更為顯眼晚市套餐 可加配升級:+$𝟓𝟖頭盤+甜品+飲品+$𝟕𝟖頭盤+甜品+酒精飲品另+$𝟒𝟖升級𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐧甜品系列頭盤༯ 煙三文魚牛油果田園沙律特別喜歡配搭的醬汁 除橄欖油蜜糖(?)香甜中帶有檸檬汁微酸༯ 黑松露野菌忌廉湯食到粒粒蘑菇 味濃郁但略有點稀主菜༯ 烤M7和牛、野菌、蘭王蛋王牛肉忌廉汁手工意大利麵 $𝟏𝟔𝟖私心個麵 有驚喜值得一試👍🏻較厚身質感似烏冬 少煙韌十分彈牙醬汁奶油感跟芝士濃度剛好不覺膩橙紅色蘭王蛋黃蛋味好香濃(被名為貴族蛋 不含添加劑 激素及抗生素)唯獨覺得和牛一般 多汁卻偏熟口感同味道似蜜汁叉燒༯ 素食牛油果大啡菇漢堡包薯條 $𝟏𝟐𝟖朋友唔食牛所以揀菇菇漢堡個包非常香脆🤩 夾有大舊牛油果同大啡菇加上紫洋蔥 蕃茄配料 甜甜醬汁整體口感有層次且多汁薯條帶有少許黑椒味甜品兩款蛋糕都配有脆脆片༯ 藍莓芝士蛋糕芝士濃厚綿密配上薄薄藍莓醬不覺膩༯ 朱古力慕絲蛋糕香濃苦朱古力 質感輕盈幼滑甜度適中飲品༯ 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡(𝐘𝐮𝐳𝐮 𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧, 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐝𝐚)飲落係有夏日海邊感🏖️整體配搭平衡 每一個都係主角酸酸甜甜 淡淡柚子 菠蘿清香口感柔和清爽且汽泡感不會太重༯ 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐯𝐞 & 𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐞番石榴的甘甜中和羽衣甘藍的苦蘋果同菠蘿味隱隱約約個人感覺整體還可以 不過不失◡̈ 以上食評乃個人意見僅供參考◡̈ 價錢僅供參考一切以餐廳為準
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【竉物友善。髒髒提拉米蘇】這家在屯天元社區很出名的咖啡店,走一個工業水泥風,座位寬敞,不會太侷促,還有戶外位置,很適合帶著寵物過一個休閒時光。❈ 午餐奉送新鮮麵包沙律 或 餐湯 蘑菇湯很香濃不稠,可以吃到蘑菇的粒狀。❈ 日式咖喱安格斯牛肉配三色芝士意大利扁意粉 HK$88當天沒有扁意粉,改了手工意大利麵,口感帶點煙靭有嚼勁,意外地和安格斯牛肉很搭。咖喱味不太明顯有著淡淡的蕃茄的味道。❈ 蒜烤澳洲西冷扒,有機生菜 ,薯餅,煎蛋 HK$148西冷牛扒煎到外層香脆,肉質軟嫩。太陽蛋的蛋液配上牛扒不錯吃,有另一番風味。薯餅很酥脆,整個配搭不錯,份量很足,可以分享吃。❈ 污糟提拉米蘇 HK$80用咖啡和酒泡軟的手指蛋糕味道香濃又綿密,上面的奶油香滑帶咖啡味,甜度適中,且不會膩口。❈ Cold Dirty HK$16 (跟午餐半價)咖啡的濃郁度與鮮奶的醇厚感融合,帶來厚實、飽滿的層次感。❈ Pineapple Espresso Tonic HK$25 (跟午餐半價)菠蘿的甜味與咖啡的味道融合一起時,帶出苦甜清新的味道,清爽的氣泡感。
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