5-min walk from Exit B, Yuen Long MTR Station
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98880907 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
The "Sushi Gen" restaurant located in the heart of the city is a Japanese eatery that I've recently discovered and highly recommend. 🍣 This establishment is renowned for its exquisite sushi and traditional Japanese cuisine, providing patrons with an unforgettable dining experience. First and foremost, the restaurant's ambiance and decor deserve praise. 🏮 The interior embraces a minimalist yet elegant Japanese aesthetic, making you feel as if you've been transported to a cozy izakaya in Tokyo. 🇯🇵 The spacious dining area, warm lighting, and soft background music create a serene and inviting atmosphere - the perfect setting to savor the refined Japanese fare. 🎶And the dishes themselves are the true highlight. 🍽️ The chefs' knife skills are exceptional, with each piece of sushi or sashimi meticulously cut to perfection, resulting in a tender, juicy texture. 🔪 The ingredients are also carefully selected, from the freshest seafood to the highest-quality Wagyu beef - every dish emanates the rich, authentic flavors of Japanese cuisine. 🐟 I particularly enjoyed their melt-in-your-mouth fatty tuna sashimi and the luscious salmon roe gunkan sushi. 🤤In addition to the culinary excellence, the service at "Sushi Gen" is also noteworthy. 🙇♂️ The servers' professionalism and attentive hospitality elevate the entire dining experience. 😊 They are able to provide thoughtful recommendations based on the customers' preferences and ensure that each dish is served promptly.Overall, "Sushi Gen" is undoubtedly a Japanese restaurant worth visiting. 🍱 It not only offers exquisite flavors but also provides a comfortable, serene dining environment. 🌙 Whether it's for a business gathering or a casual gathering with friends, this establishment is an excellent choice. 👍 I eagerly anticipate you experiencing the allure of this restaurant.
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我比較留意刺身切割時,關注魚片的厚度、均勻性、刀工技巧以及食材的新鮮度。菜的湯品 味噌湯 很上口 有酒的香味飯的口感和海鮮的鮮甜程度 是我吃過最高水準的刀工和製作技巧:壽司師傅的刀工和製作技巧對於壽司的質量和口感至關重要。壽司應該切得均勻且整齊,米飯應該緊湊且口感鬆味道平衡和諧。醋飯應該有適中的酸甜味,配料的風味應該彼此融合而不相互壓倒。
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我好多年前已經食開壽司源,一直都覺得佢水準唔錯CP值又高自從加價$780之後都食過一次,當時都覺得還好今日食完$800 omakase之後,我以後唔會再幫襯佢前菜首先係一隻好細熟左既海蝦 好普通刺身係帆立貝,同灸燒鯖魚,個鯖魚已經係比較特別壽司係油甘魚 甜蝦 大拖 中拖 真鯛 海膽 黑睦和食竟然只係兩粒好細既日本東風螺加一隻好細既日本蠔 同 三文魚子飯先唔講質素,$800 lunch依個陣容真係完全唔接受。質素還好,但$800 lunch既omakase去到港島區都大把選擇,俾既料同處理方法都有誠意得多。難怪即日都book到,仲要去到係冇人。物價貴左,加價都明白。但d料比起幾年前降左唔只兩三個grade,真係好失望。
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聖誕前夕同朋友去咗元朗慶祝🍾️呢間omakase出名抵食夠新鮮 聽朋友講仲要好食過日本 今晚終於比我book到位啦❣️廚師發辦套餐 $800🥢茶碗蒸醋漬蕃茄配撘芝麻醬菠菜做伴碟 少見嘅凍牛乳茶碗蒸雖然凍冰冰一樣滑捋捋 蛋味香濃勁好味🥢牡蠣姬路城兵庫縣嘅生蠔重海水味🦪撘配香蔥蘿蔔蓉吊味去腥 食落爽口過癮🥢前菜原味鮮甜爽口 另一半塗上黑椒燒汁炙燒🔥十足譏燒元貝口感十分多元化🥢刺身2款清森縣左口魚放上紫蘇花造型美輪美原味切片新鮮爽身 而魚油夾魚邊油脂爆炸啖啖滿足✨中段主廚放置自家醃製嘅紅酒蕎頭同Wasabi醃淮山伴碟 可以分別係壽司🍣前後清清口腔為下一道道作好準備🥢壽司7貫 - 帆立貝由北海道直送嘅帶子非常爽口 面頭塗上柚子醬相當清新解膩🥢壽司7貫 - 獅魚採用腩位部分足夠油脂入口溶化 呢種冬天限定嘅感覺好正🥢壽司7貫 - 甜蝦九洲甜蝦大大隻 蝦肉嫩滑鮮甜 放置燒蝦膏混合蝦籽食落脆卜卜🥢壽司7貫 - 拖羅產地和歌山嘅拖羅選用魚鮫位油花較重 油脂感重徬彿食緊朱古力一樣🐟🥢壽司7貫 - 海膽北海道海膽大大片十分鮮甜 份量大方完美包裹成舊白飯海膽似雪芭入口即溶 回味無窮🥢壽司7貫 - 鯖魚以長崎縣鯖魚包裹而成嘅卷物 加入芝麻木魚紫蘇薑 以關西風味為藍圖 味道層次十分豐富🍙🥢壽司7貫 - 吞拿魚赤身搽左醬油漬嘅赤身放上大蔥碎 層次感分別相對味道較其他濃味特別🥢椀物雌性松葉蟹季節性量產 加入蟹膏蟹肉蟹籽滿滿嘅蟹元素🦀食落好似Risotto🥢和食原隻鮑魚加上濃濃鮑魚乾醬 配撘冬菇蘿蔔煮得淋身多汁💦食完一輪凍冰冰嘅壽司呢個暖下胃啱曬🥢甜品少見蜜瓜味雪米糍味道濃香 脆皮夾心紅豆🫘豆腐雪糕淡淡地幾清❣️魚生飯難得嚟到一次試埋佢啲魚生飯水準 蔥花豉油芝麻混合嘅吞拿魚蓉仲有一堆帶子粒粒同拖羅粒粒 全部食落都好新鮮 魚生份量仲多過啲白飯 啖啖肉超級開心
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