4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
64916792 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
11:15 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:15 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay PayMe Diners Club
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Review (7)
Epicurean Group旗下全新懷舊京菜館日月樓喺船記舊址重開,主打老特色京菜,由前美利堅京菜主廚主理,大家依家就可以回味返昔日老京菜味道啦~ 📍北京填鴨 $468/隻餐廳選用北京白羽鴨,鴨肉外皮酥脆鬆化肉質鮮嫩。食既時候加埋各種醬料同薄餅皮,完全係令人難以抗拒呀📍干炒牛肉絲 $198 +叉子燒餅$62/3隻除咗主角片皮鴨之後我覺得最好食嘅就係呢味菜~牛肉絲炒得乾身完全無油膩感加口甜甜地加上新鮮燒製既叉子火燒餅,表面灑有芝麻,麵餅軟硬適中,再夾埋牛肉絲黎食,每一口都係滿足📍高力鳳尾蝦 $108/隻高力係北京/東北既一種烹調法,意即師傅將外層蛋白打到好fluffy(即大家平時食高力豆沙個外層既質地咁) 加埋大隻鳳尾蝦加埋甜酸醬黎食,味道香口惹味📍鹽爆管廷 $338管廷其實係豬既喉管,鹽爆即係用京蔥爆香入口口感爽脆其實好似食緊雞軟骨咁,完全無內臟既味道📍紅燒蝦子海參 $688海參經過紅燒口感厚實軟糯加上鹹鮮手工製蝦籽風味十足除咗幾款主菜,我地再叫咗3款前菜 ,當中山東燒雞係我最推薦📍山東燒雞 $288選用本地三黃雞,以先炸後蒸方式鎖住肉汁保持雞肉鮮嫩,再原隻雞起肉,手撕雞肉皮薄味濃,最緊要係搭配靈魂蒜汁,進一步提鮮。📍酒糟鮑魚$68/隻醉鮑魚爽彈、酒香入味,用黎奉客,賣相同味道都無得輸📍熗腰片 $198絕對係考刀工之作~ 以新鮮豬腰製作,將豬腰切成薄片,以醋同鹽調味後再加白滷水花椒同香葉熗煮一個鐘,入口肉質鮮嫩風味誘人📍爛蒜肚絲 $138呢個湯我係第一次飲,豬肚完全無腥味,入口脆嫩爽滑加上蒜香味濃郁 濃味人表示:蒜蓉味重到不得了🤤📍打滷麵 $80打鹵麵既打滷,即勾芡,精髓在口感濃稠滑溜既厚芡汁,配埋菜/肉類/海蝦等等既材料,就係一碗正宗既打滷麵📍拔絲蘋果 $122最後甜品環節,拔絲蘋果既糖絲幼細但唔會斷,好似一層輕紗咁,加上金黃蘋果味道酸甜外脆內軟,賣相💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-03
今天十一國慶跑馬日,我哋一行2人想試新嘢,到灣仔船街新開的日月樓京菜館試試(船記舊址),去到發現啲裝修機本上同上手一樣、只係做了少許touch up便開業,可能由於我們下午茶時間才到,(但酒樓並冇下午茶、得午餐)只有4枱客、都是細枱,點了一個客飯歺(乾燒魚塊)和嫩雞煨麵,各$88,個煨麵不似預期,看似普通湯麵,可能我少吃京菜,以往的煨麵都係湯底比較「𠎀」和少、似「𧗠」多啲,但這家怎樣看都只係菜湯麵、雞肉非常少且不嫰,而另一個魚塊就「炸粉」太厚、魚肉太少,味道較濃,本人覺得認真麻麻!再看大菜牌,發覺價錢(比同級歺館、尤其頭盤)略貴,服務非常一般(只有2個樓面、其中一個仲似冇乜經驗,落單嗰陣都唔識寫),如果再試,相信都要隔一輪!總括來說,有待改善! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-02
Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting the newly opened Peking cuisine restaurant @SunMoonPlace.hk ,which beautifully revives the beloved flavors of classic dishes and the lively dining culture of 1980s Hong Kong.We started our meal with the Preserved Smoked Chicken , featuring tender meat infused with a rich, smoky flavor. Each bite was perfectly seasoned, and the subtle notes of spice complemented the chicken's natural taste. Meanwhile, the Sliced Pig’s Knuckle in Peking Style was another highlight, the gelatinous texture mingled with a savory, slightly sweet sauce, creating an irresistible combination. Lastly, the tender Marinated Abalone with Lees offered a touch of luxury, showcasing the delicate seafood paired with a fragrant marinade.The Hot and Sour Soup arrived next, steaming and aromatic. This classic dish was a perfect blend of heat and tang, with a complexity that kept each spoonful exciting.For the mains, the Barbecued Peking Duck was undoubtedly the star of the evening. The skin was crisp and lacquered to perfection, while the meat beneath was succulent and flavorful. Wrapped in thin pancakes with hoisin sauce and fresh vegetables, each bite was a delightful harmony of textures and tastes. The Grilled Hills Herring provided a lighter contrast, offering a smoky, grilled flavor that paired beautifully with a hint of citrus. The Mixed Vegetable Chop Suey with Egg in Peking Style was a colorful medley of fresh vegetables, stir-fried to retain their crunch and vibrancy, while the egg added a creamy richness. Finally, the Sautéed Pig’s Trachea was an one of my adventurous choice, showcasing the chef's creativity. Its unique texture and savory seasoning encapsulated the essence of northern Chinese dining. The Caramelized Apple were perfectly cooked, as their natural sweetness intensified by the caramelization process. Each course was a celebration of authentic flavors, making our visit to Sun Moon Place a true culinary journey. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-02
無意中看到這家京菜館推薦,趁著週末去試試,餐廳是剛開張不久吧,佈置整潔清爽,座位安排的舒適,點了半隻烤鴨,拼盤,素蒸餃,熏蹄鹹度剛剛好,特別讚👍的是素蒸餃,素餡雖是青菜木耳等但調的口味非常講究可口,主廚是用心花功夫了,烤鴨肉多汁皮脆,面皮薄而有彈性👍,服務態度特別好,雖是酒樓,午餐也有單人套餐選擇。這家京菜保留了京菜的精髓又避開了油膩和重口味,符合大家對健康食品的要求,菜單上還有很多菜式沒有點,下次肯定還要再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢隻片皮鴨好驚喜😱望住師傅切到爆晒汁,認真不得了🤤仲要塊麼麼皮薄過紗!大癲呀!講到京菜必食,除咗片皮鴨🦆仲有酸辣湯🌶️呢個酸辣湯又係另一驚喜之作!有麻辣味之餘,醋酸味亦都好突出!入面淡淡足料,絕對唔係開水溝稀嘅鼻涕😌如果人夠多,都推薦大家叫埋原條松子桂魚😋醬汁酸甜,魚身炸到鬆化香脆而乾爽,魚肉仲keep到滑身😉我哋每人食咗半條都唔覺膩😜甜品就推薦拔絲蘋果同高力豆沙香蕉🤩拔絲好高水準👍🏻食落口感爽脆分明而完全唔會痴牙🦷高力豆沙都做到好有空氣感☺️估唔到呢間新餐廳由頭食到尾都係驚喜❣️主打京菜但食物走平民價錢🤑大部份菜式都有得揀大/中/細份量🍽️人多人少都食到,真心推薦聚餐必去🎈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)