4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
金鐘放lunch 嘅時間唔知食咩好,有個同事係墨西哥人,就提議不如去呢一間特色墨西哥餐廳食飯。因為個同事係墨西哥人,所以佢就逐一介紹餐牌有咩係必食。我自己就叫咗一個Taco 嘅lunch set,味道就不過不失啦,個人就覺得少少淡口。反而佢最令人驚喜嘅係佢嘅嘢飲!同事幫我叫咗一杯白色嘅Horchata,淡淡哋嘅甜味加上好似椰漿嘅口感,嘢食未到已經飲咗一大杯!隔離個同事就加咗一個rum 底,成杯Horchata簡直去咗另一個層次!至於dessert 我哋就叫住一份churro 同埋banana split。Churros 脆香、banana split 甘甜成餐飯有90分!
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今日中午來試香港少見的墨西哥菜餐廳。餐廳有set lunch唔同set lunch選擇,今日試左芝士薄餅(雞肉,豬柳)+墨西哥飯+斑豆蓉,飲野叫了墨西哥朱古力。飲品:墨西哥朱古力同我們平時飲開的朱古力味道好唔同,亦都係我第一次試呢個味道既野飲,飲落唔似平時朱古力咁甜,反而有陣肉桂味同幾重奶味,未必個個人喜歡,但都可以一試!主菜:芝士薄餅(雞肉,豬柳)+墨西哥飯+斑豆蓉薄餅可選其他肉類,例如魚,豬肉,蘑菇等。我加左牛油果醬,食落更香口感更好,有d似tacos。個餐仲跟墨西哥飯,應該用左唔同香港去煮,但食落味道都是淡淡的。最後食埋個斑豆蓉,整餐都幾飽。
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Decided to try this restaurant before my afternoon tea at Junon.The avocado tostada looked pretty and tasted nice. The avocado was plated like a lovely flower while the nacho base was crispy and seasoned just right.The avocado ice-cream was made to look like one with the "seed" being a mango jelly. Maybe the avocado tostada taste was bit too rich so the flavor of the avocado ice-cream was not too prominent but it was still refreshing.
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Food was OK and the environment was cheerful, and that had made me feel happy for a while, right before being greeted by a very cold staff. Whatever we asked the staff to bring he gave no verbal responses. He also put the bill on our table when we didn't ask for that. Honestly, we were only there for 1.5 hour and the restaurant was less than half full, so I am not sure why he needed to rush us. It's unfortunately a nice place like this has this kind of customer services. I will not go again.
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