This Michelin ramen brand from Tokyo specializes in cowry soup base. It is cooked with big clams, pork bones and fish, which is very umami.
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Additional Information
The bill be rounded to the nearest dollar
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
*Mon-Thu Last order: 21:30; Fri-Sun Last order: 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Craving for something fishy again😋 so I decided to pay this ramen place in IFC this weekend😊I usually go for their oyster ramen but I wanted to try something different, so I went for their shoyu clam ramen.I thought the shoyu might overpower the fishiness of the clam but it was surprisingly good. It tasted very refreshing and like there’s kind of sweet end-taste. The chashu is very tasty but with the price they are charging, think they can be a tad more generous🤪My overall dining experience was good, part from the chashu, think they can improve the quality of their noodles too, they were a little soggy.
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今次黎到呢間係日本曾經榮獲tabelog最佳拉麵嘅拉麵店,佢地主打貝汁拉麵,用蜆湯、豬骨清湯同魚清湯來熬製,以拉麵黎講價位都算高,加上係ifc嘅地段,不禁令人期待佢地嘅佳餚🤤————————————————▪️ 貝汁醬油拉麵 $128湯底加左牛肝菌粉、牛肝菌醬油同黑松露醬,令到成個湯底更加濃郁,叉燒肥瘦適中,配上牛肝菌粉比較入味,成個湯底加左青蔥同京蔥增加口感,湯底清甜,不過不失🙂↔️▪️ 牡蠣白湯拉麵 $138加入左牡蠣醬、鮮牡蠣油同醬漬牡蠣,湯底更鮮甜,湯頭用左20公斤牡蠣混合雞清湯熬製8小時,呢個湯底比較唔鹹同濃郁,岩曬覺得醬油湯底會鹹嘅人🤤🤤▪️ 涼拌黑松露紋甲墨魚 $70醋汁開胃,青瓜爽脆,八爪魚嘅數量都唔少,彈牙不韌,加上少許松露醬嘅味道🫶🏻
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今日經過IFC,有朋友介紹我去食日本米芝蓮一星拉麵 #金色不如帰 @konjikihototogisuhk ✨我哋一家人入去食個lunch先,職員都好Nice,介紹我哋食鵝肝拉麵💁🏼♀️梗係要試吓啦! 好特別~🔸牛肝菌醬油鵝肝雞湯拉麵氣泡烏龍茶(跟餐)香煎鵝肝❤️慢煮雞胸肉同牛肝菌作主角,好濃郁但唔會過膩,配上清澈嘅醬油湯底🍜口感確係豐富,滿足感滿滿!再配上氣泡烏龍茶解膩感十足📣🔸(辛)豚骨辛拉麵湯底濃郁而辛辣的惹味感滿滿🔥豚肉大大塊,口感層次非常豐富。🔸燒豚肉叉燒小碗飯這個小碗飯有3塊豚肉和3塊叉燒,再加上溫泉蛋。非常豐富而且燒得非常香口。
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must try Tokyo, Japan Michelin-awarded ramen @konjikihototogisuhk in Hong Kong 🍜 savour the limited edition foie gras chicken ramen 🦆 paired with sparkling tea 🫧 signature hamaguri calm ramen 🐚 for bouncy noodles in a rich umami broth 🥢香港必試日本東京米芝蓮拉麵 @konjikihototogisuhk 🍜 品嚐季節限定牛肝菌醬油鵝肝雞湯拉麵 🦆 搭配新推出氣泡茶飲🫧 招牌貝汁鹽味拉麵 🐚 彈牙麵條 濃郁湯底 鮮味十足 🥢🦆 牛肝菌醬油鵝肝雞湯拉麵 HKD$148foie gras porcini chicken ramen7小時燉製雞濃湯 混合魚清湯 搭配醬油麵條煙韌 鮮美濃厚 炒牛肝菌 酸甜惹味香煎鵝肝 柔嫩醇厚 慢煮雞胸 嫩滑細膩🐚 貝汁鹽味拉麵 + 溏心蛋 HKD$128 + $15shio hamaguri soup ramen + soft boiled egg湯底以大蜆、豚骨、魚介熬製 鮮甜清澈麵條煙韌 低溫叉燒和三層 嫩滑多汁白松露油 牛肝菌醬 香草煙肉 香氣十足🍖 燒豚肉叉燒小碗飯 HKD$58pork belly and cha shu mini don炙燒焦香 豚肉叉燒 肉質嫩滑 特製醬汁香軟米飯 配溏心蛋 香氣四溢 滋味滿足 🍊四季柑氣泡玄米茶 加配HKD$28 (單價 $48)sparkling calamansi genmaicha與 mindful sparks 氣泡茶合作四季柑桔 配玄米茶 清爽氣泡 微酸解膩🍑 白桃焙茶 HKD$38peach roasted tea 白桃果香 配上焙茶 清甜香氣 醇厚回甘 📍 @hkifcmall 中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場3樓3020號舖 (various locations) 🇭🇰*
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