10-min walk from Exit A, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
The restaurant will introduce different types of meat and their cooking method to the diners. It provides all you can eat “order to cooked” fries, Pork loin and limited offers Prime Flat iron steak. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (309)
每逢節日都會吃高質外賣,今年聖誕節的午餐,外賣西餐首選當然就是這間餐廳,這間餐廳已經幫襯過數次,每次既質素都相當不錯,豬鞍的生熟程度還可以保持恰當好處,而且有淡淡的栗子味,午餐還可以以優惠價加配咖啡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日光顧咗一間平鐵牛扒店,叫咗兩份香草平鐵牛扒。晚市人均價二百幾蚊,包任食薯條。可惜味道真係一般般,牛扒質素普通,無咩牛味,未有特別之處,基本上無調味。餐廳環境算係OK,整潔舒適,服務亦算得宜。然而,食物真係非常普通,欠缺驚喜,肉嘅份量都頗細,一個女仔正常食量都食唔飽,靠薯條填飽😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想搵有任食薯條嘅牛扒,咁啱見到呢間,可能平日早入座,一去到竟然冇人,但就好好服務,時刻關注我地需要,即刻比到refil、紙等,好彩慢慢開始有人入。加咗兩個南瓜湯,唔係典型忌廉湯,南瓜味重啲,如果唔要湯亦可以轉沙律,當日係藜麥沙律,不過我就唔食藜麥,所以都係湯。叫咗今日精選同平鐵牛扒,今日精選係慢煮牛同煎大蝦,可能我食唔慣慢煮,係好稔同入味,但都係覺得似煲湯肉。。都係鍾意價錢平啲嘅平鐵牛扒,有啲焦香,比較吸引啲。任食薯條refil咗一次,好新鮮,同埋有啲松露味,都幾香口。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早前我和朋友約了在Top Blade晚餐,我叫左香草平鐵牛扒和lemonade。這次的用餐體驗中規中矩。香草平鐵牛扒的肉質稍顯乾硬,火侯控制不夠精準,牛肉略微過熟,不夠juicy和鮮嫩(而且和朋友揀相同的熟度,但結果每塊都不一樣)。作為主菜,這樣的質量未能完全達到預期。薯條則是另一個需要改善的部分。由於薯條並非現烤的,並已經放了一段時間,不熱了也不夠香脆,這讓人感到遺憾。但薯條是免費任添的!若不挑剔可以一邊傾計一邊食,也不錯!另外,lemonade也不錯。酸甜比例掌握得很好,不會過甜,而且$45的價格也相對合理,適合作為搭配飲品。總的來說,Top Blade在一些細節上還有提升的空間。不過,作為朋友聚會的場所,這裡的氛圍還是相當不錯的,適合聊天聚會。如果你對食物的要求不是太高,這家餐廳仍然是一個不錯的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-03
- 香草平鐵牛扒 💰$185- 是日特別版招牌平鐵牛扒 (每日限定) 💰$248任食薯條70分鐘 原本以為自己會食到好多薯條 最後食咗兩round 就飽灑 薯條熱辣辣 唔會太鹹 讚👍🏻兩款牛扒都試灑 兩款都有牛味 不過牛扒份量偏少 香草平鐵牛扒就正正常常 我平時係唔會食蒜頭 佢個焗蒜頭好軟身同食落唔似食緊蒜頭 每日限定個款就特別啲同無得揀生熟度 但一啲都唔會韌 佢個醬汁微微辣 沾牛扒食都唔錯 旁邊仲有件唔錯嘅烤茄子題外話 呢間服務唔錯同幾有禮貌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)