Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Thai Basil is an authentic Thai restaurant with dim lighting and an exotic atmosphere. Some of the recommended dishes at this restaurant include the prawn cakes, pad thai and mango sticky rice. There is often a long waiting list during lunch and dinner hours so be sure to get there early. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (250)
Be careful! Do not drink the water that is on the table. They charge $52 for the water. There is no listed price anywhere, nor is it listed on the menu at all. They purposely mislead you into drinking the water as the bottle looks like clear ordinary water! The only time that you find out is when they bring you the bill with $52 'still water' listed on the menu. The food prices are already on the higher end, so it was shocking that they employed this trick used in some shady Indian restaurants in Hong Kong. We did not order for any water, it was simply placed in front of us while we were looking at the menu.We were regular customers, and this a new trick, returning customers be careful! Otherwise, the food was good albeit on the pricier end. It just leaves a very bad taste in the mouth to feel like we were scammed for $52 at the end of an enjoyable meal. When we told the staff we were shocked, they simply said "you drank it, we charge it" without any hesitancy.Overall, the food was enjoyable, but disappointed by the trickery. Very dissapointed!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We got a table for six on a Tuesday at 7:30pm, we all arrived on time. We had to ask a server to take our orders 3 times before she had time, they are either short on staff or the service was pretty poor. They didn't pour waters until 5-10 minutes after we ordered. Food is pretty okay, we got fish cakes, skewers, pomelo salad, pork neck, softshell crab, and pineapple fried rice. Pineapple fried rice was pretty good, pork neck sauce was good, and everything else was okay. 288 Per person, we all got one drink.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-23
金鐘太古廣場 一直都以中高級餐廳集中地形式運作 真正食得又睇得 環境都相當不錯 作為九龍區巿民 香港島還是少接觸今次到訪 就要在太支廣場食一個午飯吧選上泰菜 Thai Basil(太古廣場店) 是因為 有別於經常食的中西餐 有點衝擊青咖喱羊架好出色的青咖喱 不是平常甜甜的味道 而是加入多了香草和芥末 搶而不辣的味道很惹味燒香了的羊架更是外脆內嫩 香口的外層完全包裹著鮮嫩羊肉 味道很好青咖喱加上酥餅真系絕對美食海鮮喇沙油面加上椰香味十足的喇沙湯底東南亞味道十足而且用料十足 有大蝦 帶子魷魚 八爪魚等上等食材 湯底真系可以整碗飲掉! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-21
肥姑姐飲食推介 - 炸蝦餅Thai BasilAdd.: Shop 001, LG1/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty地址:香港金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場一期LG1層001號舖Tel.: 253746821)環境衛生今次係肥姑姐第二次去Thai Basil食野,雖然餐廳對比起幾年前已經開始有少少陳舊,但仍然坐得舒服,而且環境非常非常寬敞,枱與枱的距離超闊。另外位處於太古廣場通往地鐵站的出口,所以非常便利,如果想食泰國菜,又想坐得舒服d,就要去Thai Basil了。2)食物質數今次食呢個炸蝦餅又係我食過最好食嘅炸蝦餅,最基本嘅係即叫即炸,每個蝦餅大大嚿用料足。而我覺得好食之處,就係佢啲蝦肉唔係全部搞爛晒,每一啖仲係食到一粒粒嘅蝦,重要啲蝦係非常彈牙,好明顯依家餐廳的蝦餅唔係現成交嚟嘅,而係餐廳自己整嘅。非常推介俾大家嚟到Thai Basil一定要點依個食物。3)價格HK$50(另收加一服務費)4)再惠顧指數👉🏻非常推薦大家去Thai Basil 一試佢的炸蝦餅。         continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-06-12
前排去咗香港大會堂睇舞台劇,朋友就推介去附近嘅太古廣場「Thai Nasil」食野。雖然餐廳位於高級商場裡面,但價錢一啲都唔貴,非常親民,而且餐廳都算大,所以坐得都舒服嘅。傳菜速度亦算快,15-20分鐘就已經有得食啦,值得推介!- 慢煮牛肋骨紅咖喱 + 燒薄餅咖喱牛腩就食特多,但將慢煮牛混埋咖喱去呢個做法我就覺得幾interesting啦!半肥瘦嘅牛肋骨經過慢熱之後,滲出豐腴嘅牛脂,食落肉質軟腍,非常juicy!怕肥膩得滯,可以夾埋啲羽衣甘藍一齊食,平衡一下油膩感覺。紅咖喱味道不錯,叫埋薄餅點住嚟食,一流👍🏻- 酸辣柚子沙律柚子很甜,完全不酸,撈埋啲醬汁一齊食,酸酸甜甜好開胃。- 香芒紅菜頭米紙卷米紙卷包住啲芒果粒、紅菜頭絲、紅蘿蔔絲,低卡健康,蘸點週邊嘅芒果汁一齊食,甜甜的。-雞肉、帶子串燒每次人少,想食串燒都覺得好難,而呢間餐廳就好貼心啦,每樣item只須兩串就得啦,仲要好多選擇,再唔係單一嘅豬牛雞。今次呢個雞肉同帶子都燒得剛剛好,嫩滑、又唔會乾爭爭,仲有沙嗲醬同泰式辣醬比你點,中意咩口味由你選擇。-特飲Fresh Thai Lime Soda呢度特飲,特別在你可以選擇Virgin定Alcoholic,即酒精或非酒精類,呢個Lime Soda,如果選Alcoholic就會加埋少量Vodka啦。-特飲Pandan Colin呢個特飲就係混咗椰子水、接骨木花同檸檬汁,飲落去有椰子水嘅甜味加少少花果酸,感覺好清新、解渴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)