Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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以前我係又一城間 queen’s cafe 嘅常客,今次特意去到南區試呢間重新開業嘅 queen’s cafe。明顯比以前又一城嗰間細咗好多,門面同裝修就幾好,服務同衛生滿意,星期日夜晚入座一半都冇。我同另一半各人叫咗一客晚市套餐,我就叫咗西冷牛扒,我嘅另一半就叫咗牛柳配鵝肝,兩者都7成熟。另有麵包同經典羅宋湯。羅宋湯可謂 queen’s cafe 嘅經典,水準得到保持,但d麵包好硬,難以下咽。西冷牛扒我覺得唔錯,同以前水準持平,但個牛柳好厚,好老又乾,小d牙力都唔得,有d令人失望。兩個人最後接近800蚊埋單,希望餐廳可以正視水準下滑嘅問題,唔好敗壞咗 queen’s cafe 嘅聲譽。
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剛喺呢個新商埸睇完戲想食埋晚飯, 行過見到呢度有間皇后飯店,記得上次去皇后飯店都已經是十年八年前嘅事。當時我最喜歡食佢哋嘅《羅宋湯》,《焗豬扒飯》,《薯仔沙律拼俄國雜錦火腿》。 今次咁有緣見返呢間港式俄國西餐廳, 都想再回味吓佢哋做嘅焗豬扒飯。因有點倦,最後決定外賣一份焗豬飯回家食。 等候焗豬製作時睇吓餐廳個menu,食物款式選擇唔多,餐牌上依然保留餐廳過往出名菜式,食物定價進取, 一份牛扒餐,算上平均$3xx幾, 對我來說, 這個價錢我可在其他餐廳有更好選擇。個焗豬扒飯睇落唔錯, 茄蓉汁配上大量蕃茄青豆等配料 ,調味得宜,味道甜甜酸酸 。 豬扒薄切煎香,鬆化軟淋夠入味。 炒飯底乾身唔太油,加上汁醬,豬扒一切食, 好味,舊時食過嘅回億味道返晒嚟。呢個焗豬扒飯仍算出色。
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I recall always passing by this restaurant in north point though have never had a chance visiting it. Was tempted to try the baked pork rice on the menu so we had a go.Lunch set— $130 with soup and drinks. It’s pretty pricey in my opinion, given that the quality is not rather outstanding. First up with their soup, I personally find the borscht akin to the typical ones you’d get from a Hongkongese western diner. Nice to find plenty of veggies and even a bit of beef brisket in the soup, plus it tasted somewhat spicy (I found some chopped chilli too). However, the complimentary buns (butter buns) were quite stiff for chewing. It would be better to dip the buns into the soup I guess.The curry with rice was of typical quality similar to what you’d get from fast food restaurants. For the baked pork rice, the taste was not as great as I had anticipated. Apparently, the rice was not fried (but somehow they did mix it with eggs to make it look as if it was fried hahah). The pork was rather bland too, relying on the sauce (kinda ample) to give its flavours. It was a colourful dish with little chunks of veggies (e.g onions, carrots, celery) but not worthy of $130 in my opinion.
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在黃竹坑食夜晚飯,之前都諗過想食皇后餐廳,今日平日冇乜人走入去試一次,入到去睇到餐牌其實好似選擇唔多,同埋價錢好似有一點貴…..最後選擇左個牛尾,佢可以選擇白飯同意粉,就要左個意粉(但涼的),另外一個海鮮意粉…當晩得三四台客,比較清靜… 牛尾來到其實入到口,但係最難接受係得三舊牛尾(兩粒細一舊大)大家都知牛尾中間係舊骨,可想而知根本碟牛尾冇肉食,仲要$250未計+1😅😅😅海鮮意粉就正常發揮….OK嘅, 但同出邊一般的餐廳冇乜分別,另外叫咗兩杯Mocha , 正常價錢40幾蚊, 但杯野真的不理想😅😅所以只此一次,下不為例⋯⋯同以往銅鑼灣的皇后餐廳相比真係差勁了.如果都係咁,半年應該難維持喎⋯⋯今晚兩個人食咗$660,真係都幾貴,唔值…..🙈
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