4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
文鼎酒家提供經典寧波菜及精選粵菜, 多種食材均由寧波當地空運抵港。
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
Level3 2016-06-29
嗌咗老鴨湯、東玻肉同沙煲菜。老鴨湯: 有雲吞同老鴨。但好水,完全無老火湯或者煲咗好耐嘅味。基本上同即時滾湯嗰啲無咩分別。完全唔入味!仲要例牌要$198東玻肉: 用草繩綁住個隻。同湯一樣,味道淡淡的。好明顯啲汁係無炆到入肉,舊肉好似係自己boil咗佢之後再淋個汁上去。一啲都唔入味!沙煲菜: 啲娃娃菜有沙!初時以為係salt⋯⋯點知係洗唔乾淨嗰啲係leaves個joint位嘅沙!真係唔知想點. 唔知點解可以洗得唔乾淨!服務基本上樓面得兩個人,都唔錯。當晚連埋我得三枱客,所以服務都係tentative無影到相因為食物真的好一般,無興趣拍照留念。Overall, 我唔會再光顧,價錢唔平,同質素太差!性價比太低 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-23
今晚我們去咗灣仔大王東街嘅「文鼎酒家」食晚飯!我們叫咗文鼎鮑魚酥、文鼎脆皮燻魚、稻草紅燒肉、咕嚕龍脷斑球、文鼎糟香鷄、火朣雲吞老鴨湯同東方之珠!文鼎鮑魚酥嘅鮑魚炆得非常軟滑腍身,加埋相當濃郁嘅鮑汁,真係超好味呀!係本人嘅必食推介!文鼎脆皮燻魚嘅燻魚表面非常香脆,肉質極之嫩滑,加埋超香甜濃郁嘅秘製醬汁,真係好惹味呀!稻草紅燒肉炆得好腍好入味,肉質相當鬆軟,最好嘅係完全無肥膩嘅感覺!咕嚕龍脷斑球嘅肉質超嫩滑,炸粉亦唔會好厚身,醬汁嘅味道酸酸甜甜,非常醒胃!文鼎糟香鷄嘅鷄肉好滑,酒味亦好香濃!火朣雲吞老鴨湯嘅湯底非常濃郁,雲吞亦好軟滑!東方之珠嘅賣相超級精緻吸引,呢顆東方之珠又好似將天上嘅月亮摘咗落嚟擁抱住嘅感覺,煎堆嘅質感相當煙韌彈牙,就算凍咗都一樣咁好味,真係值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-22
是日跟同事們吃lunch, 隨意地來到文鼎酒家.平日中午十二時四十五分,店內只有半full house, 故沒有訂枱也可立即入座.場內裝修很簡單,沒有什麼特色可言,也帶點舊.點選了陳醋雲耳,蝦餃, 燒賣, 粉絲煲,蛋白海鮮炒飯,菜苗餃.先說陳醋雲耳:入口夠爽口,醋味頗濃,還可以的.蝦餃: 皮非常厚,蝦味也不夠鮮,很一般.燒賣: 外表並不吸引, 上層看不見原隻蝦的踪影.試一口, 豬肉不夠juicy,也不夠香,整體感覺一般.粉絲煲:這個不錯,每一口粉絲也吸收了煲內的精華,很惹味.蛋白瑤柱海鮮炒飯:飯粒炒得尚算乾身,但瑤柱分量不多,香氣自然較弱.炒飯內還有丁點薑粒,這一點筆者則不太欣賞了.菜苗餃:味道不會過分青,較想像中好.這個午餐並不便宜,以這個質素,絕對有更好的選擇. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was a late weekend lunch. When we entered the restaurant, it was quite empty. We ordered the shrimp rice roll, beef stomach, steam beancurb sheet with chcken, shrimp dumpling, and pork rips with dried mandarin.The rice roll was okay as the roll was not too thick.The beef stomach was great. It was nicely seasoned, evenly cut, stomach slices were thick but not overly chewy.The steam beancurd sheet roll with chicken is okay too. The chicken was tender and fully cooked.The shrimp dumpling was good.  The wrapping was reasonably thin and filled with lots of shrimp.The pork ribs were evenly cut and the meat was tender. The dried mandarin powder supposed would add some flavor to the port ribs, but I thought it did not do much difference. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-04-26
今日難得星期日, 去睇樓前同女友食個午餐, 女友建議食呢間咁就試下啦!睇左陣餐牌, 叫左我諗有6道菜度啦!等緊期間, 去一去洗手間, 見到咁乾淨, 抵讚!!! 好快黎左個海蜇, 食左少少青瓜同海蜇, 因為太凍, 哈哈!!!跟住就芥蘭, 好好食, 用薑一齊炒, 夠哂爽脆!第三道就係味魚蛋白炒飯, 雖然唔係話好特別, 味道唔係話太鹹, 又炒得幾乾身, 所以都抵讚!!叉燒包同腸粉就一流啦,叉燒大大塊, 又有肉汁, 特別係腸粉, 醬油係另上的, 真係夠哂體貼, 鍾意!!!另外, 就有我地最後叫既糯米雞啦!味道還可以啦!有3塊細蝦係入面, 有敏感者就要小心啦!最後, 佢地附送椰汁糖水, 我無飲呀,女友飲左話無乜味, 佢都照飲哂,哈哈!!!!唯一我覺得美中不足既係冷氣太大, 所以飯餸黎度, 吹多兩句, 咁就凍哂啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)