Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
i’ve been seeing this place all over reels and finally got to check it out. their stewed tender chicken noodle soup is everything! the broth was incredibly creamy and flavourful, perfectly complementing the chicken pieces. despite the generous portion, it was so yumz that i finished it all. plus, it’s rlly affordableeeon the downside, the pork ribs were a bit hard to chewthis resto has been ard for almost 30yrs so u know they’re doing sth right just be ready to wait in line- its totally worth it thoughin our tums- 🐥stewed tender chicken noodle soup嫩雞煨麵🥓deep fried pork ribs w noodles大排麵🍜scallion oil noodlesprice: $50-100 pp rating: 9/10revisit? yesss
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同屋企人去開美孚行博物館,咁啱想食上海菜,記起十幾年前食過間幾好食。去到幾乎準備落場,好在肯做埋我哋一枱。氣氛好chill, 唔憂做。雖然細細間,但座位唔太逼。茶好飲,仲有得refill。嗌咗糖醋排骨,豬扒麵,水餃雲吞雙拼,豆漿。老實講唔係我食開嘅上海味,個麵冇乜彈性、排骨有啲鞋 口、糖醋又好濃味、水餃又唔太鮮。勝在個麵湯好濃郁惹味,豆漿好飲。最開心係伙記會同你吹兩嘴。呢個時代仲可以食到啲有人情味嘅餐廳,買少見少了。
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